tuesdays and thursdaysWoodsey said:Why are The Escapist's reviews so late? Are they only released with a new issue?
Nearly all the other sites have their Mafia 2 reviews up by now too, so surely that won't be posted next Tuesday?
Somehow I know it was coming as soon as he said the words "Stair Car"... there was just something about it that made it inevitable.Dosu Inuzuka said:I have to say Mr. Tito, you have won my respect. Anyone who can make an Arrested Development reference is, needless to say, awesome.
Watch out for the live-ins.
Find out where your favourite review site lies on the continuum of Professional Objective Criticism vs. Cynical Advertiser-Pleasing!CloggedDonkey said:Hmm, yet another mixed review. I haven't bought the game, and I don't really plan on it, but so far we have "crap crap crap" from Blistered Thumbs, "Freaking awesome" from Game Informer, and "it's okay" from here. We literally have an entire spectrum of review scores. I wonder why it's getting so many mixed feelings.
what he said ^^Sgt. Sykes said:The KL series gets no love from reviewers (and most gamers).
I fucking love both games. First, it's a very, very welcome departure from all those charismatic/wisecracking/romantic/super/patriotic heroes, like in every other fucking shooting game. In KL one can finally play as a dirty ugly gangster. Especially in the first game. KL2 feels more like Gears of War, but still retains the KL formula.
Plus, KL2 is the very first game since Half-Life and Crysis, where I actually feel like the enemies are there to get me and not just to peek from corners like in a shooting gallery.
I want more games like this!