BioWare Hit By Hackers

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
BioWare Hit By Hackers

BioWare sent out an email last night warning users that its old Neverwinter Nights [] forum server had been hacked and that user data related to current EA accounts may have been compromised.

A large number of BioWare users discovered last night via an email from BioWare Edmonton General Manager Aaryn Flynn that a server running an old Neverwinter Nights forum had been hacked and that a not-insignificant amount of user data had been compromised. No credit card numbers were stolen but user names, email addresses, encrypted passwords and other information was lost and although the forum itself was old, some of the information taken may be associated with current EA accounts.

"We recently learned that hackers gained unauthorized access to the decade-old BioWare server system supporting the Neverwinter Nights forums," Flynn wrote. "We immediately took appropriate steps to protect our consumers' data and launched a thorough ongoing evaluation of the breach. We have determined that no credit card data was compromised from the servers, nor did we ever have or store sensitive data like social security numbers."

As a precaution, BioWare changed all affected user passwords and provided links to reset them in the email. The studio also said that it has notified everyone whose information may have been compromised.

"We take the security of your information very seriously and regret any inconvenience this may have caused our customers and fans," Flynn wrote. "If your username, email address and/or password on your Neverwinter Nights account are similar to those you use on other sites, we recommend changing your password at those sites as well."

But what makes it a bit odd is that a trip to the BioWare Social Network [] reveals that the attack actually took place more than a week ago. Some email notifications were issued at the time, but the current round appears to have gone out in the wake of an update to Flynn's original message. It's possible that the continuing investigation revealed that more accounts were affected by the hack than previously thought, or maybe the system just grinds slowly; many users who received notification of the breach last night have reported that the password reset link is taking hours to respond.

Whatever the case and whether you were notified or not, it can't hurt to go change your password anyway, so you might want to go ahead and do that. More information about the hack and what BioWare is doing about it can be found at the NWN Forums Breach FAQ [].

Thanks to everyone who sent this in.



New member
Feb 13, 2010
Do Hackings still count as news now?

I swear we're getting multiple per day.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
At this point, I have changed all my passwords everywhere to ridiculously different things. Now if only there were some way to remember it all.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
Thrust said:
2011 = Year of hackers
Year of the douchebags who attack innocent parties and make people have to work even more overtime than they already do which in turn affects their personal lives, etc etc. Fucking hackers need to seriously fuck off. GOOD FOR YOU. Go away a now.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
BoogieManFL said:
Thrust said:
2011 = Year of hackers
Year of the douchebags who attack innocent parties and make people have to work even more overtime than they already do which in turn affects their personal lives, etc etc. Fucking hackers need to seriously fuck off. GOOD FOR YOU. Go away a now.
I second that opinion. Hope all the hackers who have been in the news lately (Except Anon, maybe) all get arrested. And then get fed to alligators. After being beaten with sharp sticks.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Meh. Never owned Neverwinter Nights so they don't have any of my Bioware information on that server. Honestly, this was a weak attack, they got all old information, it's just dangerous if people still have the same information on their current accounts. If it weren't for Lulzsec and AnonOps this year attacking every cursed thing in sight this event would've never been brought to light.

Shepard's Shadow

Don't be afraid of the dark.
Mar 27, 2009
TheAceTheOne said:
BoogieManFL said:
Thrust said:
2011 = Year of hackers
Year of the douchebags who attack innocent parties and make people have to work even more overtime than they already do which in turn affects their personal lives, etc etc. Fucking hackers need to seriously fuck off. GOOD FOR YOU. Go away a now.
I second that opinion. Hope all the hackers who have been in the news lately (Except Anon, maybe) all get arrested. And then get fed to alligators. After being beaten with sharp sticks.
Thirded. Damn hackers piss me off. My Live account was hacked a few days ago as well. This hacking crap is getting ridiculous.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
I received the e-mail. Changed my passwords from the Bioware site, not the email, just in case. Things were weird last night when starting DA2 and it didn't let me log.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Never played or had an account for NWN, so no biggie. Still it's pretty lame when the best hackers can do is go after some 10 year old forums. I'm patiently waiting the next shiny fad that grabs these kids' attention.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
I got that e-mail too and had to reset my EA password, despite never having owned, played or signed up to anything related to Neverwinter Nights.

Were EA/Bioware just being cautious and reset my EA account password as a matter of course, or was more than the Neverwinter Nights forum actually hacked?

I don't really see how the hacking of a decades old Bioware game forum should affect the account that I use to play The Sims 3, Need For Speed and EA MMA...


New member
May 27, 2010
TheAceTheOne said:
BoogieManFL said:
Thrust said:
2011 = Year of hackers
Year of the douchebags who attack innocent parties and make people have to work even more overtime than they already do which in turn affects their personal lives, etc etc. Fucking hackers need to seriously fuck off. GOOD FOR YOU. Go away a now.
I second that opinion. Hope all the hackers who have been in the news lately (Except Anon, maybe) all get arrested. And then get fed to alligators. After being beaten with sharp sticks.
Alot of different Anonymous splinter groups (Like AnonOps and AnonymousNews) support LulzSec.

So Anon can go be fed to horrible spikey things, too.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
TheAceTheOne said:
BoogieManFL said:
Thrust said:
2011 = Year of hackers
Year of the douchebags who attack innocent parties and make people have to work even more overtime than they already do which in turn affects their personal lives, etc etc. Fucking hackers need to seriously fuck off. GOOD FOR YOU. Go away a now.
I second that opinion. Hope all the hackers who have been in the news lately (Except Anon, maybe) all get arrested. And then get fed to alligators. After being beaten with sharp sticks.
Alot of different Anonymous splinter groups (Like AnonOps and AnonymousNews) support LulzSec.

So Anon can go be fed to horrible spikey things, too.
The good, non-Lulzsec Anon members are the only ones exempt from fiery hell.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I miss the days when hacking was actually entertaining and newsworthy... Ah irony thy name is Lulsec

Triple AD

New member
Apr 1, 2009
I really hate how hackers are doing this. A load of BS and it achieves nothing.

On the bright side I must say, Bioware handled this situation very well.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Huh? This was real?

I got the e-mail this morning but I assumed it was a phishing scam o_O


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Seriously, that's a lot of hackings these days. Weird...
And i dislike anyone hacking BioWare, I'm somewhat of a fanboy of it.
So yeah. This sucks.


New member
Oct 8, 2010
For the the love of..of... Ponies and cupcakes (sorry, youngins abound); This whole thing isn't winning any new fans, that's for sure.