Dennis Scimeca said:
Why I Am Patient With The VGAs
Ease up on the VGAs, people.
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People go to SpikeTV for a small number of things. Nuance, class, or respectable journalism are not among them. It was started to cater to a particular audience in a particular way, and they've made quite a bit of money doing so. They're not going to bite the hand that feeds them.
At the same time, we can expect that people who
are looking at respectable outlets to provide information on forming a well-constructed opinion of the video game industry (and culture) are
probably not looking for it on SpikeTV. When I want a good steak, I don't go to Burger King. At the same time, if Burger King started
serving steak, I would be understandably skeptical of its quality.
But above all these concerns is the larger issue:
There is no "gaming culture." That is to say, there is no single set of culture norms that define it. Gaming is a
medium in the same way a hammer is a
tool -- it can be used many different ways, none of which are (necessarily) more valid than the others.
Apply this logic to film, and let's assume there's a "movie culture." Do we really mean to group feature films, documentaries, kids' cartoons, and porn into one broad heading, and assume that all such headings are united
simply by virtue of the medium they use? Even the Oscars divide things up quite a bit (and don't show
all of the awards on TV). Interestingly, they also completely disregard certain uses of the film medium (still no "Best Screenplay in a Pornographic Film" caption, for instance).
And arguing against the Spike VGAs because it doesn't represent the "industry" or the "culture" in the right way would be like the folks behind the Academy Awards protesting the existence of an awards show specifically for porn. It may not represent
out preferred view of the gaming industry, but it represents the views and values of a pretty large section.
"Gamer" is no longer a meaningful and unifying label any more than say, "vertebrates." You can't expect
one show to be all things to all people.