Well if no one else will comment on it, I will.
It is good to see a developer is still out there that isn't caving in to and jumping on the bandwagon of modern FPS game design elements (e.g. regenerating HP, cover systems, limited carrying capacities, reduced game and movement speed and incredibly linear/scripted game play). These elements are what I and many others consider to be degrading factors to the game play in modern FPS games.
Two other games released this year, Duke Nukem Forever and Bulletstorm, both should have filled this void but instead were bogged down with modern FPS game design elements. The results speak for themselves, games that were (in my opinion) unplayable and unbearable to watch. Even in today's modern war shooters, what is considered skillful and strategic play usually boils down to camping down the end of a hallway and pressing fire when people appear in a doorway. It bothers me how we went from the glory days of SS/Quake/UT to today's games which in all honesty should be branded as a completely different genre. Maybe something like this: Mostly-First-Person-Shoot-The-Same-Boring-Thing-The-Same-Boring-Way-While-Bobbing-Over-A-Wall-Sucking-Your-Thumb-er ... or something.
This video sums it up pretty well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1ZtBCpo0eU
Back on topic however, SS3 is an excellent game that pays homage to the FPS games of older generations. It is fast, difficult and will require some effort, skill and determination from the player to get through (as these sort of games should). Croteam have done an excellent job with the franchise and the revival of the genre. It will last you a good 15 hrs on normal difficulty which is a bargain for a cheap FPS game these days. I would highly recommend it to everyone but I know that it is not the type of game that everyone wants to play these days. Which is unfortunate.