Dreamcast 2 Concept Shows What Could Have Been

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Dreamcast 2 Concept Shows What Could Have Been

An industrial designer shows us what the Dreamcast 2 could have been in a kinder, more forgiving world.

Sega dropped out of the hardware race shortly after the turn of the century taking any hope of a successor to the Dreamcast with it. The Dreamcast deserved another shot, it really did. French industrial design student Elie Ahovi, seems to agree, and he's used his considerable talents to conceptualize what a Dreamcast 2 might have looked like.

Dubbed the Dreamcast Delta, Ahovi's design eschews the 'box with a logo on it' design of the previous generation. Instead - and excuse me while I drop into graphic designer wonk-speak for a moment - it uses the lines and latent shapes of the original Dreamcast as inspiration for a fresher, more modern-looking console.


Ahovi does the same thing with the Dreamcast's technical features. While the idea of using a smart phone or tablet to control games seems at odds with the twitchy, arcade-centric game library of the original console, it does seem like a natural extension of the VMUs the Dreamcast used in place of memory cards.

Of course, the triangular shell would present its own set of issues - circuit boards, for example, don't tend to be triangular - and I'm not so keen on the new logo; it kind of looks like a snail.

You can see more of the Dreamcast Delta, as well as some other cool concept art from Ahovi, here. [http://www.behance.net/elieahovi]



New member
Apr 28, 2009
I'm not digging the triangle. It's a nice aesthetic, but a square will take up the same amount of space and opens more room for the hardware.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
RaNDM G said:
I'm not digging the triangle. It's a nice aesthetic, but a square will take up the same amount of space and opens more room for the hardware.
I live in a triangle shaped building so I can see where this is coming from... It looks nice though.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Kinda reminds me of the old modem we had where I worked. I like the design, difinitively aestheticaly pleasant, but I don't know if it would be more feasable, mass production wise.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
*grabs Nintendo by the scruff of their neck and slams their face against the glass*

This is you in 10 years, is this what you want? To become like Sega, whoring out their first party titles to their former competitors in a mad attempt to keep from going under? Is it?! To have some french graphic designer creating "what could have been"? Because it's a very bad place to be!

*points to Sonic on the physical therapy bars*

I mean ffs, that poor bastard is only just now recovering. *gets right in their face* I will not let you do to Kirby what they did to him. I'd sooner see him dead before he goes through that kind of abuse.

Now pull your head out of your ass and stop sucking!

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Grey Carter said:
Dreamcast 2 Concept Shows What Could Have Been
And what I am quite content with never being.

OT: The triangle is new and different, and I don't like change.

Actually OT: This is probably why consoles and computers are boxes - take up the same amount of desk space with much more efficiency and power behind it. But that's just me.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
*grabs Nintendo by the scruff of their neck and slams their face against the glass*

This is you in 10 years, is this what you want? To become like Sega, whoring out their first party titles to their former competitors in a mad attempt to keep from going under? Is it?! To have some french graphic designer creating "what could have been"? Because it's a very bad place to be!

*points to Sonic on the physical therapy bars*

I mean ffs, that poor bastard is only just now recovering. *gets right in their face* I will not let you do to Kirby what they did to him. I'd sooner see him dead before he goes through that kind of abuse.

Now pull your head out of your ass and stop sucking!
o_o umm... wrong guy... *points to Sega standing back looking disturbed by the scene*

Radioactive Kitten

New member
Nov 16, 2009
Funny that this article pops up while I'm on a nostalgia binge with Jet Grind Radio.

I wonder what the current console scene would be like if the Dreamcast never went under.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Ahhhhhhh another Philippe Starck wanna be. Looking at the guys site he has all the worse aspects of design, adding costs and making things less practical to use.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I don't think I would have bought one, anyway. The Xbox 360 is my current home. <3

If Microsoft and/or Sony don't reveal a new console this year, I'll most likely buy the Wii U.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Eh, kinda slick looking.
Y'know I wonder if a company like Sega, who's been out of the console making business, could step back in if they wanted to.
From all the games they sell, they might have enough bank. Would it just be because it would be too risky for them after having failed the first time?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
So the Dreamcast 2 would of look like a black cut out cheese?
Still I kind of liked the design eventhough I do agree if it was real, the circuit board would of been an issue (unless it was still a rectangle/ square inside and the remaining points are fill with something else).


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
The Dreamcast did alot of things consoles do now days. It probably would've fit in where Xbox does now. And the Xbox might never have been...or it could caused there to be so many consoles out that the market crashed! Or maybe prices wouldn't be so steep, who knows.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
*grabs Nintendo by the scruff of their neck and slams their face against the glass*

This is you in 10 years, is this what you want? To become like Sega, whoring out their first party titles to their former competitors in a mad attempt to keep from going under? Is it?! To have some french graphic designer creating "what could have been"? Because it's a very bad place to be!

*points to Sonic on the physical therapy bars*

I mean ffs, that poor bastard is only just now recovering. *gets right in their face* I will not let you do to Kirby what they did to him. I'd sooner see him dead before he goes through that kind of abuse.

Now pull your head out of your ass and stop sucking!
I'm more concerned about StarFox and even Metroid at this point.

OT: Sometimes I wish Sega would try getting back into the swing of things, just to see what that would do to the console race.

Don Reba

Bishop and Councilor of War
Jun 2, 2009
Do French industrial designers make everything look like cheeze? I suppose, a German designer would have made it into a sausage.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
...I like it.... Yeah... I kinda like the Triangle, Sigh, shame Sega will never be what it once was, I liked generations but that's kinda what 2011 felt like, the year of nostalgia bombing...

If Sega really do get back into the console race I'm all for it.