Rare, Molyneux Wanted Handheld Kinect Controller

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Rare, Molyneux Wanted Handheld Kinect Controller

If some of Microsoft's top talent had their way, Kinect wouldn't be totally controller-free.

The Xbox 360's Move [http://www.amazon.com/Kinect-Sensor-Adventures-Xbox-360/dp/B002BSA298/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1283813376&sr=8-1] because it doesn't incorporate any kind of handheld controller at all. When the project was being designed, and still called "Natal," members of Rare and even Peter Molyneux insisted that it come with a controller like its counterparts.

Rare creative director George Andreas revealed his and Molyneux's resistance to a controller-free Kinect in an interview with Edge magazine. Andreas says that he was given a look at Kinect in its early stages, when it was "held together with sticky tape," and thought it had potential. An added controller, however, was a necessity to him.

"We were absolutely adamant that we needed a button, something with haptic feedback, that would initiate an action," Andreas said of Rare's discussions about Kinect after seeing a prototype. He went on: "We were very vocal to Kudo [Tsunoda, Kinect lead] at the time, and Peter Molyneux was as well, that you needed something in your hand."

Andreas says that after prototyping Kinect, Rare was convinced that a controller-free scheme was actually better. " It took a long time - we threw some prototypes together and then we saw you didn't need one," he said. "You end up falling back on the [gamepad] control scheme. It's a crutch really."

I have no doubt that Kinect can provide tons of fun, but probably only for Kinect-specific games. For the games that many of us are used to, I just don't think there's anything that will be more accurate than pushing buttons and moving a d-pad/control stick. I think I actually agree with Sony [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/101504-Sony-Moves-Buttons-Make-it-More-Hardcore] when it said buttons are necessary for "hardcore experiences." I really believe that Kinect will be at least partially limited by the lack of something to put in your hand, though I would think that some developers will incorporate the Xbox 360 controller into the experience at some point. Only once Kinect gets out into the public for a while will we know for sure.

Source: CVG [http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=263227]



Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Why couldn't they have kept it this way? It'd probably be much better for us non-casual gamers.

Makes me gald we've got the PS Move, and the Kinect isn't THAT much more advance than the PS Eye.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
A game based entirely around hand waving could never be implemented in a game of any real depth. Not with this technology certainly, and I'm not holding out until we're all strapped into VR machines. Until then controllers are perfect.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
So this article is actually about hey they came around to viewing controller-free as better?

With that info buried in the middle of the article, prepare for a whole thread of people thinking Microsoft didn't listen to its developers.


May 19, 2009
Well MS always seem to have their dicks in their hands... perhaps it slipped their mind and they thought that it was the controller...?


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Well, at least someone was fighting for a controller...Even Molyneux...Im shocked. I just wish it had happened ><


New member
Jul 13, 2004
Could you not just hold the controller with your right hand and just use the buttons on that, if needs be? I'm quite fond of the 'no controller' concept they have as a standard.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Danzaivar said:
Could you not just hold the controller with your right hand and just use the buttons on that, if needs be? I'm quite fond of the 'no controller' concept they have as a standard.
The point is that the controller is too bulky and heavy to be waving around, and requires 2 hands for all the buttons. The reason that Move and the Wii have 2 controllers is so that it's like a normal controller split in 2 so you can move your arms around.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
Best way to do that would be a navigation controller like the nunchuck the wii has as it stands kinect is very limited. I dare say next gen controllers will be a split gamepad and motion via kinect 2.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
I read this awhile back on another site and they later say that they eventually bought into te no controller concept. Many people will probably not see that part though. On the other hand I'm also happy (like the first commenter) that us PS users get the Move controller. Heck there are even some controller-less games like Kung Fu Rider only for the PSEye.

I'd post the Kinect Physics test that was done a few days ago but it'd probably make this thread a troll fest. Bah to hell with that, here you go guys!

I know Kinect is a few months away but still....


New member
Dec 21, 2009
I'm glad they decided to get rid of a controller. As Andreas states "it's just a crutch really" and it is.

We have been used to it for 20 years now, as this was standard. I don't know why there is such uproar in this market.
Mobile phones and computers have advanced rapidly and these now incorporate touch, voice and sometimes even movement-based functions and no one bats an eyelid.

I know that gaming is a more interactive medium with what is essentially a harder-core support structure, yet I for one will love the chance to be able to immerse myself in a game with motion controls.

What Kinect (and the Xbox360) needs is 3D + blu-ray support, a nice 3DTV and then with Kinect you have an immersive experience right there all ready.

It needs hard-core games, yes. This is a fact and I do look forward to the day til we get the likes of Halo (or a similar epic sci-fi FPS) with Kinect controls.

Movement may be a bit hard (yet not impossible) to incorporate but shooting would be a dream.
It would be exactly as if you were aiming yourself.


New member
Jul 13, 2004
Megacherv said:
Danzaivar said:
Could you not just hold the controller with your right hand and just use the buttons on that, if needs be? I'm quite fond of the 'no controller' concept they have as a standard.
The point is that the controller is too bulky and heavy to be waving around, and requires 2 hands for all the buttons. The reason that Move and the Wii have 2 controllers is so that it's like a normal controller split in 2 so you can move your arms around.
Well one side of the controller has...7 buttons and an analog stick, can't see why you would want more than that. Especially since the tracking is on your whole body rather than a single point (ala wii/move-orb).

