Talking About Game of Thrones

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Talking About Game of Thrones

Does the HBO adaptation work if you haven?t read the books?

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and Now My Watch Begins
Sep 8, 2009
Thanks Greg Agree on a lot of these points. The Drogo Dany thing actually gets worse as they dont show the time lapse and by episode 2 she is beggining to fall in love with the big oaf but by the end I'm hoping that we get to see how their relationship blooms into true love


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Unfortunately I neither have a TV, nor friends with Sky Atlantic, nor access to an internet connection that doesn't block *ahem* alternative ways of watching the show. So I am stuck waiting for the box-set for the mo.

However, I urge all who can to try and catch it, as I have heard great things, have been following the production for aaaages (and approve), and am a MASSIVE fan of the books. Really, the story is great.

And saying that, Tito, maybe you should mention something in the OP about not revealing spoilers in open posts, as many potential future seasons of plot twists have already been revealed to those who've read the novels...



New member
Aug 27, 2009
I am keen to see it, being a fan of the books. The first review I read was quite scathing but actually commented very little on the show. Rather it made sweeping derisive remarks about fantasy novels and then assumed that the lead female character were given larger roles by HBO for the series (because they couldn't possibly be important in a teenage-boy wish fulfilment book). It was bad but I ended up with no understanding of the plot, acting, direction, dialogue - pretty much anything about the show.

Good to read something that discusses it properly.


Tank Ninja
Feb 19, 2006
ElectroJosh said:
The first review I read was quite scathing but actually commented very little on the show. Rather it made sweeping derisive remarks about fantasy novels and then assumed that the lead female character were given larger roles by HBO for the series (because they couldn't possibly be important in a teenage-boy wish fulfilment book). It was bad but I ended up with no understanding of the plot, acting, direction, dialogue - pretty much anything about the show.
You can't imagine how much vitriolic discussion towards that review(and one other choice one) spawned in the office last week. It was in part why we wanted to do these recaps.
May 5, 2010
The only thing I thought was off about that 15 minute open was that weird edit. You know the one, when the deserter looks up at the Other and it just...fades out.

Now, this would work if what happened to the deserter after that was left a mystery, but it's not. He's back within five minutes, he tells us EXACTLY what happened to him, and then he fucking dies. So what was the point of the fade? Why didn't you just SHOW us him escaping the Other?

Come to think of it, I now realize that this may have been an omission of a scene from that video that will be in the actual episode, and it was cut to make room for more characters. At least, I HOPE that's what it is.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Does anyone know how to watch this in the UK without sky atlantic, was crushed when i realised i wouldn't see it.


New member
May 21, 2009
The first episode was everything I hoped for, The actors were great, the costuming was brilliant, and the cinematography was excellent. I honestly liked the change in Dany's wedding scene, I always found it rather unrealistic to think that this young girl was basically sold into slavery by her insane older brother and forced to have sex with a rather fearsome warlord. I think that this change should be used to show Day's empowerment as a character as she and Drogo come to respect each other because in the books, it is undeniable that Drogo not only loves but also respects Dany.

I didn't much care for the music though, I found it forgettable and bland, very generic fantasy.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I don't get why we need to know everything from the first episode. It's not like the first 100 pages of the book contain all that has happened before Baratheon went to Winterfell.

Are TV viewers so impatient? I get it that a book (especially a book like A Game of Thrones) can be read at one's own pace. The reader can go on to the next page and then to the next until he's tired or until he has finally gotten the answer he wants. TV is not the same. You get 1 hour and that's it; you'll have to wait a week now. But still, why do TV viewers need to know everything?

I really liked the first episode. I can understand how they made some characters older (especially Daenerys) and it's fine by me. I agree that the love scene should have shown the potential for love in there and that was my only objection.

And I also agree with you, Greg, that the director and the writers did an excellent work in showing, not telling. The first encounter between Ned and Robert is indicative of their relationship even before they talk to each other!


New member
May 21, 2009
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
The only thing I thought was off about that 15 minute open was that weird edit. You know the one, when the deserter looks up at the Other and it just...fades out.

Now, this would work if what happened to the deserter after that was left a mystery, but it's not. He's back within five minutes, he tells us EXACTLY what happened to him, and then he fucking dies. So what was the point of the fade? Why didn't you just SHOW us him escaping the Other?

