2 NYPD Officers "Executed" by man claiming revenge for Garner and Brown


New member
Mar 17, 2011
GamingBlaze said:
Many people who get hassled by police do act civil.What you're saying comes off as they should act subservient to any cop that is acting like a dick.
Proof the the cops were "acting like a dick"?

Because, what you're saying comes off as someone that wants to be needlessly standoffish with any and all authority.
Your post just adds to the unnecessary toxicity that unfortunately lead to the deranged asshole to murder the two cops in NYC.


New member
Dec 21, 2014
Hazy992 said:
Jesus Christ... this isn't the way, this will only fuel more hatred and anger. Condolences to the families of those killed.
Well, that just made the situation that much worse. How far will these fanatical people go to see their own twisted form of Justice, or excuse me, Vengeance? Because that's what this was, and it can BARELY be called that; as the cops in question (according to the article) had NOTHING to do with either case! Congratulations, moron! People probably now think you're a monster, and made police more afraid of fighting back, out of fear they'll get jail time. You just made things worse for both sides. YOU. IDIOT. /facepalm

Arctic Werewolf

New member
Oct 16, 2014
I don't blame the protesters for the deaths of Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. Not even the ones who cheered the murder of police officers. But I find the media's newly discovered respect for reason and perspective very fucking convenient after months of stoking the flames. And I wonder if this will impact the way murder campaigns are reported in the future. Somehow I doubt it.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
A deranged lone idiot decides to kill people because of personal bitterness and hatred.

This does not reflect on the actions of those protesting against police violence. One person claiming to act for a movement does not mean the movement endorses that person's actions.

If I kill a religious figure claiming to act in the name of scientific empiricism, that would not mean scientific empiricism is to blame for my actions! If a christian terrorist (and they do exist) kills someone in the name of Christ, I do not take it to mean that the Pope or the head of whatever church they belong to endorses their action. I'm pretty sure that the Pope didn't bless the IRA when they blew up British Civvies.

This is a tragedy, carried out by a nasty man who is no longer with us (and good riddance).


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Korolev said:
A deranged lone idiot decides to kill people because of personal bitterness and hatred.

This does not reflect on the actions of those protesting against police violence. One person claiming to act for a movement does not mean the movement endorses that person's actions.

If I kill a religious figure claiming to act in the name of scientific empiricism, that would not mean scientific empiricism is to blame for my actions! If a christian terrorist (and they do exist) kills someone in the name of Christ, I do not take it to mean that the Pope or the head of whatever church they belong to endorses their action. I'm pretty sure that the Pope didn't bless the IRA when they blew up British Civvies.

This is a tragedy, carried out by a nasty man who is no longer with us (and good riddance).
It's a sad thing that news media, and many on the internet, don't give two hoots about that cause they would rather label an entire group by the actions of a small few. One Islamic extremist holds people hostage or blows something up, headline reads "Muslims out to get us all!!". One black guy does something disgusting, "The black community needs a lesson in bettering their lives and not be absent fathers". One female activist does a distasteful protest, "See, all feminist are just men hating beings that wants to take away a man's true natural right".

I agree with you. We must stop this labelling of the many by the actions of a few because the majority will not support nor accept the hideous actions of a rouge few misrepresenting their true cause and ideals. Labelling will just add more fuel to the already intense fire.
Mar 9, 2012
Insane, white gunman kills police officers in Las Vegas, and places a swastika, a libertarian flag, and a note that declares "This is the start of the revolution!" on their bodies. His social media profiles shows history of intense hatred towards the US goverment, and expressing extreme right wing view points, citing sympaty with Cliven Bundy. The Right Wing Media responds: "Now, now; let's not jump to any conclusions! We can't really say anything clear about his motives or if there is any political motivation behind this."

Insane, black gunman kills police officers in New York, having hours earlier repeatedly declared his intentions to do so on social media, citing sympaty with Brown and Gardner as his reasons. The Right Wing Media responds: "These statements by him are crystal clear and leaves no doubt or ambiguity about his affiliations! Clearly this is the fault of the people protesting police brutality! BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS, I TELLS YA!"
Mar 9, 2012
Topsider said:
Well, we can't all screech diatribes against the Right Wing Media, complete with unnecessary capitalization. We do the best with what we have.

