I'm really shocked by this article - I signed up to say a few words.
The reason i'm shocked the article is written for the point of view of being fairly short sighted and inserting itself in this fantasy culture that every should be fairly represented in 'everything'.
The reason why games and stories are told from these points of view is because this the mostly the culture and background of the designers and studios behind them are from these cultures. You talk about Stalker base in Ukraine and produce by who? Ukrainians and it's a great game.
People write about what they feel they have a good knowledge about - in other words they write what they know. It's not up to the USA or Japan to balance this. It's up to the rest of the world to write about their own cultures and produce good games, this way they are more likely than not be more accurate and a better game for it.
I just see a Western Studio producing a game in Africa and end up offending everyone due to poor understanding and a game that is suppose to be diverse looking like racism. Hollywood is a perfect example of this - they rip apart cultures images to suit themselves. They should stick at what they are good at and that's the thrills and spills not a film about the plight of 14th century Scotland against Edward Longshank I. Cause you'll end up with braveheart full of nothing but a half arse story with history kick out the door. The Film is fine but is nothing to really do with the real events of the time.
People stick to what they know and if the studios are mainly in the US and Japan then guess what... yup it's going to be about their history and culture and that shouldn't be shouted down.
If the world likes your game idea then good but people should not pander to multi culture or every game will look like a GAP advert and take from the story. The story is more in important.
This is a really naive article.
The reason i'm shocked the article is written for the point of view of being fairly short sighted and inserting itself in this fantasy culture that every should be fairly represented in 'everything'.
The reason why games and stories are told from these points of view is because this the mostly the culture and background of the designers and studios behind them are from these cultures. You talk about Stalker base in Ukraine and produce by who? Ukrainians and it's a great game.
People write about what they feel they have a good knowledge about - in other words they write what they know. It's not up to the USA or Japan to balance this. It's up to the rest of the world to write about their own cultures and produce good games, this way they are more likely than not be more accurate and a better game for it.
I just see a Western Studio producing a game in Africa and end up offending everyone due to poor understanding and a game that is suppose to be diverse looking like racism. Hollywood is a perfect example of this - they rip apart cultures images to suit themselves. They should stick at what they are good at and that's the thrills and spills not a film about the plight of 14th century Scotland against Edward Longshank I. Cause you'll end up with braveheart full of nothing but a half arse story with history kick out the door. The Film is fine but is nothing to really do with the real events of the time.
People stick to what they know and if the studios are mainly in the US and Japan then guess what... yup it's going to be about their history and culture and that shouldn't be shouted down.
If the world likes your game idea then good but people should not pander to multi culture or every game will look like a GAP advert and take from the story. The story is more in important.
This is a really naive article.