F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn Demo Now Available

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn Demo Now Available

A free demo for F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn, the upcoming DLC for F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin [http://www.whatisfear.com/], is now available on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace.

F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn will offer four brand-new levels of single-player action taking place in the aftermath of the original game. This time around, however, players will have a completely new and unique perspective as they take on the role of Replica Soldier Foxtrot 813. I'm not so sure how good this is for the player, given the fate of every other Replica soldier to show his face in the game, but it's probably safe to assume that Foxtrot 813 will be somewhat more competent and durable than his brothers.

The new DLC contains more than two hours of playtime and will include the same slow-motion combat action that's been a feature of the franchise since it debuted in 2005. Little else is known and in an interview with IGN [http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/100/1008718p1.html], Monolith Associate Producer Lucas Myers said, "The major crux of the story arc is... finding out why Foxtrot 813 is special; why he is being singled out... and for what purpose."

F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn is set for release on September 3 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, although PC gamers apparently won't be able to enjoy the demo beforehand. Patches for the games, which will include the all-new Slow-Mo Deathmatch Mode, will be released on the same day.


Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Malygris said:
This time around, however, players will have a completely new and unique perspective
For some reason I thought that might mean we get to play as Alma for a second there..

Doesn't really seem like there's anything too interesting going on here though

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Sounds a little interesting, too bad I hated FEAR 2 with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.


New member
May 31, 2009
Malygris said:
This time around, however, players will have a completely new and unique perspective as they take on the role of Replica Soldier Foxtrot 813.
That...makes no sense... the Replica soldiers in FEAR are suppose to be incapable of independent thought...that was the whole point of making psychic commanders... to control this massive army.

Malygris said:
The new DLC contains more than two hours of playtime and will include the same slow-motion combat action that's been a feature of the franchise since it debuted in 2005...
Only two hours?

I'm also disappointed that they stuck with "bullet-time" since its no longer as fresh as it was back in FEAR 1.
Malygris said:
"The major crux of the story arc is... finding out why Foxtrot 813 is special; why he is being singled out... and for what purpose."
I hope this will be good. I need something to make up for the storyline in Project Origin...


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Interesting - I personally liked F.E.A.R 2 and as such will at least play this demo. Although its a bit odd having a demo for DLC...


New member
Nov 3, 2008
When will we ever get to find out what happens to Pointman? Seriously for a character that never talked or anything it was great to find out his backstory and I actually cared about him more than the useless tard in FEAR2. If it ends up being another rehash of events, but just from a different viewpoint I'm done with this series, I used to love it but I want the story to go on, I don't need to 50 different viewpoints on the same event, the original was great stick to that.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
What, even more FEAR? That game series got old during its first game, how many people still buy that? When a local store went out of business and gave HUGE discounts on everything FEAR2 was among the last games left together with crap like Mirror's Edge and X-Blades.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Meh, it's still probably going to be as mediocre as FEAR 2 itself. I'm not even going to bother to look at this. FEAR's outlived its welcome, and no longer does it provide any scares that aren't cheap or forgettable.

It would take a HELL of a lot to re-start that franchise again. Emphasis on 'hell.'


New member
Aug 14, 2009
No. Please let it die. The only good thing going for this game is alma. Take her out and it's another FPS. Same macho characters who get murdered. Same Goverment super soldier plan. Honestly, First one was good enough. This sequel felt like jaws 2, unneeded, and a cash cow.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
So, you play as a Replica soldier. An engineered clone soldier without capability of independent thought. How exactly does that character affect gameplay? Weren't you just a silent guy following orders in all the other FEAR games too? Honestly, you won't even be able to tell.

I liked the first FEAR and FEAR: Extraction Point.
I'm pretty sure the Point Man died after that.
FEAR 2 didn't really do much for me; it looked like more of the same, so I don't think this DLC will change much.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I'm confused. Is this game 2 hours of gameplay using the slow-motion feature? If so, how short would it be without you using it?

Twenty minutes??


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Bah, FEAR 2 was crap compared to the awesomeness of the first game

Even the expansion packs were better then it, definitely skipping this


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Played it, and really, nothing new under the hood or anything... maybe a new player skin and a new unit to fill with bullets, but the demo contains no scary section or anything the woke my interest... so Im not gonna get it


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Boo, what's with FEAR and the total lack of continuity?
They could try staying with a single character for more than one game...I mean christ, we just met that SWAT guy.

I think I can sum up the entire plot of the game.

-Foxtrot 813 patrols decrepit warehouse with clone pals, engaging in idle radio chatter.
-Squadmate detects disturbance, goes to investigate.
-Juiced-up human protagonist from one of previous FEAR games storms in, half of squad goes down in one burst of fire.
-Foxtrot tries to retreat, firing randomly.
-Shot, screams profanely, dies.
