Look Upon Playboy's "Sexiest Game Trailer Ever" and Despair

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Look Upon Playboy's "Sexiest Game Trailer Ever" and Despair

Playboy has unveiled "the sexiest videogame trailer ever" for Darksiders [http://www.amazon.com/Darksiders-Playstation-3/dp/B001D7T2VC/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1280261999&sr=1-1], a three-minute mix of T&A and gameplay footage that says infinitely more about Playboy's attitude toward gamers than it does about the game.

First things first: This is not sexy. I'm open to other opinions here but having some bikini-clad bimbo sitting, kneeling, squatting or otherwise being in the way of gameplay footage projected on a wall isn't sexy. It isn't hot. It isn't even interesting. I can't see the video because of the T&A and I can't see the T&A because of the video. (The bikini is kind of in the way too.) It's a lose-lose situation.

But here's the real problem: It's insulting. There's nothing even remotely clever or creative about this trailer; it's just a bored-looking woman standing in front of a wall with Darksiders footage projected on it. I could do this in my basement, although to give Playboy its due credit I probably wouldn't look quite as good in a bikini. Yet non-gamers will inevitably see this and have their opinions affected accordingly, which is to say it will reinforce their view of gamers as nothing but a gang of horny, juvenile idiots. And who can blame them?

In case you're wondering, the young lady being paid to pose awkwardly is Jo Garcia, Playboy's "Gamer Next Door" and "Cyber Girl of the Year." Aside from taking her clothes off, she also blogs about games for the site, such as in this video preview [http://www.playboy.com/articles/jo-garcia-darksiders-preview-video-1/index.html] for Darksiders, which is almost as painful to watch as the "body art trailer." Whatever Playboy was looking for in a videogame blogger, it sure wasn't gamer cred.

Am I wrong here? Is my gamer embarrassment legitimate, or am I just too old and curmudgeonly to "get" this kind of thing anymore? Check it out at Playboy.com [http://www.playboy.com/articles/jo-garcia-darksiders-sexy-video-trailer/index.html] (perfectly work safe, it's all very tame) and decide for yourself, but honestly, if this is what Playboy wants to bring to the gaming scene, I think it should just stick to the straight-up porn.



New member
Dec 10, 2008
I don't understand why people seem to demand T&A in their games. Being horny isn't condusive to sitting on a couch and gaming. I dare say it interferes with the gaming.

And yes, this kind of shit only makes my wife think all gamers are boob obsessed tards. One step forward...

Jon Etheridge

Appsro Animation
Apr 28, 2009
I agree with you Andy. This is pretty damn stupid. It's like they thought shitty rock music with Michael Bay style editing and some dumb ***** you can barely see is what gamers are looking for.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I don't know if whether to weep for the fact of all gamers being stereotyped or to feel bad for playboy for having someone who does not know games at all.

Bah, who cares. If they don't care enough to not stereotype us gamers than they don't deserve the business they get.


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
Playboy is really getting into gaming. First with the sexiest Bayonetta, and now with this...


New member
Nov 9, 2009
That was the absolutely worst game trailer ever. If I hadn't already hated the game after watching Yahtzee tear it a new one I definitely couldn't care less about it after watching them overlay cutscenes unto a half naked woman for absolutely no reason.


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
I disagree with the opinion stated in the article. I dont think it is a reflection of gamers but more so American men. Sex sells everything, not just videogames. What I dont get is how a person can see a hot girl eating a sandwich and then want to go out and buy that same sandwich. Advertisers think this works on a subconscious level, but it just seems ludicrous to me.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Jon Etheridge said:
I agree with you Andy. This is pretty damn stupid. It's like they thought shitty rock music with Michael Bay style editing and some dumb ***** you can barely see is what gamers are looking for.
I pretty much have to agree as well.

I'm not looking for that, I'm looking for- what's that word?- FUN. It's like they're being fucking condescending to us.

[sub] But hey, that's just what I think.[/sub]


New member
May 28, 2008
I agree. From the looks of this trailer, it doesn't look like Playboy takes gamers very seriously, or games in general.

On the one hand, I can't really blame them for trying to exploit us (gamers are most likely their primary demographic), but I am a little upset that they didn't even TRY. I mean, COME ON! Just because a Playboy model stands in front of a projector showing clips from Darksiders doesn't mean it's "the sexiest game trailer ever."

Hell, if Playboy put a model in front of An Inconvenient Truth, they'd probably call it "the sexiest documentary ever."


The Master of Speilingz
Mar 19, 2009
Jaranja said:
Jon Etheridge said:
I agree with you Andy. This is pretty damn stupid. It's like they thought shitty rock music with Michael Bay style editing and some dumb ***** you can barely see is what gamers are looking for.
I pretty much have to agree as well.

I'm not looking for that, I'm looking for- what's that word?- FUN. It's like they're being fucking condescending to us.

[sub] But hey, that's just what I think.[/sub]
Fun? You must be Crazy. No no no thats not what Gamers want! We want more Annual Call of Duties and Guitar Hero Games! We have no time for Fun!

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
It is very boring.

If you're going to combine sex and video games, post trailers for sex games FFS.
May 28, 2009
OMGZ! There is a woman in the way of mah game!!!111eleven1!.

Hugh has obviously relinquished control to his forgotten younger brother. This is like the exact opposite of Cuba.


Apple Blossoms
Feb 10, 2009
What did the sheepish chick have to do with the game trailer, other than getting in the way?

Best thing about that video was the background music. Reminds me of Sonic mayhem.
Jun 6, 2009
Jon Etheridge said:
I agree with you Andy. This is pretty damn stupid. It's like they thought shitty rock music with Michael Bay style editing and some dumb ***** you can barely see is what gamers are looking for.
Yes but it's what movie goers are loking for.

*Yes it's a shot at Transformers. But can ya blame me?*

Ba-Dum-Tish [http://www.instantrimshot.com/]


New member
Mar 29, 2009
There seems to be a whole lot more...sexual...stuff on the news forums suddenly...