My Little Phony


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Dec 31, 2008
My Little Phony

Secretariat shows how good stories become boring movies

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New member
May 19, 2008
Please don't tell me we are going to see a resurging trend of cheesy underdog movies. I thought we got rid of those!


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
Finally, someone calls this movie out on its pandering bullshit.

That said, I didn't think it was that bad AS A MOVIE. The acting was good, the cinematography and technical aspects were great, and though the pussified story and subtext were awful, the actual screenplay was pretty good.

But I still agree.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Damn Bob, you really know how to hold a grudge on a movie. The Blindside came out a year ago. Few people will actually remember it in more than passing sense given a few more months. By repeatedly bashing it, you serve only to remind those that liked it that it existed and get them huffy about your criticism, thus turning a one-shot feel-good film into an experiment in martyrdom. Maybe it's time to let go?


New member
Nov 28, 2007
It sounds like a godawful movie of most severe kind. I'm glad I have never heard of it before reading this -- it sounds exactly like the kind of crap that I don't want to be paying for, much less being forced to endure.

Thank's for saving me the pain.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
MovieBob said:
That somewhat drops completely, incidentally, during what can only honestly be called the film's love scene, in which Maiden and Steed share a lingering, wordless, psychic gaze. That sort of thing is cute when it's a little kid with the horse, i.e. Dakota Fanning in Dreamer; but here, with a decidedly grown up woman, it's hard for the mind not to step over the line into creepier, more parody-worthy territory. Or, rather, it'll be hard for you now that I've put the idea in your head - mwah ha ha ha!
No doubt this will be featuring in the next "from the writers of Scary Movie" film.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
And this is why you need to look at multiple critics. I didn't think Blindside was bad, it wasn't good, but I fail to see reasoning for the level of hate you have for it.

That and I liked The Expendables for what it was. Mindless, senseless, and cheesy action film. It had overpowered weapons, a bad plot, and Stallone trying to act. It was an '80s throwback.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I cannot say Secretariat seems all that interesting, but a better question I think is, again, it comes down to if you made it a different way, would it have worked better?

If the movie perhaps hadn't been made by Disney (Who produce wholesome family entertainment at the extent of altering history), and say, had Paramount, or Universal Studios, ETC (Who can produce a PG-13 movie with a little more willing to "Grow a Pair" in the context that they'll tell the story with a little more willing accuracy), could it have been a picture to talk about, and not make it seem ironic?

Let's look at the Blind Side, which I'm not going to give a glowing endorsement to either, but say if that had been made by Disney: How much historically would have been embellished to make it a "Disney Movie" and less a "True Story"? Could Disney have made it and have gotten the "Nominated for Academy Award" praise?

Likewise, if Secretariat had been taken by Warner Brothers and was given a PG-13 rating, would have been a story about an Underdog horse with the subplot of a woman trying to do what she does in the picture, could it have been a better movie, knowing what actors would have been kept, what scenes that worked for you, personally, with the inclusion of some PG-13 scenes (or PG, what have you) could you have given it the positive response to it then?

I really won't see Secretariat unless it's something I HAVE to see, and currently, I'm not taking interest in Horse Movies to express concern for, just wanted to see if this "What if?" scenario would have had a different outlook on the picture.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
I didn't think I'd wind up seeing this one anyway. I avoided Seabiscuit the way a blind man avoids the M25. I actually don't mind a bit of horse racing (strictly £1 pussy bets for me though), but movies about horse racing? They just turn me off right away. Especially so if there's some creepy 'adult-woman-and-horse-wish-fulfilment-fantasy' stuff going on.

Because I saw that video on the internet and I heard that she died afterwards.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
MovieBob, I'm a big fan but I'm really hungry right now so I don't have the energy to do research. I'll just ask: What do you think of the Jackass movies, especially the newest one?


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Alright. I Understand the the blindside ins't like the greatest movie ever or anything, but I fail to see how it was horribly racist. It was portraying racism, and seemed to show that it is wrong.

Political correctness to the degree where we can't have any black people helped out or supported by white people is even worse in my opinion. Sure, there should be movies about strong black men and women helping themselves (and I'm sure there are), but I don't understand why films with different approaches are considered racist.

I know that was all off topic, but bob bringing it up kind of made me angry about it again. I still want to check out Secretariat just as a fair-weather fan of horse-racing and to see what I think about it. Ebert gave it 4 out of 4 stars...


New member
May 2, 2009
Here, here Bob! We need more critics like you to call out Hollywood on its pandering bullshit!! Otherwise, they'll just keep making the same damn movies over-and-over again asking "Why didn't it make as much money as [Title]?"


Eats With Her Mouth Full
May 3, 2010
So... Secretariat doesn't work because nothing really is at stake here. All conflict has been pared away so all you see is a rich woman taking up horseracing, which is a little odd in that time of male-dominated horseracing stables, but nothing too scary?

Thanks for letting me know, MovieBob. I suspect some of your frustration is not because the movie is bad but because you did the research and know the story had the potential to be so much better...

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
Togusa09 said:
Just stay away from Australian cinema... It's all we seem to make...
A really good australian film came out this year called Animal Kingdom. its not in the least bit cheesy.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
ya i knew this movie was gonna suck once i say it on family channel being advertised by that stupid voice