Halo: Reach Multiplayer Expands With New DLC

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Halo: Reach Multiplayer Expands With New DLC

Interested in new multiplayer maps for Halo: Reach created by Bungie?

A first-person shooter can't go very long without releasing a downloadable expansion pack anymore, and Halo, one of the franchises that started the trend, sure isn't going to be any different when it comes to Halo: Reach [http://www.amazon.com/Halo-Reach-Xbox-360/dp/B002BSA20M]. Microsoft has recently announced the details on Halo: Reach's first DLC pack, developed by Bungie, which is set to launch next month.

Halo: Reach's Noble Map Pack will include three new maps called Tempest, Anchor 9, and Breakpoint. Tempest takes place on-planet near a shoreline and two symmetrical, abandoned bases. It supports 8-16 players in multiple modes, and adds to Reach's Forge palette so players can create new map variants.

Anchor 9 has players leaving the safety of terra firma to duke it out in an orbital dockyard used to rearm and refuel UNSC vessels. Up to 8 combatants will be fighting both within the safety of its artificial gravitational field, and on the ledges outside.

Breakpoint brings players planetside again to a set of modular archaeological labs trying to remain in operation despite the large-scale Covenant threat. It's said that the secret work being done at Breakpoint is crucial to the survival of humanity, not that the 8-16 players engaging in modes like Invasion and Big Team Battle will care a whole lot about that.

The Noble Map Pack includes new achievements that will allow Gamerscores to be increased by up to 250 points, and is coming on November 30 for 800 Microsoft Points. Don't expect this to be the end, as Microsoft is likely holding more Halo: Reach maps in its sleeve for December or early 2011 if my crystal ball is correct.



New member
May 31, 2010
I actually wouldn't mind some, actually. I don't know how they'd work it in, but it'd be nice.

Anyway, the multiplayer is starting to get a bit of the "same-old, same-old" feeling for me, so I'm looking forward to new maps to add some variety, especially to Invasion (assuming Breakpoint will be added to Invasion?)


Aug 25, 2008
I'd like to see new armour available...the old armour (when all of it is unlocked) will get kinda boring.

Plus their isn't even Spartan 2 armour, they have loads options to go with.

Can't wait for these new maps though =D


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Well, you know the saying: If you have 500,000 cows, you might as well milk them all.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
all someone has to do is recreate them in forge world in terms of gameplay heh ... meh not gonna get maps I only played multiplayer for a total of 4 days (free week end plus free trial)

I want single player dlc.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Oh well. I traded Reach in a while ago because I couldn't get along with the multiplayer. And 800 MS for 3 maps?! Dear lord. At least Halo 3 gave 5 or 6 maps per pack for 800...


New member
May 21, 2009
SalamanderJoe said:
Oh well. I traded Reach in a while ago because I couldn't get along with the multiplayer. And 800 MS for 3 maps?! Dear lord. At least Halo 3 gave 5 or 6 maps per pack for 800...
That is in zero ways true. Did you get in a car accident recently?

We all knew this was coming. All of us. We knew it.
Guess I'll have to buy them if I want to keep playing.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Sounds like a good idea, after all more maps means more variety in multiplayer matchmaking, and it helps reinforce the somewhat small number of conventional multiplayer maps.

My big issue though is that, well, I was kind of hoping for a bit more additional Elite armor types. I know this sounds typical from me but really, only eight possible armor types is a little bit unfair considering the vast number Spartans get.
True, the knowledge of my kind's greatness does help a bit but still...

But still, maybe later. In the meantime we are getting some new maps and while I am suspicious of whether or not they could have just put these on the disk in the first place, I suspect this will be like Halo 3 wherein the first map pack is just simple but after that, they go crazy with new forge options and many more various types of maps.

One can hope anyway, that said, I don't have any Microsoft points at all so I doubt I'll be able to pay for a DLC anyway. Oh boy, I hope my not having such maps doesn't inhibit my ability to play the game.
Seriously, it would so screw me over if suddenly I wasn't allowed in certain playlists just because I don't have three maps.


Aug 25, 2008
Vrex360 said:
Sounds like a good idea, after all more maps means more variety in multiplayer matchmaking, and it helps reinforce the somewhat small number of conventional multiplayer maps.

My big issue though is that, well, I was kind of hoping for a bit more additional Elite armor types. I know this sounds typical from me but really, only eight possible armor types is a little bit unfair considering the vast number Spartans get.
True, the knowledge of my kind's greatness does help a bit but still...

But still, maybe later. In the meantime we are getting some new maps and while I am suspicious of whether or not they could have just put these on the disk in the first place, I suspect this will be like Halo 3 wherein the first map pack is just simple but after that, they go crazy with new forge options and many more various types of maps.

One can hope anyway, that said, I don't have any Microsoft points at all so I doubt I'll be able to pay for a DLC anyway.
Remembering how huge Forge world is, and the amount of maps they made with it, it might of been kinda hard to fit them on...

But meh, we all knew DLC would come eventually.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
I'm spoiled by Valve that's for sure. 3 maps for 800 points? Is that equivalent to 8 dollars? (someone correct me) Guess its not as bad as the 15 dollar map packs for CoD on Steam...ehhhh


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Polock said:
I'm spoiled by Valve that's for sure. 3 maps for 800 points? Is that equivalent to 8 dollars? (someone correct me) Guess its not as bad as the 15 dollar map packs for CoD on Steam...ehhhh
10 dollars approximately. 3 maps may seem little, but with forge, it's actually a lot more if they are good maps for forging.

What I want most at the moment though is a) increase of level cap (c'mon bungie, wtf?) and Sandtrap. There are no really good Big team maps out there. I thought that Hemorage would be something amazing, but it's only vehicle camping fest. It's ok in invasion slayer though.

The Long Road

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Wait... DLC already? Didn't the game launch just a month ago? If I'm correct, the usual philosophy is to add some DLC to the mix just before the shipped maps begin to stagnate. I love DLC maps, provided they're released 9-12 months later than the release of the game itself. Now Bungie and Microsoft are saying "well, the game's shipped, time to start churning out maps for $10 a pop".

I vaguely remember hearing something along these lines when the first batch of Halo 3 maps were announced: "We want to make so many DLC maps that you'll forget which ones the game shipped with." If that happens for Reach, we could end up either paying a large portion of the purchase price of the disk for maps that could and should have been shipped with the game. This is the first time that Bungie has truly angered me with their DLC.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Well it's good to see Bungie was actually doing something productive since the game went gold like back in August. It does seem early but if you go from when they shipped the game out to be mass produced the DLC team has had multiple months to work on these things.

Divine Phoenix

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Dear God, are you kidding me? DLC /already/? As much as I love Bungie and the Halo series, this is a little crazy... They're practically milking us of our money. The game itself cost $59.99 (not including tax), the least they could do is wait 'till we have money in our pockets again. I mean, my god.. If they released it later, it would've been a much better for myself, and I'm guessing several other people.

Armored Prayer

New member
Mar 10, 2009
Yay, for the new DLC.

However I like to see more forge items (why so little props and scenery items?) and the the possibility to mix up the Elite armors.

Maybe in the next DLC.