Yea it does seem like the consoles have come to a stalemate (even though I don't really follow the mainstream gaming news) I haven't even heard rumors of new consoles coming out anytime soon. However I have to disagree a bit with the fact that PC gaming might be dying. Yea a lot of games are coming out for consoles instead of PCs, but many of those games are also available for PCs and some people play them on the PC more than the console (TF2 is the one that comes to mind first, even though it was available for the console I know several people who play it on the PC), and there is also the fact that even though some games came out for consoles it just seems better to play them on PCs (RTS games come to mind for me, I like to play them a lot and I find it better to point and click instead of scrambling around with a thumb stick)