Chair Has "Sweet" Metroidvania Ideas for Shadow Complex 2

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Chair Has "Sweet" Metroidvania Ideas for Shadow Complex 2

If Shadow Complex 2 ever comes to be, it'll be way sweeter than the first game.

Chair Entertainment and Epic Games' broke the XBLA sales record [] at launch, but a sequel hasn't been announced. When Chair does come back to it, however, it says that some new ideas are bubbling in the designers' brains.

Chair founder Donald Mustard recently spoke to Eurogamer about the upcoming Unreal Engine 3-powered iOS title Infinity Blade [], but a few questions were snuck in about Shadow Complex as well. Unfortunately, Mustard was pretty tight-lipped about the future of the Complex franchise.

"We love Shadow Complex and we have lots of ideas for the future of Shadow Complex, but that's all we can say right now," Mustard revealed. I loved Shadow Complex so much that I think I'm going to go ahead and say that this statement means Shadow Complex 2 is confirmed, even though it's not.

"We'd love to make another one," Mustard continued. "We've got sweet ideas for more stuff but right now everyone is completely focused on getting Infinity Blade out the door."

So, once Chair finishes messing around with its iOS project, we'll hopefully see a new Shadow Complex that will be even "sweeter" than the first. Shadow Complex took the ideas forged in games like Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and brought them into the modern era. As the game's main character explored a massive military complex, he would find equipment that advanced his abilities, which enabled him to reach new areas or find hidden secrets. It was Metroidvania at its core, but dressed up somewhat differently. Another game that takes what Shadow Complex did right and expands on it would be great, because Metroidvania titles are few and far between these days.

Source: Eurogamer []



Mar 6, 2010
Shadow Complex 2 sounds like a good thing to me. I just wonder how they are gonna justifie another game after the ending they had.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Am I the only one who cringes every time they read the word "metroidvania?" Someone has to come up with something better to call them than that.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
ike42 said:
Am I the only one who cringes every time they read the word "metroidvania?" Someone has to come up with something better to call them than that.
Pre-op metroidvanian?

I'd love another Shadow Complex. Easily of my favorite arcade games.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
There is nothing I like better than a 2D Metroid game...Except for Metroidvania games. I like the DS games even more than I liked Super Metroid.


The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
Honestly, I didn't care for Shadow Complex.
I'm hoping that a sequel would be more my speed.


New member
May 25, 2008
Yay! Shadow Complex was great value for your money, which is hard to find these days.
I'm all for this :D Now I need to remember to play a bit of Shadow Complex once I've finished Fable 3 and gotten sick of Fallout 3 again. Damn there are a lot of games that need playing, but so little time...


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
ike42 said:
Am I the only one who cringes every time they read the word "metroidvania?" Someone has to come up with something better to call them than that.
No you are not. I especially hate the term because I have found every Metroid title I've played to be so boring that I almost fell into a coma, and it sucks that good games like Shadow Complex get knocked down a peg by being associated with Metroid because of that silly phrase.

Fronzel said:
How about just "Metroid"?

As excellant as a game as it was, Symphony of the Night (and subsequent Castlevania games in the same mold) was not an advancement of the concept over Super Metroid or even the original Metroid.
Obviously I must object to that, that would be just worse. Plus Metroid is not a genre.

Daemascus said:
Shadow Complex 2 sounds like a good thing to me. I just wonder how they are gonna justifie another game after the ending they had.
They don't have to do a game with the same characters and story. Hell when was the last time a regular numbered release of a Final Fantasy game had anything to do with the one before it? Exactly. And people still love that festering pile of rubbish for reasons I will never understand, so obviously they could just bring out a new character and a new evil group and a new place to explore for Shadow Complex 2 and it would still be good as long as they don't ruin the gameplay.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Fronzel said:
ike42 said:
Am I the only one who cringes every time they read the word "metroidvania?" Someone has to come up with something better to call them than that.
How about just "Metroid"?

As excellant as a game as it was, Symphony of the Night (and subsequent Castlevania games in the same mold) was not an advancement of the concept over Super Metroid or even the original Metroid.
Well, both the original Metroid and Castlevania games came out in the same year. It's not like one takes much precedent over the other, even if the Metroid series has a far better track record overall.

Personally, I'd call them "Castloid" games. Same portmanteau idea, but quicker and easier to say.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
I simply loved Shadow Complex, it was amazing, and my only complaint was that it was way too short for my taste, but it had ALL the things I love about the Metroidvania genre. I no longer have a 360 and I'll feel a bit guilty if this is exclusive for 360.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
mjc0961 said:
ike42 said:
Am I the only one who cringes every time they read the word "metroidvania?" Someone has to come up with something better to call them than that.
No you are not. I especially hate the term because I have found every Metroid title I've played to be so boring that I almost fell into a coma, and it sucks that good games like Shadow Complex get knocked down a peg by being associated with Metroid because of that silly phrase.
Wow man. What Metroid games have you been playing? To me, there's nothing more exciting in a video game than exploring a foreign world at your own pace- never knowing what's beyond the next door and always being excited for the next upgrade, expansion, or boss encounter. What makes Shadow Complex more exciting? Real guns? Human enemies? More explosions? More dialog?

I'd say Shadow Complex is easily one of the top 10 360 games, which includes XBLA and normal releases. We need more games that allow open world exploration. I'm surprised we haven't seen more games like Borderlands that combine the shooting formula (which is so incredibly popular for god knows what reason) with something almost entirely non-linear. Throw in some puzzle aspects similar to Half-Life 2 and you've got gold.

Random Name 4

New member
Oct 23, 2010
Great game, I had never played a metroidvania game before this and I still thought it was great, despite the plot.


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
I bought the first Shadow Complex and loved it. The story was a little insane, but that's not why you play it. I do hope that they use this opportunity to simply tell other stories in the same mold, which incidently would result in not having to explain why your character suddenly sucks again (I'm looking at you Metroid).