Look Upon Playboy's "Sexiest Game Trailer Ever" and Despair


New member
Jun 27, 2009
If I wanted tits, I wouldnt watch a game trailer.

If I wanted a game trailer, I wouldnt want it projected onto tits.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Don't worry Andy, the only people that gamers are looking like lustful idiots in front of are readers of Playboy. If that lead to accusations, would that not be the pot calling the kettle black?


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
khaimera said:
I disagree with the opinion stated in the article. I dont think it is a reflection of gamers but more so American men. Sex sells everything, not just videogames. What I dont get is how a person can see a hot girl eating a sandwich and then want to go out and buy that same sandwich. Advertisers think this works on a subconscious level, but it just seems ludicrous to me.
Amen to that. Although it has been shown in studies that when men are exposed to sexual images they become more likely to accept unfair business agreements (apparently, like buying Darksiders).

(link: http://wv-www.net/2008/12/do-attractive-women-make-better-salesmen/)

Personally, after being exposed to so much obtuse sexualization and scantily clad women in gaming advertising, I feel that I've gotten pretty well desensitized to it. Like many gamers, I find the most attractive women in games are the ones who are the best characterized (Aeris from FFVII is the go-to example here). You start to feel a genuine emotional attachment to them, which is far more stimulating than straight-up tits.

Andy Chalk said:
Am I wrong here? Is my gamer embarrassment legitimate, or am I just too old and curmudgeonly to "get" this kind of thing anymore? Check it out at Playboy.com [http://www.playboy.com/articles/jo-garcia-darksiders-sexy-video-trailer/index.html] (perfectly work safe, it's all very tame) and decide for yourself, but honestly, if this is what Playboy wants to bring to the gaming scene, I think it should just stick to the straight-up porn.
As far as Playboy is concerned, I would suspect this sort of thing is less a problem with their view of gamers and more them pandering to their own audience. Granted, I've never really read a Playboy magazine all the way through, but I've seen a few of them and the gist that I got is that Playboy's target audience are, indeed, playboys. Men who fancy themselves 'players' or 'pimps', who go around to clubs and bars seducing, sleeping with, and then forgetting about as many women as they possibly can, giving no thought to long-term fulfillment or their own emotional needs.

I could be wrong though, and feel free to correct me if I am, but I think this sort of thing says more about Playboy and how it views its audience than it does about gamers in general.


Jan 23, 2008
Jon Etheridge said:
I agree with you Andy. This is pretty damn stupid. It's like they thought shitty rock music with Michael Bay style editing and some dumb ***** you can barely see is what gamers are looking for.
Glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought this was a "Michael Bay" take on bad porn.

Seriously... Give us a trailer, or a woman... Doing one of them right is better than doing both wrong.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
I lasted 21 seconds. That's coming from someone who managed to sit through an entire BrokenCYDE video. That was fucking awful.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Don't they know that people make porn games? Why're you messing around with frakkin' Darksiders?


New member
Feb 25, 2009
It is all taht bad. That whole gamer next door thing is just an attempt to get the gamer comunity into buying playboy. I sure want to see more of that Jo Garcia.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
This video is bad. How does a violent post apocalyptic video game in relevance to sex? Ah well, maybe it's part of a typical teenage boys who likes sex, violence and porn.

Thank you Hugh Hefner or whoever did this. No really.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Listen here,

I love my boobs... and i love my games... and i love boobs in my games... but what i found out today was that i do not like boobs on my games.

Thats a rather stunning self discovery for myself.

I think it was rather tasteless and cheap.

President Moocow

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Lol, take one look at this forum and tell me: are you surprised that gamers are diagnosed as anti-social losers? Along with chauvinistic, immature and always seeing things at face value, I'd say it's an accurate stereotype (with the exception of the guys who will inevitably reply just to say "but I don't fit the stereotype because of this excruciatingly minor detail so the whole thing is wrong!").

Here's a thought, STOP being so sensitive about what others think of your hobby. All it does is make you look insecure because you're so afraid of being judged by others for a freakin hobby. This is why nerds are seen as juvenile and anti-social loners. It's a hobby, grow up.


Excess Ain't Rebellion
Jul 26, 2008
I find it odd many are complaining about being stereotyped while doing the same to the women who choose to work for Playboy. Otherwise I completely agree with Andy's statements. Playboy magazine is stuck in the 70's. Now that they are losing readers they're trying desperately to seem modern. It is time to euthanize the old guy and try to remember the revolution it helped spark and not the depths it sank to when it was no longer relevant.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
So, Playboy tries to do the "condescending down to the gamers' level". LOL!
Hey, Playboy, the games industry now actually makes MORE than your porn! Besides, you can't beat us in our own game. We were looking at naked chicks on the internet when it wasn't even called internet yet, so SHUT UP!

