Yoshi178 said:
Aiddon said:
Man, these Direct ripoffs continue to be AWFUL. Sony really don't get why Nintendo does so well with them
Nintendo actually has games. :3
Okay, is anyone else sick and tired of the Sony/Nintendo has no games agreement? Cuz it's bullshit either way in these current consoles. If we're talking third party exclusives (that aren't timed), both have a huge amount. If it's first party titles, then Nintendo edges out in this area, but Sony is no slouch either. Most of the either manufactures 1st party stuff holds no interests to me, but I won't deny the success the games' have made. Nintendo has your typical round of Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, and Animal Crossing. There are other exclusives too, but most are ports of games that are from the Wii U. But that highly worked in the Switch's favor. The PS4 had its moments of porting many stuff from last gen too.
The only one to suffer from having "no games" syndrome is really Microsoft. Most of their 1st party line-up is let's act like it is the 360 era all over again. Gears 5 and Halo 5 are just an upgraded 360 game and a shitty sequel that should have ended in a trilogy respectively. Quantum Break had good ideas, but horrible execution limited by crappy live-action sub-par Bourne inspired action scenes. Recore sucked and was forgotten about, Ryse was an average hack n slash, Sunset Overdrive is no longer an exclusive since Sony bought Insomniac, and Microsoft cancelled unqiue third party games like Scalebound, because they wanted shore-horned multiplayer in everything.
Dunkey said it best: <link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETXQUkp-VOg> Fall of Xbox
And here is a timestop at 5:43 of what Sony does have (and that is not everything)<link=https://youtu.be/ETXQUkp-VOg?t=342>Fall of Xbox (End Video)