Microsoft Files Antitrust Complaint Against Google


New member
Feb 5, 2009
"30 Mar 2011 9:00 PM"

Thats when this was posted on the source so either Microsoft are being douche bags like normal, or they jumped the gun. I wouldn't put it past them to actually do this cause they're Microsoft and Bing is a piece of shit.

If Google is taking over everything then I totally support them cause they fucking rock!


New member
Dec 11, 2008
IMO I think Chrome still needs some tweeking before they need to be taken down by antitrust laws.

Also, while I love Google to death i have to say that the only way that they will continue to make high quality products is for the other companies to exist making their lower quality products.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
WEll... if Bing wasn't such a fucking epic disaster, eye-sore, and wasn't so invasive they would hav emore of a fucking chance.

Get rid of that stupid bar on where BING will drop down massively in its own little window thing.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
bing sucks and any users of it are doing so because its the default on explorer and requires a bit of effort to change which IE users arnt experienced enough with computers to use a different browser.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Hotmail is still really buggy with Firefox.

Fix that, Microsoft, then I'll feel sorry for you when another company screws over your software of choice.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
This is rather funny, my mother uses Bing, but I've tried it and personally can't stand it.

The thing about the whole youtube not working on certain phones is idiotic to say the least. Why should youtube/google have to support microsoft-owned products? That's like saying all microsoft games should be portable to the mac, which we all know is not happening.

Meh, I think microsoft is just mad because bing wasn't succesful. I mean, they have the largest hold over the gaming and computer industry. Do they -really- need to have a hold over the internet search engine industry too?


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Perhaps make Bing better to use?
Don't get me wrong, I like PCs. I own an Xbox, and use IE. But still, make Bing better to use. And stop those stupid comercials. They insult my inteligence.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
What? But Microsoft constantly votes up its own search engine and votes down Google in the "Choose your search engine" page for IE. And they're complaining about anti-competitive practices?


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Ok, as hard as it might be to defend microsoft, this is a good thing and needs to be done. Google is no better than microsoft in playing fair. Monopolies are not good for anyone and Google IS trying to get their fingers into any loophole they can and basically claim ownership of the internet. (I mean if running your own broadband cable isnt a massive step in that claim nothing is)

Yes microsoft sucks on so many levels but this is something that needs to be answered, because of all the fans of google, how do you like the notion of Google being the only way to access the internet? How long do you think they will fend off complacency once they are beyond reach? Do you really think they will continue to strive to have that "high quality" you profess when they dont have anything left to be better than? Like it or not microsoft is one of the few companies who have the financial clout to be able to accomplish this.

Now.. if someone could run adobe into the ground it would be very much appreciated.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Yes, Microsoft, but tons of Youtube videos are posted by people with iPhones, and TONS of people own iPhones, so Apple gets a Youtube pass for sure so Androids and Apples can hang out and stuff. But Microsoft does not get one because of Vista Karma and Microsoft's utter failure that last time they wanted to make a phone. Plus that whole Windows/Xbox Live Phone integration that not every mother------- wants anything to do with, thus involving those asinine Avatars.

Joking[footnote]Kinda[/footnote] aside, Microsoft needs to realize that Google has had plenty of time to build up its loyal following, while Microsoft has been too busy stagnating until *BING* a stupid idea came up and they went with it. Besides, didn't Google prove that Bing-Fries-Are-Done was using Google's search for some really obscure items planted as a test by Google?


New member
Mar 11, 2009
unacomn said:
Oh man, that was a good one. Funniest April fools so far today.

Wait, it's not a joke?
Microsoft filing an anti-trust suit for control over the internet is like Doctor Evil filing a suit against... well anybody, for trying to take over the world.

Aah, my brain stopped short of making that metaphor funny.
That was a simile. Comparison using "like" or "as", *****.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
People seem to fail to relive that Google does have a monopoly and is moving to own pretty much everything. We like them so we don't complain but there still in charge and a change in leadership could easily turn them into dicks, thus affect a large portion of your internet interaction. Of course somehow I predict "when Google wasn't full of greedy bastards" will be flung around rather then "well we advocated this, I guess we have to face our mistake" if that does happen. Man why do people just assume that companies are benevolent and will never do anything against them and spread love and chocolate everywhere or are evil and therefore must have a department devoted to killing kitten and vacuuming the money out of the wallets of orphans?


New member
Feb 18, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:

?xobX eht no llatsni uoy nac sresworb rehto tahw ,tfosorciM yaw eht yB​
.....Touche mysterious backwards man.

Microsoft, Hint, maybe you can't compete well because your search engine can't do anything google can't, not to mention that's its apparently in "Beta".
Also, no one likes to support perceived dicks even when they have genuine complaints so maybe improve your public persona, then go cry about Google, mkay?


New member
Nov 27, 2009
The way I see it though Google isn't utilizing any anti-competitive practices. It's just providing a better service. If Google suddenly did become evil, they would give an opportunity for someone to provide another service that is not evil/less evil. Just good business on Google's part. If they do something to upset their users there will always be people willing to make a better or comparable alternative.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Microsoft do you really need to sue anyone? You have the PC market and the console market do you really care about the internet of which they need one of those things to get to?


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Maybe Microsoft wouldn't have so much trouble in the search engine department if Bing didn't just copy Google's searches.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Microsoft should know better than anyone:
Doing what you do better than anyone else does not a monopoly make.

This would be like if I owned the best bakery in town, and refused to sell cookies and pass out coupons to a new, crappier bakery across the street.

"And furthermore, Tekno's Treats owns the recipe to some awesome sugar cookies. Now it shares this recipe with some other people -- why not with me? I absolutely will not use it to make my competing bakery more profitable. As a matter of fact, they OWE me that recipe! This is a monopoly!! Get your foot off my throat, corporate dog! ATTICA! ATTICA!"

(Microsft: Everyone has already tried LiveSearchWithMoreExpensivePR I mean Bing. It's shit. Make it less shitty and we'll talk.)