Microsoft Files Antitrust Complaint Against Google

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Microsoft Files Antitrust Complaint Against Google

Microsoft believes Google is making it impossible to compete in the internet search market.

This week, Microsoft officially joined a group of companies in Europe that have filed complaints with the European Commission against Google for what they call potentially illegal anti-competitive practices. Microsoft says that Bing, its Google search alternative, cannot make any headway in the current business environment.

In a blog post, Microsoft senior vice president & general counsel Brad Smith writes that Google controls 95% of the search market in Europe. He feels that the competitive environment in the U.S. is also poor, but says Bing has at least been able to take a 25% market share in the region.

However, this may not be possible in Europe, according to Smith. He names various reasons as justification for Microsoft's antitrust complaint. First, Smith says that restrictions have been implemented within Google-owned YouTube to prevent competing search engines from accessing it properly. YouTube is one of the biggest video sharing websites in the world, so not having access to its content is a huge detriment.

Smith also calls Google out on blocking Microsoft's Windows Phones from accessing all of YouTube's features, though it implements full YouTube functionality for Google's Android phones and Apple's iPhones. Microsoft has a YouTube app ready to go for Windows Phone 7, but says Google hasn't given it permission to access YouTube as it has with other companies.

Further, Smith writes that Google wants to block access to certain types of book content for any search engine other than its own, restrict the data of advertisers that use Google's services, and says Google should not be allowed to prevent European websites from using search boxes other than Google's. Microsoft is also concerned about what it calls Google's discrimination against competitors in regards to advertising placement.

Smith acknowledges that it's somewhat ironic for Microsoft to file an antitrust complaint, the giant having been the target of antitrust accusations in the past. He says the company doesn't take the filing of this complaint lightly, pointing out it's the first time Microsoft has made such a move. What was once a search engine war of words [] has now become an official battle.

Thanks for the tip CezarIgnat []!

Source: Microsoft Blog []



Dec 16, 2008
Google owns the market because it's easy to use, fast and above all: Familiar.

I hope Google Counter-Claims against Internet Explorer. That'd be some poetic justice right there.


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
Firstly: Wait, what? Google is trying to make more money? Since when?

Secondly: Either come up with a method that has a chance of rivaling the Google/YouTube empire, or don't try. Even Microsoft needs to know when to back down, and this is one of those times.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
the reason that google is dominating the market is because its better then all of the others out there, so stop complaining mirocosft because your shit
also microsoft, Bing is shit, thats why no one used it so instead of whining like a ***** improve your own service


New member
Oct 5, 2010
This week, Microsoft officially joined a group of companies in Europe that have filed complaints with the European Commission against Google for what they call potentially illegal anti-competitive practices.
Oh man that's too funny, can't stop laughing. Maybe the microsoft people should go Bing what irony is, just for fun.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I used to wonder if Google throttled non-Chrome users. It's bizarre, but I've had such obnoxious hangs caused by the Google-owned properties found on the majority of the internet. Doubly annoying because half of it has to be enable for sites to work properly.

Though oddly, it doesn't occur on it's direct sites like Google or Youtube. Joys of internet paranoia.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Oh man, that was a good one. Funniest April fools so far today.

Wait, it's not a joke?
Microsoft filing an anti-trust suit for control over the internet is like Doctor Evil filing a suit against... well anybody, for trying to take over the world.

Aah, my brain stopped short of making that metaphor funny.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Err... Wasn't Bing stealing search results or something from Google?

Also, this is a business enivornment, and is dictated by what people want to use. I don't see how Google being a good search engine suggests fucking illegal activities, because that's essentially why they're used.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
HankMan said:
Oh Poor Microsoft!
All they have is a stranglehold on the PC market and the World's most successful gaming Console *sadface*
the PS2 is the world's most successful gaming console with the most units sold.
the Wii is the most successful of this console generation.

The xbox 360 is the most successful of the "core" consoles (of which there are only 2)

just wanted to clarify that before someone else did.

anyways, yes. this is very much a pot calling the kettle black situation, what with microsoft controlling most of the PC market.

but then again, Microsoft HAS been investigated and HAS been forced to take measures to ensure "fair" competition. google has yet to be investigated for anything


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
HankMan said:
All they have is a stranglehold on the PC market and the World's most successful gaming Console *sadface*
Microsoft made the Playstation 2? I could have sworn that was Sony.

TheEvilCheese said:
I hope Google Counter-Claims against Internet Explorer. That'd be some poetic justice right there.
People still use Internet Explorer?!

Veloxe said:
This week, Microsoft officially joined a group of companies in Europe that have filed complaints with the European Commission against Google for what they call potentially illegal anti-competitive practices.
Oh man that's too funny, can't stop laughing. Maybe the microsoft people should go Bing what irony is, just for fun.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
"Mr. Lawman, sir, the situation is this- Google is not allowing us to provide access to the web sites it owns. In addition, it is doing things that make it hard for us to emulate it entirely, and eventually overtake it in profits."

"Uhm. Good? This sounds like the kind of thing a sane company would do?"

"Oh. Yes, I believe it is, sir. Good call."

Honestly, Microsoft. You need to pick your battles- whilst I'm sure there are plenty of actually illegal activities going on at Google HQ, you might want to wait until you find something more substantial than "These meanies are making it hard to win at this business niche."
Though, to be fair, Google is kinda creepy lately.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
It's "discrimination against competitors" is just good business sense. You don't spread the word of your leading rivals on your flagship IP. I don't think I've ever seen Yahoo link me back to Google unless I've asked it to, or vice versa, and this is just how it is.

There isn't anything wrong in how Google operates at this time, they could be a lot more omnipresent and oppressive, they could buy out a lot of the smaller companies and silence utterly those that oppose them, but they don't. If you aren't succeeding in posing a threat to their domination of search engines, you aren't providing a better service, and taking the issue to court is just childish.

Especially since nothing owned by MS is as open and unrestrictive as Googles properties. It's all tightly controlled and everything in and out has to be analysed by MS themselves for approval. This is not conducive to a good relationship smaller content producers, whom make up the majority of your target demographic.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
And all of the people replying fail to understand why we have antitrust laws in the first place.


Dec 16, 2008
JuggernautFox said:
TheEvilCheese said:
Google owns the market because it's easy to use, fast and above all: Familiar.

I hope Google Counter-Claims against Internet Explorer. That'd be some poetic justice right there.
I'm a bit confused as to how that would go down. IE is pretty much only used to download Firefox and Chrome, and Chrome is buggier than Bing. Explain your logic to me please, sir
As I pointed out here IE still holds an almost 50% market share, while not as ludicrous as a 95% share, IE is the most used browser in the world.

I do admit that Bing is actually... not bad. In fact, it's reached a point where it's pretty much equal to Google in my eyes. However Google is simple and familiar, the two main reasons for it's current success.