Chair Has "Sweet" Metroidvania Ideas for Shadow Complex 2


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
The first Shadow Complex was a thing of beauty and is truly one of the best downloadable games ever made. I hope that they can get around to making a sequel and give us more insight into the world that the game inhabits. Should be good stuff if they ever get to it.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Fronzel said:
ike42 said:
Am I the only one who cringes every time they read the word "metroidvania?" Someone has to come up with something better to call them than that.
How about just "Metroid"?

As excellant as a game as it was, Symphony of the Night (and subsequent Castlevania games in the same mold) was not an advancement of the concept over Super Metroid or even the original Metroid.
It added experiance gain and RPG elements.

Shadow Complex was a Metroidian game, because it lacked the RPG elements inherent in a MetroidVANIA title.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Fronzel said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Fronzel said:
ike42 said:
Am I the only one who cringes every time they read the word "metroidvania?" Someone has to come up with something better to call them than that.
How about just "Metroid"?

As excellant as a game as it was, Symphony of the Night (and subsequent Castlevania games in the same mold) was not an advancement of the concept over Super Metroid or even the original Metroid.
It added experiance gain and RPG elements.

Shadow Complex was a Metroidian game, because it lacked the RPG elements inherent in a MetroidVANIA title.
I hadn't considered that, but should the use of RPG elements be used to define genre like this, to distinguish between "Metroidian" and "Metroidvania" as you have done?

We don't draw genre distinctions between, say, 3rd-person action games that have and do not have RPG elements....although strategy games with RPG elements are; they're called SRPGs.
Considering that in the case of SoTN Stats affected everything, as did leveling, I think so yes.