Talking About Game of Thrones


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Cheery Lunatic said:
I completely agree with the Khal Drogo and Daeneyrs point. The books made their consummation seem much more tender, but hey, I'm just nitpicking.

Overall, I was extremely pleased with the pilot. Great, great way to start the season. Hope they can keep up the momentum.
It's funny... I feel like I'm the only person for whom the first several events read as rape in the books, too. The way I remember it, Daenerys had no power in the relationship and hated the situation she had been forced into. Then she has this funny dream with a dragon after which, suddenly, she loves her husband and is utterly devoted to him, as well as, after her brother died, actually caring about getting her kingdom back.

Of course, I might be wrong. I've gotten through the first two books and I'll probably only read the third one grudgingly because the second one settles nothing, so I'm not exactly the biggest fan, either. (A likable character who doesn't get shat on would be a nice start, but, of course, that goes against the tone of the series, and I recognize that, therefore, it might just not be for me.)


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Their were some minor differences from the books (mainly the scene with Khal and Daenneyrs) but altogether I think it was a great adaptation of the book and I can't wait to see more. By far one of the best HBO series yet, let's hope they don't mess it up.

I just wish the Martin would release the next book in the series, but I guess quality is worth waiting for.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Jebusetti said:
The deserter was executed because instead of returning to the wall and telling his CO what happened he booked it south of the wall, which is where he was caught. As you will see, this is a pretty harsh world, and telling Eddard Stark what happened AFTER he got caught running away isn't gonna save his life.
Allright that makes a bit more sense then. They really did a poor job communicating that. The implication that I drew was that his little scouting party was sent up there by some local lord, and in the process of fleeing he was assumed to be a deserter.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
AstylahAthrys said:
but the biggest thing that kept me in was Sean Bean, who is one of my favorite actors. It looks like he's only in 2 episodes according to IMDB, so if the next episode keeps my interest I'll keep going, Sean Bean or no.
Those IMDB credits aren't up-to-date, most of the main cast only lists 2 episode.


Ive been following the production for about two years so I had a lot of build-up leading into this and it payed off very well.

The premiere wasn't perfect, an extra 10-15 minutes would've done a lot of good in letting some of the scenes sit a bit longer and having a bit more action between the exposition would've help make things a bit less stuffy. The bran/tommen sparring scene would've been perfect for that and i know they filmed it for the pilot, hopefully it'll surface as a dvd extra.

I really enjoyed the visual choices they made and I'm quite happy with the casting. Seeing this material come to life gave me shivers several times.

As for ppl new to the story: give it a few episodes. It was the same with the book, the beginning was a bit laborious to get through. but it serves to position the characters so that when shit really starts hitting the fan, you are invested in their respective journeys and you understand their choices.

Once it gets going, it never stops getting better.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
It works if you haven't. If you have then you basically just get a summary mixed with awkward moments.

I had to explain to my friends why the brother and sister were touching each other while naked twice in one episode.

The details were lacking entirely, and I already knew everything that was going to happen before it happened. What followed was a letdown for every scene, maybe because reality is always worse than your fantasy/imagination.


New member
Oct 16, 2008
I'm really looking forward to checking it out, and I'm annoyed that my options are either shell out a stupid amount of cash for cable (which I never watch) or to find it through less than honorable means. Why they don't just have the episodes for purchase a la carte somewhere for, say, $10 is beyond me.

I've heard largely mixed reviews from people who aren't familiar with the books, but when I explain that the books are more or less as they describe the show to be, they seem slightly more interested but I've heard a lot of 'wow that's really gratuitous'. I suppose it's all in what one expects.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
So very glad to see the staff are such fans of Martin's work. My eyes raised several notches when scrolling down the news to find THREE bits on Thrones. Awesome.

Also glad to hear that it is done in partial response to the idiotic NYT review that has taken so much well deserved flack.

Loved the episode, only a very few nigglings on my own part where the writing and plot understandably show differences from the book. It does serve to keep things interesting as well though, catching the changes is almost a sport in of itself. The only thing that I wasn't happy about was I didn't think the music really did the rest of the production justice, primarily upon the King's entrance to Winterfell (the credits on the other hand, I found to be up to HBO's high creative standards.)

God. It's just way too easy to geek out when it comes to GRRM.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
walrusaurus said:
I know nothing about the series, but you identified my two big issues with last nights episode. The whole Barbarian King, pale woman relationship seemed off to me, I kept waiting for him to break type and do something compassionate, but he didn't. The scene on the cliffs actually read as rape to me.

the other being that i didn't and still don't understand why the 'deserter' was executed. They were sent into the woods to investigate strange goings on, found them, his CO died, he escaped and returned to report what he saw. I don't understand how any of that constitutes some kind of crime.
For the first comment, that is actually a pretty hotly disputed scene in the fan community of the books. The novel depicts it MUCH differently with actual tenderness. Eventually, Drogo and Dany fall in love.

