Xbox 360 Reaches 66 Million Sold


New member
Dec 12, 2011
Yes, I'd really like to know the failure rate, but we're likely to never know that are we?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
I'm curious about that too. We all know someone who bought a replacement to play on while they waited for their replacement from MS.

This is actually really rage inducing. I knew that the big consoles combined still have sold way behind the ps2 but what bothers me the most is that companies like Sony & EA have been blaming us for used purchasing and pirating them into low sales and have been hitting us with all sorts of schemes, scams, and rip offs to make up for it.
Really it seems they just have themselves to blame.
I have a feeling that the next generation of consoles will sell even less, I know that there will be at least one less person buying one.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Well if this is to be believed:

Failure rates are:
Xbox 360: 23.7%
PS3: 10%
Wii: 2.7%

Now of course not everyone that RRoD's is going to replace it... but let's assume that's the case. Then sales to unique customers would be:

Xbox: 51.7 million
PS3: 50 million
Wii: 87 million

EDIT: However, that was an 09 article and failures appear to be dropping. 10% for Xbox last year and 5% this year. That is only counting units sent in for repair, though, not units that die and get tossed.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Grey Carter said:
Call me a raging cynic, amongst other things, but I'd give good money to find out exactly how many of those 66 million were bought as replacements for consoles that fell victim to the notorious 'red ring o' death.'
I'd have thought that most of the RROD consoles would have been repaired or replaced under the terms of the warranty, if the failures happened within a couple of years of being bought. I had a friend who had to get his 360 posted out to be repaired, but he never had to buy a new 360 at any point. Hardly an ideal situation for him, but he didn't have to particularly bust his wallet in order to get the problem fixed either.

I could be wrong though, so take this as you will...
I've bought two in my lifetime, and I've had two RROD. Only the second one was covered by the warranty.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I agree, I'd like to see *real* figures that do not include RRoD replacements, of course, that would be pretty much impossible to do. But we can guess.

And considering the PS3 came out after the 360; and doesn't die as easy, it's done pretty damn well I think.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Guys stop being depressed about the PS3, the guy who wrote this article is quoting sales figures for the PS3 from September. So he's saying the 360, has sold 10 million over Christmas, which means it beats the PS3 sales figures from... well before Christmas.

As it stands the 360 routinely outsells the PS3 in the Americas and Britain and the PS3 routinely outsells the 360 everywhere else, meaning they're almost exactly equal, despite the headstart

Grey Carter said:
The PS3 currently stands at 55.5 million sold.
Dude your journalism was slightly lacking in this article, I thought you'd taken them from Wikipedia, but wikipedia states the time the figures are relevant from :(

EDIT: In fact according to Wikipedia the sales figures between the 360 and the PS3 were staying level through Chrismas too
So the chances are that it just means that Sony sold around 10 million consoles since September too.