Rumor: Next Xbox Will Feature Blu-ray, Anti-Used Games System

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Rumor: Next Xbox Will Feature Blu-ray, Anti-Used Games System

The latest next-gen rumor claims that Microsoft's next Xbox will support Blu-ray discs and boast some sort of "anti-used game" technology.

The best thing about the radio-silent buildup to a new generation of game consoles is the torrent of rumors, some eminently reasonable and others wildly speculative, that float to the surface about this or that upcoming next-gen system. It's fun trying to separate the obvious from the obvious nonsense, and it's even more fun watching fanboys of various stripes get mad about it. Hey, I get my kicks where I can.

Anyway, the latest entirely unsubstantiated rumor to come to light regards the coming successor to Microsoft's Xbox 360. According to "industry sources" dug up by Kotaku [], the NextBox Xbox 720 will support Blu-ray, just like Sony's current-gen PlayStation 3. It's not exactly a world-beating upgrade but it is long overdue; the DVD drive in the Xbox 360 holds less than nine gigabytes of data, compared to the 50GB capacity of Blu-ray. I think we can file that one under "obvious."

More interesting, and far less obvious, is word that Microsoft is looking to incorporate an anti-used game system into the new box. How, or even if, it will work isn't clear; a mandatory online component for the hardware that links each game to a specific console or user account might get the job done, but it would limit sales of the console to people both able and willing to take part in the scheme. And while publishers might dig the idea, it would almost certainly alienate the great hordes of consumers who enjoy the benefits of the preowned market.

This one, I think, should go under "wildly speculative."

In case you missed it, it was also reported today that the next Xbox will be half as powerful [] as the Wii U, which does not yet exist.


Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
M'Aiq knows much, tells some.

"Bluray? Why would anyone want games to be all on one disc?"

"Anti-used game system? M'Aiq knows better than to kick that large of section on the consumer base in the head."


New member
Oct 2, 2008
Anti-used games feature? Really? Are companies really this worried about used games? I know they are losing money from this, but come on, this is a pretty extreme measure...

I can only hope people will not be duped into this...if you ask me, this is getting pretty damn ridiculous...


New member
Jun 23, 2008
CD Keys are coming to the next Xbox! You heard it here first!

...I really hope it doesn't come to that.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I don't play consoles anymore, but... that anti-used game feature sounds more than a little ridiculous. What is with game developers and their never-ending whoring for every scrap of potential dollars they can get?

You don't see this crap with books and movies. >_<


New member
Oct 20, 2010
And in other news I am glad I am on the PC so I NEVER have to suffer under a companies pathetic money grabbing tactic if this is true.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
As someone who actually does believe used games under the GameStop model do hurt the industry, I'd like to state that, yeah, if the 720 doesn't allow used games at all I will likely not be buying the system. Sorry, MS, but that's just going too far.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I highly doubt this is true. Microsoft themselves must say it before I believe anything about this console


Digital Spellweaver
Escapist +
Sep 2, 2009
San Francisco Peninsula
Andy Chalk said:
More interesting, and far less obvious, is word that Microsoft is looking to incorporate an anti-used game system into the new box. [ ... ] would limit sales of the console to people both able and willing to take part in the scheme.
You misspelled, "scam." HTH. HAND.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Haha, this is great!... if you don't want to sell the system. I can see it now, parents go out to buy their kids the latest greatest console and the folks at Gamestop are like, "yeah, it's a great system, but they block used games so you will always have to buy the games at full price". All the parents would be like, "Peace Niggaz, we out!"

Well, the cool parents would be like that. The uncool ones would be say, "gee, thanks for the heads up, I guess my son/daughter will have to be happy with their WiiU and PS4. He will probably buy it with his own money from working... in ten years because he is 7".

Also, the inclusion of BluRay is a given. But that would be a shitty excuse to buy a system you can't play used games on. And as it stands now, you can buy a BluRay player for $50.

I don't think this rumor is going to win them the hearts and minds of the gamers.

PS. I hope everyone liked my story. Thanks for reading. :p


New member
Jun 17, 2011
I will not buy one if it EVER has anti-used game system. Lending and borrowing games between friends is part of console gaming culture. It's obvious though that it can't be true as it would suicide for next xbox to alienate core demographic people who buy consoles.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
An anti-used-games system?

Assuming the WiiU and PS4 arent doing the same thing Microsoft should make an achievement for itself for pissing off every single game retail store, and 90% of all potential buyers.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
Well that's just silly. I'm constantly borrowing from and lending games to friends. I also trade them in and often get second hand ones. I rent shit loads of games too - you know, games like Force Unleashed 2 which are generally quite fun to play but you definitely wouldn't spend a great deal of money on them. Furthermore my housemate and I often buy cheap games just to see what they're like and have a shockingly awful, but fun, experience.

This is a ridiculous idea.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I imagine the devs would have to promise Microsoft some HEFTY SUMS OF MONEY to do this if it's true. Used games are too important to gamers for Microsoft to freely corner off that section of the market.

If it IS true, I guess my wife will thank Microsoft... I've been trying to give up gaming for a while now. This would certainly keep me from getting a 720. I already hate the Wii U. C'mon Sony! Put some ridiculously stupid feature into the PS4 and I'll kiss off all non-Steam gaming forever!!

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
Pretty sure that anti-used games is an infringment on consumer rights. While you can incentivize new purchases, you cannot forbid a person to gift, lend, or sell their copy of the product unless you only sold them the licence. Which would mean digital downloads only. Hence why DLC is so often employed. People buy it, devs get money even if the game is bought used, and its non-refundable since your buying the license to the content, and not the content. Now, there are crafty ways around this. Selling the game and the licence to activate that specific copy as a package (See PC games and CD Codes) is doable, but also alienates consumers. No one wants to thumb in a CD code. Especially on an Xbox. And lets avoid the legal battle that would follow between households with more than one console but only one copy of the game.

Instead, lets move to Bluray. Why?

Bluray is INFERIOR to standard DVD, especially for gaming. It holds more data, but thats it. Its structured in a way and devices read it in a way that is too slow for gaming. Hence why you have to download games to the PS3 before you play them. Doing this would require the inclusion of a harddrive, and a decent sized one at that. Its also an inconvenience to player. Given how far along low-mid range PCs have gone in the past couple of years, its nearly impossible to justify that in this age, especially when put up against a new consoles price.

If this is true, then the new Xbox is just turning into a mid-range PC, with the good aspects of PC gaming (superior controlling, modifications, lower gaming costs and higher graphical and processing capabilities) ripped out of them. And its taking the advantages of console gaming (used sales/sharing titles, open-and-play capabilities, and low cost compared to PC's) and pissing them off into the wind.

Its arrogant to think that you can treat your customers like shit and get away with it. And there are plenty of companies this last console cycle that can attest to that. Do you think Nintendo would be losing the degree of profits they are if they had treated the Wii and DS, and the IP's on them, with respect rather then childrens toys?


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I for one would welcome the anti used game system, if only to watch video games undergo a massive crash in the market.