Fair point on the weight I guess, tho my girlfriend has pretty wimpy arms and would be okay with it. :p
They could always release a special mini controller especially used for Kinect which is basically half a pad and a lot lighter or something, maybe?


New member
Mar 6, 2009
cursedseishi said:
DarthLurtz said:
So this article is actually about hey they came around to viewing controller-free as better?

With that info buried in the middle of the article, prepare for a whole thread of people thinking Microsoft didn't listen to its developers.
Hey, to be fair I bet they promised Molyneux that if he stopped hatin on Kinect/Natal, that they'd let him make little virtual boys and touch millions of people in a game or two.
I would've loved to be at that staff meeting.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Riku said:
I'm glad they decided to get rid of a controller. As Andreas states "it's just a crutch really" and it is.

We have been used to it for 20 years now, as this was standard. I don't know why there is such uproar in this market.
Mobile phones and computers have advanced rapidly and these now incorporate touch, voice and sometimes even movement-based functions and no one bats an eyelid.

I know that gaming is a more interactive medium with what is essentially a harder-core support structure, yet I for one will love the chance to be able to immerse myself in a game with motion controls.

What Kinect (and the Xbox360) needs is 3D + blu-ray support, a nice 3DTV and then with Kinect you have an immersive experience right there all ready.

It needs hard-core games, yes. This is a fact and I do look forward to the day til we get the likes of Halo (or a similar epic sci-fi FPS) with Kinect controls.

Movement may be a bit hard (yet not impossible) to incorporate but shooting would be a dream.
It would be exactly as if you were aiming yourself.
I'd like to see someone attempt to mimic the twitchy movements that you need to play Halo. You are planning to jump around stab someone with a sword, throw a grenade then pull out your rocket launcher and blow up that oncoming ghost. Yes it sounds cool but I doubt they'd be able to make the game recognize all those movements. If it does happen it'd probably end up having all the actions in game be gestures.


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
To be honest, if you're gonna make motion control your big thing, and include that degree of motion CAPTURE (something Kinect does and Wii/Move don't), I do honestly believe controller-free is better. However, what WOULD be nice is a small, wireless focus, a one-handed simple controller if you will. Imagine a small rod you can hold in one hand, with a button on one end (or both!) and a few buttons on the grip - maybe a wireless, cylindrical version of the Guitar Hero DS plugin. THAT would suit the kinect; you could hold it in your left hand and play Air Guitar Hero, with the same level of skill as regular Guitar Hero!

Thinking about it, I would be sorely tempted to make the "end button" an analogue stick...


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Megacherv said:
Why couldn't they have kept it this way? It'd probably be much better for us non-casual gamers.

Makes me gald we've got the PS Move, and the Kinect isn't THAT much more advance than the PS Eye.
You're the first one whose "glad we've got the PS Move". :p
Don't get me wrong, I'm going to try it, but if I want motion controls, I'll play my Wii.

As a matter of fact, the only reason Kinect was even perking up my interest was BECAUSE of the no motion control thing. I thought it could really make some games more interesting, but Kinect's (and Move's) demos and showings have just failed to really get me hyped for their release.



Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Danzaivar said:
Megacherv said:
Danzaivar said:
Could you not just hold the controller with your right hand and just use the buttons on that, if needs be? I'm quite fond of the 'no controller' concept they have as a standard.
The point is that the controller is too bulky and heavy to be waving around, and requires 2 hands for all the buttons. The reason that Move and the Wii have 2 controllers is so that it's like a normal controller split in 2 so you can move your arms around.
Well one side of the controller has...7 buttons and an analog stick, can't see why you would want more than that. Especially since the tracking is on your whole body rather than a single point (ala wii/move-orb).

Fair point on the weight I guess, tho my girlfriend has pretty wimpy arms and would be okay with it. :p
They could always release a special mini controller especially used for Kinect which is basically half a pad and a lot lighter or something, maybe?
But that's it, that's what they were on about, having some sort of input along with the full body tracking.

VanityGirl said:
Megacherv said:
Why couldn't they have kept it this way? It'd probably be much better for us non-casual gamers.

Makes me gald we've got the PS Move, and the Kinect isn't THAT much more advance than the PS Eye.
You're the first one whose "glad we've got the PS Move". :p
Don't get me wrong, I'm going to try it, but if I want motion controls, I'll play my Wii.

As a matter of fact, the only reason Kinect was even perking up my interest was BECAUSE of the no motion control thing. I thought it could really make some games more interesting, but Kinect's (and Move's) demos and showings have just failed to really get me hyped for their release.

Ahh, you see, the Wii's motion control pisses me off a lot with things like having to be onstantly pointing at the screen, or the delay, or the having to pay extra for the Wii Motion Plus (which I believe is now bundled with new consoles anyway, so that's alright).

The PS Move seems a lot more convenient (powered by built in li-ion battery), and fixes all those niggles (detection done from camera rather than controller, no delay).

And there's Time Crisis on the PS3, because I'm a huge rail shooter fanboy, and Time Crisis would be my favourite.