191: Multiboxing to Level 80 Nirvana


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Wouldukindly said:
Multiboxing just appears to change gaming from a fondly, slowly crafted character to a Ford assembly line of accounts. It just seems to remove the idea of social interaction that has always made me willing to try MMOs. I agree that it seems less hardcore to play the game via multiboxing; indeed, I would also say it's probably far too easier as well.
QFT! I still think multiboxing is cheating, and I stick to that. It's not only cheating, it's the very lonely and socially underdeveloped people's escapism. Really now, playing an MMO game alone! How desperate and socially damaged can someone be to do that? Just logging in to a Massively Multiplayer Online game aaaaand...play with yourself.(no pun intended)

MMOs are there to play with other people, not to buy 45 accounts and play alone. I always felt sorry for multiboxers and mega-boxers (30 windows anyone?). These people need help, not encouragement! Really, no offense intended, but still... it's wrong...


New member
Mar 10, 2009
A lot of people here are trying to say multiboxing isn't within the spirit of the game and for some reason think multiboxers are loners or something. This is not true from my experience. I am on Magtheridon and a member of "The Zerg". We are a multiboxing guild.

There is constant interaction between guild members and we are always helping each other out. Since most of us level more than one team (I currently have 6 5-man teams) we spend a lot of time with each other. The Ring of Blood type of quests happens at least once a week or so with someone needing help. We are also starting to Raid with some success. Sometimes we just get together for the fun of it to fight the enemy (alliance in this case). We have all professions pretty much leveled and make whatever others need in the guild as well.

I single boxed for about 6 months and was a member of a guild but it was nothing like this! I couldn't be happier. If you think multiboxing is the easy 'i win' button then go make some trial accounts and give it a shot. As soon as you start realizing the logtistics involved you may quickly change your mind. Not everyone can do this either because of finances or lack of coordination or maybe a short attention span. It is not easy to box.


New member
May 8, 2008
Apart from glorious spending, I don't see anything wrong with multiboxing.
One thing I've always wanted to know though, is whether multi-boxer has one "main" character that they take around for fun as well?
To me, the fun aspect of MMO is not the grinding, and even conquering a dungeon with other people is trivial if there is no interaction. I like running instances because I like being stuck with 4 or 5 other people, chatting with them, or maybe even *gasp* RP! Hence my favorite part of MMORPGs is usually done in town, not on top of a dead demon. The way I see it, some multi-boxer will probably enjoy this as well, and log in especially often with a favorite character just for some single-boxing action when they do have time and feel like it too.
Afterall, most MMOs nowadays can be "finished" with just one person anyway. What's wrong if we take that a little further?


New member
Mar 12, 2009
One thing I've always wanted to know though, is whether multi-boxer has one "main" character that they take around for fun as well?
Sure. I five box in PvE or PvP, but this is my main:

For me boxing is just something to do when I am done with the single player options.
Check out http://www.captn-log.blogspot.com/ for more pics, links and info. =]


The Could-Have-Been-King
Feb 5, 2009
I always thought that multiboxing was pretty silly, but that person wants to spend all that money on some MMO that's fine by me.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
wordsmith said:
Multiboxing sounds like the equivilent to the dudes who play on console FPS's with a kboard and mouse. Is it legal? Yeah. Is it sportsmanlike? Hell naw.
Confuses me a bit. As a PC gamer who's gotten into plenty of FPS console ports, multiplayer or not, I've found just the opposite is true. It's far easier to play with a controller versus keyboard & mouse, especially if the port/PC support is half-assed or poorly done (like lacking keymapping, argh).

This is the one and only opinion I've ever read which implied a K&M was superior. Which FPS's were you referring to?

On topic: fascinating article, I enjoyed it.

I've never gotten into MMO's; I was the lead builder and coder for a NWN world for six years, tho'. I was a lot more proactive than any mere MMO, changing things and adding content on a weekly basis. For me, the inherent problem with them is "if everyone is special, no-one is", in other words, if you've got a community full of heroes, no one particularly shines. I've got friends in EQ and WoW, though, and they really talk it up whenever we get together.

My friend who's heavily into EQ (6+ years) multiboxes, but in a very limited fashion; he runs a merchant with one, and participates in raids on the other.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
I think multiboxing should be acceptable in all aspects. It doesnt hurt anyone at all. unless its pvp. but multiboxers rarely pvp anyways. Still, 5 shammies defending a tower against a chain of failures is a little annoying....


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Drendude42 said:
I think multiboxing should be acceptable in all aspects. It doesnt hurt anyone at all. unless its pvp. but multiboxers rarely pvp anyways. Still, 5 shammies defending a tower against a chain of failures is a little annoying....
I agree multibox should be acceptable in all, whats the worst that can happen.