Come to think of it, I now realize that this may have been an omission of a scene from that video that will be in the actual episode, and it was cut to make room for more characters. At least, I HOPE that's what it is.
The cut was to go to the opening credits and they are awesome. We don't know how Gared escapes in the books so I don't see it as a big deal. The Others are intelligent, I think they wanted to send a message.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
I liked it, quite a bit. Granted, it's been some time since I read the books, so there may be some details that I've forgotten about.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
I had never even heard of A song of ice and fire before a few days ago, so I think I can be considered a newbie. The show does not air in my country, but with a bit of persistence, I was able to watch it.

Personally I was taken in by the pilot episode, and definately want to see more of this. Regarding the subtle hints mentioned in the article, I picked up on most of them myself without any prior knowledge. It was quite clear that the alledged return of these white walkers was something the main character took quite seriously even if he didnt want to show it outright. It was also quite clear that the savage groom guy in the desert area was not actually the savage man he appeared to be, although it was a bit ambiguos. The only things that wasn't clear to me was about this death/murder? of the kings hand. Its not very clear what actually happened even with the letter from his wife(?). I must admit that I also wasn't 100% sure who the prince guy was screwing right at the end, because we had only seen the sister once a while ago.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I really, really like this adaptation so far, but I'm also a huge fan of the books. And like the author, I watched the pilot with someone unfamiliar with the source material. I also had to keep telling her it wasn't going to be like Lord of the Rings (the only fantasy she's familiar with, sadly). She also had a lot questions and was confused by some of the relationships and history. But the books are like that, too. You don't learn everything about Ned and Robert's relationship regarding Ned's sister until later on. But you need to understand that to get the poignancy of Robert asking to see her grave.

Anyway, I personally am excited to see the next episode. This series has been a long time coming.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
I've never read the books and having watched the first episode I just can't find a reason to keep watching. I'm not a huge fan of the fantasy genre in general though. The 7 Kingdoms, Middle-Earth... I just don't care what happens to them. I think it's the whole English countryside circa 1300s look they all have going on.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I know nothing about the series, but you identified my two big issues with last nights episode. The whole Barbarian King, pale woman relationship seemed off to me, I kept waiting for him to break type and do something compassionate, but he didn't. The scene on the cliffs actually read as rape to me.

the other being that i didn't and still don't understand why the 'deserter' was executed. They were sent into the woods to investigate strange goings on, found them, his CO died, he escaped and returned to report what he saw. I don't understand how any of that constitutes some kind of crime.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
walrusaurus said:
I know nothing about the series, but you identified my two big issues with last nights episode. The whole Barbarian King, pale woman relationship seemed off to me, I kept waiting for him to break type and do something compassionate, but he didn't. The scene on the cliffs actually read as rape to me.

the other being that i didn't and still don't understand why the 'deserter' was executed. They were sent into the woods to investigate strange goings on, found them, his CO died, he escaped and returned to report what he saw. I don't understand how any of that constitutes some kind of crime.
The deserter was executed because instead of returning to the wall and telling his CO what happened he booked it south of the wall, which is where he was caught. As you will see, this is a pretty harsh world, and telling Eddard Stark what happened AFTER he got caught running away isn't gonna save his life.

Truly-A-Lie said:
I've never read the books and having watched the first episode I just can't find a reason to keep watching. I'm not a huge fan of the fantasy genre in general though. The 7 Kingdoms, Middle-Earth... I just don't care what happens to them. I think it's the whole English countryside circa 1300s look they all have going on.
I am not gonna go OMFGWTF fanboy out on you for this, cause I feel the same way about anime. But I will tell you that, fantasy setting aside, if you stick with it you are in for one hell of a ride!


New member
Apr 7, 2010
It was interesting... but the biggest thing that kept me in was Sean Bean, who is one of my favorite actors. It looks like he's only in 2 episodes according to IMDB, so if the next episode keeps my interest I'll keep going, Sean Bean or no.

Cheery Lunatic

New member
Aug 18, 2009
I completely agree with the Khal Drogo and Daeneyrs point. The books made their consummation seem much more tender, but hey, I'm just nitpicking.

Overall, I was extremely pleased with the pilot. Great, great way to start the season. Hope they can keep up the momentum.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
I've never heard of this series before, but last night I was at a friend's house and they were watching the premiere, I guess. I watched about ten minutes of it. Most shots were generic and the acting was sub-par. I think it actually hurts the series that they're not using uglier people. It's also too clean, well the armor is too clean, the clothes, castle, etc. If they want the 'clean' look then the world setting needs to be 'advanced' a bit or at least more fantasy esque. Then there was this sex scene with a midget and I turned it off. It really grinds my gears that HBO, Starz, etc. try to make up for poor acting, scripting with boobs.