Double Vision


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Dec 31, 2008
Double Vision

Mission Impossible 4 and Sherlock Holmes 2 are so similar, it's spooky.

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New member
Apr 13, 2010
Interesting. The "the war's happening anyway so let's direct it our way" sounds remarkably like a major plot thread in MI-5 that my wife has been getting into watching recently. (Though at least in these movies the good guys always win, so in that respect they're not like MI-5 at all.)


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I can't believe people are bitching - this was both entertaining and depressing.

Otaku World Order

New member
Nov 24, 2011
Another thing both these movies have in common: I don't give a damn about either one of them.

I've kind of had a chip on my shoulder when it comes to the Mission: Impossible movies. The original series was about cleverly plotted stealth ops where the team had to get in, accomplish a goal and get out without leaving any evidence. The movies are about Tom Cruise faffing about in over the top action scenes and seeing how badly they can butcher an iconic TV theme song.

As for Sherlock Holmes, the modern day set British TV series is more interesting any compelling to me then the Robert Downey Jr. films have been.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
But... The absence of Mikael Nyqvist was one of the good things Hollywood movies had going for them! Is he gonna start showing up being bland in everything now? :-S


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Now playing the part of Kate Beckinsale is Noomi Rapace. I have to know, did she also pull out her weapons overly-dramatic and then never use them? That poster looks ripped right out of Van Helsing.


New member
Dec 16, 2011
Seems to be the only critic I read in all of interland not loving MI:4, the first of the series I actually want to see from its trailers.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Hmm, I was actually hoping the Sherlock Holmes movie would be good.

Then again, this is the same guy that thought District 9 and Sucker Punch were good movies, so I'm going to listen to a few more reviews before I decide for sure.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
I wasn't going to see either of these films anyway, since I didn't really care for either of their predecessors.
Why is Tom Cruise still getting acting jobs? It's a valid question. He was never a very impressive actor as far as I've seen and he's only gotten more and more off-putting as years go by. With each passing movie I see him in, Tom Cruise produces more and more of an uncanny valley effect on me.
Maybe he'll eventually become so cartoonishly inhuman that it will stop bothering me, though. Like how practical effects that use puppets, even when the puppets are pretty badly done, don't put me off nearly as much as badly done CGI.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
I actually liked that the foresight sequences didn't go as planned both times he used it.

Edit: Two of the three times he used it.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
RJ Dalton said:
I wasn't going to see either of these films anyway, since I didn't really care for either of their predecessors.
Why is Tom Cruise still getting acting jobs? It's a valid question. He was never a very impressive actor as far as I've seen and he's only gotten more and more off-putting as years go by. With each passing movie I see him in, Tom Cruise produces more and more of an uncanny valley effect on me.
Maybe he'll eventually become so cartoonishly inhuman that it will stop bothering me, though. Like how practical effects that use puppets, even when the puppets are pretty badly done, don't put me off nearly as much as badly done CGI.
I couldn't disagree more. While he isn't Marlin Brando or anything he is a great actor who gives out consistantly solid performaces and doesn't take himself to seriously.

I think everyone can agree he was outstanding in Magnolia.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
MovieBob said:
Mission Impossible 4 and Sherlock Holmes 2 are so similar, it's spooky.
I watched the old Mission Impossible series as a kid (Sesame Street was for pussies :) ), and it occurred to me that the individual stories they had for those eps were far better than the main plots for all the Mission Impossible movies and Sherlock Holmes combined.

Granted the t.v series required a little more thinking to follow the story as it unfolded, especially some of the eps that featured move counter-move chess styled thinking, so I wonder now if "modern" audiences are incapable of thinking in these terms or being able to follow such a "complex" story?


New member
Sep 10, 2008
DSQ said:
I couldn't disagree more. While he isn't Marlin Brando or anything he is a great actor who gives out consistantly solid performaces and doesn't take himself to seriously.

I think everyone can agree he was outstanding in Magnolia.
I think you're confusing good casting and good acting with the Magnolia.
But you are right about "consistantly solid", as in he does every role the same and even the roles (as far as I can from his media outings) is not really "acting" but him just being him. He always plays guys who are overly invested in something with outbursts of extreme emotions, 90% of them being anger and the rest of the time they're extremly serious - Mission impossible, Colateral, Minority report, Few good men, Last samurai and even stuff like Top gun. BUT don't mistake that for the fact that some of the movies he was in were rather good and even "classics" like Rainman, Jerry M etc. but he acted the same.

I mean, you can say Nic Cage is a good actor, but he basically does the same thing and in some films like Face off (which I liked, doesn't mean you have to) it fitted casting is key.

EDIT: about Sherlock 2 being bad - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, damn you cruel destiny, I have been looking forward to this movie for such a long time, I really liked the first one, might be one of the movies I watched the most times, I even watched for last New year. God damn it all to hell.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
anian said:
BUT don't mistake that for the fact that some of the movies he was in were rather good and even "classics" like Rainman, Jerry M etc. but he acted the same.

I mean, you can say Nic Cage is a good actor, but he basically does the same thing and in some films like Face off (which I liked, doesn't mean you have to) it fitted casting is key.
You may be right to a certain exstent however in terms of talent doing the one role you do well is a better than most and Cruise does his one role very well, like say Robert Deniro or in the directing spher Alfred Hitchcock...


New member
Aug 28, 2011
Am I the only one who has deja vus to Yahtzee's Infamous vs Prototype battle?
Am I the only one who wants Downey and Cruise being publicly humiliated by wearing woman's lingerie?

Because obviously, that was a draw. Both movies are losers.
Bad news for moviegoers worldwide :c