squid5580 said:
I have read through the article and the link as well as all the comments here (no way I am reading 400+ from the other article) and I still don't understand 1 thing with the whole RE5 "controversy". In RE0-3 you are killing American townsfolk in an American town and the majority appear white. No problem. RE4 comes out and you are a white guy slaughtering Spanish ppl in a Spanish town in Spain. No problem. RE5 trailer pops up and it has an American white guy killing a bunch of infected Africans in an African village in Africa and that is racist? The only thing I can agree with in that entire interview is "it is just a game" is not an excuse.
Also it is quite clear in the trailer they attacked him first. Chris was just walkin along minding his own business, admiring the reflection of himself in his shiny gun. All of a sudden some guy with a megaphone orders what I can only guess is ATTACK (prolly said KILL WHITEY but I can't be sure) and they charge him.
You should read the man's points about the trailer this article links you to. It's not about 'killing whites is fine, killing spaniards is fine, killing blacks is bad!' It's about the colonial imagery that can be found throughout the trailer. Now, understand that it probably wasn't intentional at all, and indeed I'm sure Capcom had many discussions about the racial aspect. The problem is that they didn't spot the Great White Man, wandering in to lowly, horde-like blacks, who are a hidden, inhuman menace, then killing them all. It's like Zulu or something.
As he says, it has to be contextualised. Europe did not come in and slaughter spaniards. Britain fought Spain, hated their guts, but never truly dehumanised them. The earlier REs are based purely upon Romero films and whatnot, no true history there. But is is the naive, innocent ignorance of those who made that trailer that is offensive, or can be offensive.
To be honest, I actually don't think it's that important. To me, Conrad's Heart of Darkness (not the game!) does more or less the exact same thing. But we need to understand why, at least, this is offensive. It's not because black people are being shot.