As for the deserter, the man who was executed was a member of the Night's Watch. Their job is the watch the Wall, which separates the Seven Kingdoms from the Wildlings of the North and the Others (the White Walkers). Now, because no one has actually seen the White Walkers for ages, everyone has pretty much taken the Wall for granted, as it is staffed with mostly criminals and malcontents who got sent there for punishment. Life on the Wall is If you desert, they will execute you.

Sorry for wall o' text, and I hope this clears it up for you.


New member
May 17, 2008
Didn't read the book, but definitely enjoy the little dwarf/queen's brothers character. "Close the door braaaah!" ... and "what won't I do for


New member
Jun 14, 2010
EvilPicnic said:
Thank you for introducing me to this theory. I've red up to the first half of FfC and this is really compelling stuff!

Orange Monkey

New member
Mar 16, 2009
My friend found a lovely description of Gregor Clegane somewhere ''Imagine Pyramid Head with less spoken lines, his brother Sandor as a more sympathetic Fredd Kreuger. Both are the size and build of ten brick-shit houses'' Apparently that plus the pilot has him hooked.

Ahhh the thing is that I had to explain to nearly everyone that those two were brother and sister boinking D: Maybe they should of played the sibling card a little heavier.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Hey, you can't put "Does the HBO adaptation work if you haven't read the books?" on the front page, and then say "spoilers, stop reading here" in the article >:


New member
Aug 1, 2009
So the world it's set in is called westeros? Any swedes think the name sounds familiar :D (västerås *hint* *hint*)


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
I am not sure that we saw the "consummation" of Danny and Drogo's marriage. We actually didn't see them do the deed (and the show is not shy about sex scenes).

People re complaining that it was brutish and akin to rape, but I suspect that the producers will show us Drogo's tender side (does he have one?) soon. I predict they did not have sex in the rocky beach :)

Edit: I stand corrected. He was a barbarian through and through! He basically raped his wife :-/


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
EvilPicnic said:
And saying that, Tito, maybe you should mention something in the OP about not revealing spoilers in open posts, as many potential future seasons of plot twists have already been revealed to those who've read the novels...
I second the motion. I have read the books, but I was dismayed at seeing open spoilers in the thread. Especially since the title of the thread asks for non-readers to provide their comments on the show

Steve Butts

New member
Jun 1, 2010
ThreeKneeNick said:
Hey, you can't put "Does the HBO adaptation work if you haven't read the books?" on the front page, and then say "spoilers, stop reading here" in the article >:
I assume that any one who has read the books can't have it be spoiled.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
EvilPicnic said:
Unfortunately I neither have a TV, nor friends with Sky Atlantic, nor access to an internet connection that doesn't block *ahem* alternative ways of watching the show. So I am stuck waiting for the box-set for the mo.

However, I urge all who can to try and catch it, as I have heard great things, have been following the production for aaaages (and approve), and am a MASSIVE fan of the books. Really, the story is great.

And saying that, Tito, maybe you should mention something in the OP about not revealing spoilers in open posts, as many potential future seasons of plot twists have already been revealed to those who've read the novels...

this. completely. especially what you've got in the spoiler tags there. i've been re-reading the series for like the 4th time, and i'm now completely sure that's the case. if it's not, it's certainly the biggest red herring in the history of red herrings.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
The Daneyers and the Drogo scene really, really irked me. And I kept reminding my brother--a non-reader of the novel--about that. Drogo was NOT supposed to be gentle. From my recollection of the hovel, he just "took" her. He just bent her over and had his way with her.

But, yeah, the last scene with
Brian being crippled
really snagged a lot of people who hadn't read the novel. And they will be back for more.


New member
May 23, 2010
I haven't read the books, but the show didn't click for me.

In all honesty it just felt bland and generic, a sort of Lord of the Rings lite. None of the dramatic goings on had me interested or pondering, but rather bored. The one character I thought had something there was the dwarf brother, but his few minutes of screen time weren't enough to keep me hooked.

On top of that I think the nudity is a problem. I have NOTHING against sex or nudity or swearing or whatever have you in my fiction, I'm an adult, I can deal with those themes. But GoT felt adolescent about it, almost as if the audience not seeing a pair of titties every scene would send them to other channels with disgust. It came across as leery, which has always been one of the biggest turn-offs for me in any fictional creation.

Also, I don't really have the foggiest about these Whitewalker/others/chaps, and not in an "Hmm? Colour me intrigued" way, but more in an "Ah, so here's the generic force of evil" way.

I'll watch the next couple of episodes to give it a full and fair chance, but not impressed with what I've seen so far.