I agree very much with this article.
It bothers me especially because when gamers are not complaining about the VGA being too low brow or populist, they ***** about the Oscar awards being too elitist, in its snubbing of popular blockbusters.
You can argue that popular (yet lowbrow) stuff should get included, or you can argue that it should be up to the specialists to commend the stuff they like. You can't argue both.
The VGAs does not represent the views of every gamer, but then it never pretended to. It is a show made to appeal to the largest demographic on its channel: Madden, Halo and COD players. If you turn around and say "no, that's immature, we shouldn't have a show like that", you are basically disregarding the wishes of the target audience for the sake of your own. You are saying "my preferences outrank those of the unwashed masses."
And that isn't at all elitist or snobbish like the Oscars...