Microsoft Denies Core Gamers Hated Kinect

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Microsoft Denies Core Gamers Hated Kinect

Developers and gamers alike are happy with the motion controller, says Kinect's creative director.

Kudo Tsunoda says that Microsoft never felt the need to defend Kinect from core gamers. In fact, the opposite is true, he says, and core gamers were actually excited about the motion controller and the possibilities that it offered.

"I never really thought that core gamers were in any way hostile to Kinect," Tsunoda said. "People saying: 'Wow, we'd really love to have Kinect in the games that we love to play and the genres and types of games we like to enjoy,'... to me that's saying like, 'We really love Kinect, and we'd like Kinect to be in the experiences that we play regularly.'"

Tsunoda used himself as an example, saying that he had been playing videogames since he was five years old and was a core gamer through and through. He added that he was happy with Kinect, and with the fact that developers and gamers seemed to be interested in it. He said that the number of "Kinect experiences" would not only triple before the end of the year, they would also become more varied. He said that one of the Xbox 360's biggest strengths was that there was something on the console for everyone, irrespective of whether they were a core or casual gamer.

Tsunoda doesn't seem to be telling the whole story here, as you need only spend a few minutes on the videogame forum of your choosing to find core gamers who don't like the Kinect. Of course, it's entirely possible, and wholly likely if Tsunoda is to be believed, that they are just a very vocal minority. There are undoubtedly plenty of core games - myself included - who are at the very least intrigued by what motion and voice recognition might add to core games. The button less interface makes Kinect a difficult fit for some games, but used in concert with a controller - as with Mass Effect 3 - it could come into its own.

Source: CVG []



New member
Feb 22, 2009
Cue the hoardes of people denying this in three, two, one...

In all seriousness however, from what little time I spent using Kinect I did find it quite enjoyable. Maybe not something I would shell the money out for, but enjoyable nonetheless. Most people who I know that hate it have never actually had a go on it.

[sup]To be fair though, I can't help but think of that geeky guy who danced around on stage at last year's E3 whenever "Kinect" is uttered.[/sup]


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
I like the Kinnect, and find it awesome fun to play with friends... still doesnt mean I want to see it in core-gamer titles. Saying its hated though, I dont think Ive heard anyone say they hated the kinnect.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
I never said I hated the Kinect; I just don't want one because it never appealed to me at all.


King of Okay
Jun 27, 2008
Whilst I think there were a few people saying "We'd like some Kinect stuff in games" there was definitely an equal amount in the opposing camp saying "Kinect is lame."

But then again, a lot of people have been saying Kinect needs some core support, as opposed to just party games, which is fair enough really. Personally I think controlling your squad in ME3 with voice commands looks quite cool, but I realise I'm probably in a minority there.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
I don't really hate the Kinect. I hate the lack of games for it.

Hence the not buying and all.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
"to me that's saying like, 'We really love Kinect, and we'd like Kinect to be in the experiences that we play regularly.'"

If kinect started messing with things i liked, i would be furious.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
I'm sorry Micro, but the kinect isn't really all that good.
But it can stay, i have no problem with it.

Edit: Although to be fair, theres 3 games i found absolutely awesome to play with Kinect.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
I don't believe him. The response when ME3 was rumored to have Kinect support wasn't joyful, it was full of horror and anger. The majority of core gamers wanting the Kinect in all genres? Logan, I wouldn't really believe that. The creative director of a product that the company is pushing isn't going to say anything but positive things about his product.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
LavaLampBamboo said:
Personally I think controlling your squad in ME3 with voice commands looks quite cool, but I realise I'm probably in a minority there.
but that could be achieved with a headset, could it not?

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well what did you imagine he will say? "Yes most people hate our new product" ...ya that would really help sales.

Take him out for a beer or five and then do a proper interview :D


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Of course they're going to deny it. Saying that hardcores do hate it would be shooting themselves in the crotch.

Do I know for sure? Nope. I know hardcores that hate it, but I'm not psychic. Don't know the thoughts of every gamer on earth.


King of Okay
Jun 27, 2008
SH4DOWSL4Y3R said:
LavaLampBamboo said:
Personally I think controlling your squad in ME3 with voice commands looks quite cool, but I realise I'm probably in a minority there.
but that could be achieved with a headset, could it not?
Yes, probably, but either way that doesn't stop it being cool. I'm not going to get a Kinect camera just for ME3 but the fact I CAN do it just is an added bonus.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Tsunoda used himself as an example...
Even though I do partly agree with him, it's kinda hard to take that seriously.

I do think Kinect should have an amazing story driven core gaming experience exclusive to it, but not for our sake. What better way to show people who don't know that games can tell great stories than by offering them a prime example on what was their party-game machine? If those who just upgraded from Wii Sports to Dance Central suddenly find themselves enjoying a Kinect equivalent to Heavy Rain, Ico or Persona then we could lose a lot of dissenters and gain a lot of new players who value that potential.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
oh, good that they have told us, because i honestly was not sure whenever i like it or not. good that companies like microsoft remind us of our true opinions....

somebody has said (dunno who it was) "gaming should be about games, not controllers" (or something like that) and i agree with that. tbh, its cool for party, or family.... but i doubt it will go beyond that.


Professional Brony
Dec 19, 2010
I see our opinions matter, eh Microsoft. Denying that moneysink is well... a moneysink? I could see if there were great games and maybe Kinect came out right after the Wii, but this was a sad attempt at grasping the casual gamer market.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
I don't own one. I doubt i ever will. It's a gimmick. It's great for party games, rythem/dance games, and kiddy games, but i see no place for it really outside of them areas. I can see they are going to try and shoe horn it in wherever they can... and in some ways it's not really going to be THAT bad... voice commands in ME3, not bad per say, but not something i think alot of people will use. I know it holds absoulitly no appeal to me.

And in some games, it's use is down right stupid. The Ghost recon thing, were you fire your gun with a silly hand motion??? YEAH... No. I'm good with my controller thanks.

Problem is, this gimmick of MS's was a really expensive one... soooo we aren't going to see it going anywhere anytime soon. They need to recoop there investment, so expect even more titles to be "better with kinetics"... or at the very least, siller with it.


New member
May 21, 2010
I don't hate the kinect, I'm indifferent to it. The reason for this is that it's clearly not marketed at me. The launch titles were a dance game and kinectimals ffs.