March Mayhem Round 3 Review - Great Eight Begins


New member
Oct 8, 2007
March Mayhem Round 3 Review - Great Eight Begins


Ladies and Gentlemen, voting is now open for The Great Eight! But before you make your choice, get caught up on what happened in Round 3 and who to watch this Round! With eight developers left, anything can happen.

We have some epic match-ups underway as we enter into Round 4, known as "The Great Eight." Check out the upsets from Round 3 and who you should watch in this exciting round.

Great Wins

All the wins could be considered great, as they were all hard fought, but one of the closest battles was between Obsidian and Rockstar North. After 48 hours of intense voting, Obsidian came through with the upset over the higher seeded Rockstar North. Square Enix and Naughty Dog also had an amazing match-up but in the end, Square Enix took the lead and kept it for the win.

Key Upsets

Besides Obsidian's quick rise to knock off Rockstar North, another great upset took place when veteran March Mayhem competitor Epic Games was sent home by this year's Cinderella, Mojang! Will Mojang continue its run at this year's title?

The Great Eight Match-ups to Watch

At this point in the tournament, all of the match-ups are going to be close. Each developer and this fans will need full support as anyone in this round should be viewed as a potential champion.

North Division
Blizzard versus Square EnixCan the studio who brought us World of Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft continue their quest for the title and defeat the studio who madeFinal Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts household names?
West Division
Obsidian Entertainment versus Mojang ABBoth of these developers have already shown how strong of a following they have as both have taken down studios seeded above them. With the 1st and 2nd seeded developers already gone, which one of these developers will win and become Division Champ?
East Division
BioWare versus BethesdaA battle for the ages as the number 1 and 2 seeds face off to get into the Fearsome Four. Both studios have amazing games and the respect of the gaming community, but which one has more fans voting and Tweeting for them this year?
South Division
Valve versus CapcomOne developer has taken the PC world by storm and the other has been creating games since the release of the original NES and continues to create blockbuster titles. Both are amazing and so intertwined within the gaming industry, this may be the closest match-up in The Great Eight, so keep watching the forum polls for updates.
For those of you who are just joining us in March Mayhem, head over to the Alienware laptops [] we are giving away!

To everyone who had filled out a bracket, make sure to check out our brand new Leaderboard [] to see where you stack every round!

Round 3 has begun, so head over to the Official Bracket [] to begin voting. Welcome to the Mayhem!



New member
Dec 16, 2008
I did not expect Obsidian and Mojang to go so far, clearly underestimated Minecraft. I personally think that Minecraft is just stupid, but that's me, and I need story or the game is meaningless. I can't see BioWare losing to Bethesda, Fallout 3 and NV have far more bugs than ME or DA games. Stories are pretty good in all their respective games. However, you can't really vote for a game that hasn't been played yet(Skyrim).

For Bad DLC
Mothership Zeta, Dead Money, Operation Anchorage


Kasumi, Pinnacle Station, Witch Hunt

So that's a toss up lol


New member
Oct 31, 2010
I actually can't believe Bungie got beaten... *sad face...*

Mojang haven't even made a game past Beta stage!


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Mojang was the surprise but minecraft people are true fans

Minecraft isn't there yet but the game has so much POTENTIAL it makes my pants tight. Though it is limited if notch doesn't rewrite it outside of Java, seriously man game in java?

so hopefully they win, even if they did wreck my bracket :(


New member
Mar 26, 2010
I guess Mojang will win this one as well but they won't manage to beat Valve in the next round.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
The hardest vote right now is probably going to be Bioware vs Bethesda. I ended up flipping a coin when choosing my bracket and had to make a choice between the two. Lets hope the flip was right.

Edit: I just hope I was right in choosing Mojang over Valve. Theres a lot of Valve fans on this site and although Mojang seems to be the underdog hit right now Im having doubts they will steal the show.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
I just don't get the obsidian thing. They make buggy games. Did New Vegas ever get fixed?


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Spinwhiz said:
Blizzard versus Square EnixCan the studio who brought us World of Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft continue their quest for the title and defeat the studio who madeFinal Fantasy and Dungeon Siege household names?
Either I misunderstood something, or there is a mistake here. Square Enix never made a Dungeon Siege game, they're only a publisher for the upcoming DS III. Dungeon Siege was made by Gas Powered Games led by Chris Taylor of Total Annihilation fame.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Yossarian1507 said:
Spinwhiz said:
Blizzard versus Square EnixCan the studio who brought us World of Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft continue their quest for the title and defeat the studio who madeFinal Fantasy and Dungeon Siege household names?
Either I misunderstood something, or there is a mistake here. Square Enix never made a Dungeon Siege game, they're only a publisher for the upcoming DS III. Dungeon Siege was made by Gas Powered Games led by Chris Taylor of Total Annihilation fame.
Nope, you are correct. It was meant to be Kingdom Hearts. Thanks for letting me know.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
Who the heck thinks Mojang is better than Epic? I mean minecraft is o.k. but it's not really that good. Its glorified legos


Enlightened Dispenser Of Truth!
Feb 4, 2010
Lillowh said:
Who the heck thinks Mojang is better than Epic? I mean minecraft is o.k. but it's not really that good. Its glorified legos
Apparently 8875 people think Mojang is better.

Not me, personally, but hey: opinion.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
mattttherman3 said:
I did not expect Obsidian and Mojang to go so far, clearly underestimated Minecraft. I personally think that Minecraft is just stupid, but that's me, and I need story or the game is meaningless. I can't see BioWare losing to Bethesda, Fallout 3 and NV have far more bugs than ME or DA games. Stories are pretty good in all their respective games. However, you can't really vote for a game that hasn't been played yet(Skyrim).

For Bad DLC
Mothership Zeta, Dead Money, Operation Anchorage


Kasumi, Pinnacle Station, Witch Hunt

So that's a toss up lol
Bethesda didn't make New Vegas, nor the Dead Money add on.

That is Obsidian, who losing against Mojang as we speak.


Professional Lurker
Mar 19, 2009
Lillowh said:
Who the heck thinks Mojang is better than Epic? I mean minecraft is o.k. but it's not really that good. Its glorified legos
Lego is better than video games.

Should I be saying that out loud on a video game forum?


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Lillowh said:
Who the heck thinks Mojang is better than Epic? I mean minecraft is o.k. but it's not really that good. Its glorified legos
Minecraft is glorified legos in the same way as PC is a glorified abacus.

I have Mojang losing the final round to Bioware


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Lillowh said:
Who the heck thinks Mojang is better than Epic? I mean minecraft is o.k. but it's not really that good. Its glorified legos
Beats the sh*t out of me

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
ChocoCake said:
My avatar finally comes to fruition.
That. Is. Awesome!

Lillowh said:
Who the heck thinks Mojang is better than Epic? I mean minecraft is o.k. but it's not really that good. Its glorified legos
The last Epic game I played much of was the Unreal Tournement demo (someone in computer services put up a server and named the enemy bots after the freshman seminar authors, it was great). However as much fun as it was to blast Sophocles in to oblivion I found the maps garish, the weapons over-powered, and the pacing a bit frenetic. The final product did support a nice mod/mutator system and a nice array of game types but I never found the overall gameplay that appealing.

While Epic hasn't done anything for me lately I've had a lot of fun with Minecraft and happily voted with them up until they hit Obsidian. So yeah, for me Mojang is better than Epic.