1st Chapter of New R.A. Salvatore Book Released for Free


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
StormShaun said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
I'm one of those assholes who actually really loves the character of Drizzt and I think Salvatore is a great writer.

HOWEVER. This is absolutely ridiculous. I don't even know how many series ago I gave up.

It's fucking absurd.
Hush my Brother, we shall not speak of this about ourselves or our fellow comrades!
But in all seriousness I wouldn't consider myself to be an "asshole".

I am with you, that I am currently loving the character and writing, but that is because I can keep up with it and point out the mistakes easily. Sure this may change if the quality goes down further in the series, I can see that after the "Legend of Drizzt" saga, but I want to see this with my own eyes.

And damn, a lot of people are complaining, I can understand them with the point that it CAN go too far. I mean Drizzt is a drow with a limited life expectancy, he can't live forever. And there is so much other things they can do with the world!
I do understand that, there can be too much of one thing.
And this may count.

But anyway, as I said, I want to see it get worse if it does.
Until then, I shall keep reading away, because I am enjoying it and it is giving me inspiration to write my own book and stories.
I think that goes the same to my friend, who is also a writer.

[sub][sub]I mean sure, everyone prefers different writing styles ... but I think Salvatore's is good. Sure sometimes he adds a bit too much of something ... but at least he is good enough to release the book. I can't say the same thing about some people on here.[/sub][/sub]
I always figure self-deprecation and a persecution complex is a good way to avoid arguments.

I certainly understand the problem many people have with him through association. Drizzt himself isn't bad, but he really did spawn countless special snowflake characters.

As for Salvatore, I think his writing was like a mountain-shaped graph in terms of quality. The Icewind Dale trilogy started out really quite simple in the writing style. He improved throughout and by the Dark Elf trilogy he was quite good. The next trilogy was even better written, but by The Silent Blade, he had started faffing about a bit too much. Still good, but a bit on the decline.

I think the furthest I made it was The Orc King. I'm not even sure how many books there were between that and this.

All that said, Icewind Dale through The Underdark trilogy are still some of my favorite novels of all time.
I actually like the trilogy that started with Homeland. You actually stopped when I did. The Icewind Dale trilogy was meh, the origin trilogy was good, then the one about the dark elf invasion was meh, then I gave up after the next trilogy. I understand the appeal of Drizzt. While I'm personally meh on him as a character, his massive popularity and what he started really makes me despise him as you said. Kind of like how everyone either loves or despises Tempus Thales.


Level 16 Scallywag
Feb 28, 2010
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Salvatore is a mediocre author and Drizzt is a mediocre character. Why are people still buying these books? Give me Richard Lee Buyers and the adventures of Aoth Fezim any day over the amazing purple Mary Sue. You know what? Give me anything Buyers writes over Drizzt. He is the best writer in their stable. Drizzt isn't even the best drow-who-breaks-the-mold in Forgotten Realms. Liriel Baenre has that honor.
Richard Lee Buyers is also a great guy. Very friendly. I interviewed him. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jCegjlHN50)

Elfgore said:
Hey, Salvatore! It is time to STOP writing about Drizzt. We get it, you hit the jackpot with him. But it is time to stop. You're thirty books into his story, you've made enough money. Stop milking it.
Errr... He's a human being who wants to make a living and feed his family. I'm sure he isn't living in a solid gold house. Why, in his right mind, would he give up something that brings in good money? It's not like there isn't a demand -- people must be buying his books. I get that a ton of people are fed up with Drizzt, and for good reason. But don't blame Salvatore for that -- blame the people who buy his books. As long as they keep buying, why should he stop writing?

We don't use this line of thinking for other professions.

"Hey, Mr. Smith! It is time to STOP being a lawyer. We get it, you hit the jackpot with a well-paying profession. But it is time to stop. You're thirty years into this career, you've made enough money. Stop milking it."


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Rhykker said:
Elfgore said:
Hey, Salvatore! It is time to STOP writing about Drizzt. We get it, you hit the jackpot with him. But it is time to stop. You're thirty books into his story, you've made enough money. Stop milking it.
Errr... He's a human being who wants to make a living and feed his family. I'm sure he isn't living in a solid gold house. Why, in his right mind, would he give up something that brings in good money? It's not like there isn't a demand -- people must be buying his books. I get that a ton of people are fed up with Drizzt, and for good reason. But don't blame Salvatore for that -- blame the people who buy his books. As long as they keep buying, why should he stop writing?

We don't use this line of thinking for other professions.

"Hey, Mr. Smith! It is time to STOP being a lawyer. We get it, you hit the jackpot with a well-paying profession. But it is time to stop. You're thirty years into this career, you've made enough money. Stop milking it."
Little defensive are we? And you also put words in my mouth, I never said he should stop writing in general. I want him to stop writing about the same characters that he has been writing about for the past twenty-five years. He has some talent and he should show that by making a new series. He has some amazing parts in his books, Drizzt's origin in the prequel trilogy were amazing pieces of writing, Wulfgar's insanity after the demon was amazing, Artemis and the king of the dragon place argument over the legitemicy of kings is one of my all time favorite book moments. If he would write a new series, I would buy it in a heartbeat.


Level 16 Scallywag
Feb 28, 2010
Elfgore said:
Little defensive are we? And you also put words in my mouth, I never said he should stop writing in general. I want him to stop writing about the same characters that he has been writing about for the past twenty-five years. He has some talent and he should show that by making a new series. He has some amazing parts in his books, Drizzt's origin in the prequel trilogy were amazing pieces of writing, Wulfgar's insanity after the demon was amazing, Artemis and the king of the dragon place argument over the legitemicy of kings is one of my all time favorite book moments. If he would write a new series, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Well, you have to admit that you came off a little hostile towards him. I admit that my reaction to your comment was more of a reaction to the general "stop it, Sal!" response I've been seeing in this thread and elsewhere than anything personal. I'm as fed up of Drizzt as the next guy, but as long as they keep handing Salvatore paychecks, I won't blame him for opting to invest his efforts in guaranteed income rather than venture into risk. I'm glad you specified that you appreciate his talent; that puts your earlier comment in much better context.