We don't try to make porn trailers, so please stop trying to make game trailers. Thanks.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
President Moocow said:
Lol, take one look at this forum and tell me: are you surprised that gamers are diagnosed as anti-social losers? Along with chauvinistic, immature and always seeing things at face value, I'd say it's an accurate stereotype (with the exception of the guys who will inevitably reply just to say "but I don't fit the stereotype because of this excruciatingly minor detail so the whole thing is wrong!").

Here's a thought, STOP being so sensitive about what others think of your hobby. All it does is make you look insecure because you're so afraid of being judged by others for a freakin hobby. This is why nerds are seen as juvenile and anti-social loners. It's a hobby, grow up.
Someone get their ass kicked by Urkle? I'm sorry, but if you portray Football players as mass idiots running around screaming touchdown every 5 seconds, someones gonna get mad. Same thing here. People don't like to be made fun of (as referenced by the joke in the beginning which surely got your attention.) intentionally or not. Have you seen the videos they did for Bayonetta? Just girls in skimpy outfits looking like girls that are fake dancing in their room against a green screen pretending to be superheroes. It's kind of freaking insulting that this is what we're being portrayed with.

Arbitrary Cidin

New member
Apr 16, 2009
I decided to watch her review of Darksiders, and my god I raged when she said the art style reminded her of Shadow of the Colossus. But then again, that's not her fault, she's just reading her lines.
She doesn't play video games, bro.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
What do we expect from playboy? All they care about is boobs, even at the expense of, say, 99.9% of the gaming community. I think almost every non-gamer who thinks playboy can represent us in any way, sense or form will keep on losing their respect. I think playboy should just shut up about gaming, as they know nothing about it and stick to their boobs.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
I don't find it anything to get offended about, but I do find it highly flawed as a marketing tactic. The trailer in no way inspires me to go see the game. Actually, it made me more interested to track down pics of Jo Garcia. So really, maybe the trailer was meant entirely to be Playboy's benefit - gamers will click on it because it's about Darksiders, and end up wanting to see more of Jo. Worked for me.

But, like I said, I'm not offended. It just didn't work on me, and all that means is that Playboy wasted its money. Or maybe it did work, and good for them. But why be offended? Just about everything out there is marketed with T&A, and nothing is a bigger offender of this than the gaming industry itself. This is a poor trailer, no doubt about it, but I'm not the sort of person that will buy anything just because of a hot chick, and I'm no worse for wear.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
You know, describing this woman as "some bikini clad bimbo" does nothing to further your point. She was hired to do this and pose like this - that makes her a "bimbo"? You want people to stop making assumptions about gamers? Perhaps you should ask yourself about your own assumptions. Lead by example.

President Moocow

New member
Nov 18, 2009
CommyGingerbreadMan said:
President Moocow said:
Lol, take one look at this forum and tell me: are you surprised that gamers are diagnosed as anti-social losers? Along with chauvinistic, immature and always seeing things at face value, I'd say it's an accurate stereotype (with the exception of the guys who will inevitably reply just to say "but I don't fit the stereotype because of this excruciatingly minor detail so the whole thing is wrong!").

Here's a thought, STOP being so sensitive about what others think of your hobby. All it does is make you look insecure because you're so afraid of being judged by others for a freakin hobby. This is why nerds are seen as juvenile and anti-social loners. It's a hobby, grow up.
Someone get their ass kicked by Urkle? I'm sorry, but if you portray Football players as mass idiots running around screaming touchdown every 5 seconds, someones gonna get mad. Same thing here. People don't like to be made fun of (as referenced by the joke in the beginning which surely got your attention.) intentionally or not. Have you seen the videos they did for Bayonetta? Just girls in skimpy outfits looking like girls that are fake dancing in their room against a green screen pretending to be superheroes. It's kind of freaking insulting that this is what we're being portrayed with.
Big difference, when the football players are portrayed like that, they don't give a shit.

Yeah, the Bayonetta doesn't really help the case by proving that all it takes is a skimpy girl who embodies 100 fetishes to get nerds to pay for it. It's funny because it works!


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I'm more interested in that fact that THQ paid to be advertised on Playboy. It's like they tried to get into the whole Sex Sells thing but then realized they didn't have any sexy characters in their game.