Xbox 360 Reaches 66 Million Sold

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Xbox 360 Reaches 66 Million Sold

Microsoft sells nearly 10 million Xbox 360s over the holiday season, and Kinect sales reach 18 million.

According to the video on the right there, which mixes the odd informative figure into an otherwise endless parade of smug, middle-class, pretty-people flailing their arms around in a series of absurdly spacious showrooms - the bit where Mickey Mouse punched that kid in the face was brilliant though - the 360 just reached 66 million sold worldwide. A ten million increase over the number reported last October.

To put those numbers into perspective. The PS2, the best-selling console to date, has sold 155.8 million units since its release in 2000. The original PlayStation has sold 102.49 million, and the Wii has sold 89.36 million. The PS3 currently stands at 55.5 million sold.

The Kinect is close to doubling its install base, with a total of 18 million units sold. The video also states that Xbox Live memberships currently stand at 40 million, meaning nearly 60% of Xbox owners are connected to the service. The video didn't specify how many of those 40 million users were Gold members.

The video was released just ahead of the company's final CES keynote; a presentation from endlessly entertaining, shrieking sales-baron Steven Ballmer. I expect this information, as well as any other suitably impressive numbers the company can produce, will be expounded in tonight's keynote.

Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'



New member
Sep 4, 2009
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
Well I know ive contributed to 2 of the 360's overall sales..

Still the Sony fanboy in me is saddened by the fact that the PS3 didnt sell as much :( My childhood days of Sony being the top dog are long gone.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
The_Blue_Rider said:
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
Well I know ive contributed to 2 of the 360's overall sales..
As have I, although for me it was also because I wanted an Xbox that could use more of the capabilities of my shiny new HDTV I got as a gift.

I have a very nice family. :)


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Zen Toombs said:
The_Blue_Rider said:
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
Well I know ive contributed to 2 of the 360's overall sales..
As have I, although for me it was also because I wanted an Xbox that could use more of the capabilities of my shiny new HDTV I got as a gift.

I have a very nice family. :)
i cant believe i might end up paying for another one just so I can have wi fi :mad: Dammit Microsoft it is not okay to take your wireless adaptors off the market as soon as you release a whole friggin xbox that has wi fi and is more expensive than the adaptor + a regular xbox !!


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I watched that video just to see Mickey Mouse punch a child.

I want my money ba... oh, right.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Grey Carter said:
The video also states that Xbox Live memberships currently stand at 40 million, meaning nearly 60% of Xbox owners are connected to the service.
Yea. And this is one of the reasons I find all this planned DLC especially stuff like day 1 and locked on disc DLC annoying.

But yay to reaching the nice round number of 66 million. Only 600 million more to go for Microsoft :)


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
66 Million sold, a good chunk of which are - regrettably - to replace RROD'd units.
Jun 11, 2008
I wonder how many of those were replacement consoles and secondary consoles for using pirated games offline. Methinks a good chunk of those sales goes to both of those categories.


Elite Member
Sep 28, 2009
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
I'm still on my first 360, 4 years old now. Though a friend of mine has had 7 360's, he only had too pay for 2 of them though, Microsoft replaced the others since he had warranty on them.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
"XBOX BING..." Yeah, wow... Because you don't want to find the most relevant links, right?

Reminds me of this hilarious comment about "Source code": "I was TOTALLY buying everything so far as being real, but then Jake Gyllenhaal used BING to look up some information, and I was left COMPLETELY disillusioned with the entire movie.".

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
The only thing I thought the Wii would do good in is collecting dust. How did it sell so many copies? Also isn't it a little late to be buying an Xbox? They are probably going to release a new one soon. Also RROD isn't that common for everyone complaining about it. I'm still on my first and even if they do RR then Microsoft replaces them for free most the time.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
It'll be interesting to see if Microsoft really does reveal a new console at this year's E3. Until then, Xbox 360's still my primary console.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
I'd have thought that most of the RROD consoles would have been repaired or replaced under the terms of the warranty, if the failures happened within a couple of years of being bought. I had a friend who had to get his 360 posted out to be repaired, but he never had to buy a new 360 at any point. Hardly an ideal situation for him, but he didn't have to particularly bust his wallet in order to get the problem fixed either.

I could be wrong though, so take this as you will...
There was an (admittedly brief) time when Microsoft would not offer free repairs on red-ringed consoles whose warranties had expired. I was in that situation and decided to upgrade to a 360 Elite rather than pay full boat to get my old 360 repaired. Then MS did a 180 and started repairing red-ringed consoles whose warranties had expired, so I had them repair the old one for free. Now we are a two-Xbox household.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
I'd have thought that most of the RROD consoles would have been repaired or replaced under the terms of the warranty, if the failures happened within a couple of years of being bought. I had a friend who had to get his 360 posted out to be repaired, but he never had to buy a new 360 at any point. Hardly an ideal situation for him, but he didn't have to particularly bust his wallet in order to get the problem fixed either.

I could be wrong though, so take this as you will...
I think this is correct for the most part. Everyone I know who had an RROD had the console replaced under warranty. However I suppose if people got the RROD after the 3 year warranty period, then they would have to buy a new one.