But it wasn't a tu quoque - possibly the most overused response to having one's argument pointed out as absurd on these boards - but instead an observation of hypocrisy. If you've got a problem with one, you must have a problem with the other, unless you're just playing partisan hack.
Well, the thing is, I haven't seen any examples of the so-called Mainstream Media trying to play any straight-up-denial angle on the gunman's statements prior to the shooting.

While on the other side of the aisle, Fox News has been caught outright doctoring the audio from a protest to make it sound like the protesters are calling for the death of cops.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
inu-kun said:
The whole thing seems insane, imagine if there were some instances of surgeons screwing up surgeries, and then people opened a shitstorm that all surgeons are murderers and demand all surgeons to apologize for this. And then want to make a law to be able to put every surgeon who makes the tiniest mistake on trial.
Yeah, leave those poor surgeons who stab their black/asian/hispanic/*insert group of people here* patients 10 times through the heart on purpose with video evidence and then don't even have to face a trial after paid vacation while mocking the patients relatives alone.
Now every other surgeon has to, like, be responsible!
Act with care like, oh I don't know, a surgeon. The horror!


New member
May 27, 2010
Blachman201 said:
Topsider said:
Well, we can't all screech diatribes against the Right Wing Media, complete with unnecessary capitalization. We do the best with what we have.

But it wasn't a tu quoque - possibly the most overused response to having one's argument pointed out as absurd on these boards - but instead an observation of hypocrisy. If you've got a problem with one, you must have a problem with the other, unless you're just playing partisan hack.
Well, the thing is, I haven't seen any examples of the so-called Mainstream Media trying to play any straight-up-denial angle on the gunman's statements prior to the shooting.

While on the other side of the aisle, Fox News has been caught outright doctoring the audio from a protest to make it sound like the protesters are calling for the death of cops.
And NBC doctored the audio from a 911 call to make George Zimmerman seem racist, and when taken to court for defamation, the judge dismissed the case on account of NBC's actions being 'non-malicious'. http://gawker.com/5898876/nbc-apologizes-for-editing-george-zimmermans-911-call-on-today-show

Don't pretend like Fox is the only one who pulls shit like that. It's all of the MSM.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
inu-kun said:
The whole thing seems insane, imagine if there were some instances of surgeons screwing up surgeries, and then people opened a shitstorm that all surgeons are murderers and demand all surgeons to apologize for this. And then want to make a law to be able to put every surgeon who makes the tiniest mistake on trial.
Almost correct.

If those surgeons specifically operated on one nationality of person over another, already illegally, and if one of them was a bunch of surgeons just walking up to a guy, choking him and leaving him to die on the street then the coroner saying it was a homicide and STILL no arrests being made...(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Eric_Garner)

Or if one of them shot the said patient in the head while he was drugged and it was declared a suicide? (https://www.google.com/#q=man+handcuffed+shot+self&spell=1)

Or if the surgeons took away your physical possessions based on reasons that do not require permit or allowance.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_forfeiture_in_the_United_States)

Or if when you FINALLY get legal charges on the surgeons, the hospital goers pay for it (Taxes from city used to pay for victims)

Then, maybe, you'd be right.

As long as police are essentially allowed to do what they want, when they want, however they want it, yes we should put every cop who makes the tiniest mistake on trial. Great power, great responsibility and all that.

Further more, a police officer is the one thing essentially standing between law/order and chaos. A surgeon is just a health care professional. Sure, both are required for a functioning society but you're taught to trust police officers and when you need help from violent people, who are you going to go to?

If the police are the criminals, we have no order.

Note: This isn't even counting the 'gladiator' style battles they put prisoners in, the sheer amount of innocent people they kill, etc.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
GamingBlaze said:
The only people who blindly defend those in authority even when they do bad things are sheep.
Sheep? No. The people defending authority are those who the system is designed to support. Namely, well-off un-self-aware white people.

Edit: Hmm... white, dumb, and often fluffy.. might actually be on to something...