Rumor: Next Xbox Will Feature Blu-ray, Anti-Used Games System


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Zouriz said:
I don't think this is true. They can't be that stupid... right? Remember the PSP Go? The PSP that was digital download only. Many retailers refused to stock it, and the system bombed pretty hard. Doing this is suicidal.
The PSP Go was a pretty good idea in my book. The only problem was that it should've been about half the price.


Aug 24, 2009
I realize this is all speculation, but if it happens to be true then it looks like I'm not buying it. I don't regularly buy used games, but this is just all sorts of stupid.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
I could really care less about Blu-Ray; it's the "Anti-Used Game" feature that has me worried. Not everyone has the cash on-hand to buy games right as soon as they pop on the shelves, forcing people to shell out the money for full-price when they might not have that option seems... unethical.

Of course, I'll probably buy it anyway, I'm a sucker like that!


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Vigormortis said:

Interesting rumors. Especially if they're true.

And six times as powerful as the 360? My, that's impressive! It's like we're in the far-flung future of 2009!

Wait...what's that? Could it be? Might I actually care about this new console gener...

Nope. Still don't give a damn. I own a 360 and a Wii. They are likely the very LAST consoles I ever buy. Console gaming literally offers me nothing I can't get on my PC. And what it does offer, I often don't care about.
I'm feeling the same way (except I own a ps3 & a wii) about the consoles. I'm definitely not getting one if all I have to choose between is one with defective hardware or one with horrible support. The speculation is probably based on the fact that consoles have been adapting the frustrating parts of pc gaming like punching in codes and hardware requirements but without the benefits like mods and tweaking.
BTW - Love the Calvin avatar.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
You know what?, if they make the newer consoles digital only downloads, with bigger hard drives, I'd may buy it in a heart beat, especially if they lower their prices and start doing "Steam-like" discounts.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
GonzoGamer said:
Vigormortis said:

Interesting rumors. Especially if they're true.

And six times as powerful as the 360? My, that's impressive! It's like we're in the far-flung future of 2009!

Wait...what's that? Could it be? Might I actually care about this new console gener...

Nope. Still don't give a damn. I own a 360 and a Wii. They are likely the very LAST consoles I ever buy. Console gaming literally offers me nothing I can't get on my PC. And what it does offer, I often don't care about.
I'm feeling the same way (except I own a ps3 & a wii) about the consoles. I'm definitely not getting one if all I have to choose between is one with defective hardware or one with horrible support. The speculation is probably based on the fact that consoles have been adapting the frustrating parts of pc gaming like punching in codes and hardware requirements but without the benefits like mods and tweaking.
BTW - Love the Calvin avatar.
Thanks. It was supposed to be animated. Shifting between at least a dozen different classic Calvin expressions/faces. But the upload derped and I haven't been arsed to fix it. :p

Also, and let's face it here, what do we really have to look forward to on the new Xbox or Playstation? Halo 4, Gears 4, more COD, Uncharted 4, God of War nextnextgen....

Yeah, no thanks. I'm completely burned out on consoles now-a-days. Just like you said, they're adopting all of the worst aspects of PC gaming being forced on us while STILL being the limited, overbearingly closed systems consoles have always been.

So...yeah. SIGN ME UP! Especially given that I would still have to pay monthly fees to play online. I just LOVE that! Paying a company to not support it's system and to gain the "privilege" of playing along side annoying, childish, racist, sexist twits. Because, you know, it's amazing to pay $60+ a year to be called a "******" and a "noob" all the time.
(I mean seriously Microsoft, it's been 7 years. FIX YOUR DAMN PARTY SYSTEM ALREADY!)

Okay. Rant over. Move along people.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
There is no way I'm getting it if I can't take a game to a friends place and have fun there. I think its just a rumor but if its true then I'm going to be annoyed.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
This is an absolute load of bull. They would sooner convert to digital download only before trying to come up with hardware that won't play anything that's not fresh from the assembly line.

It'd get mod'ed out by the community in a heartbeat, and they know it.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
The anti-used game system could be online based if they included a 3G satellite link in the system, that's how Amazon implements DRM for the kindle.

Rememeber, Microsoft was the first company to require internet activation for a major software product (Windows XP). We all fought it back then, but I doubt many of us is using Windows 2000 or earlier. Similarly people say they will fight a console with online activations, but eventually they'll give in just like PC users already have.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
This makes sense if they are trying to get consumers on board with digital distribution and move away from physical discs. Make the digital copies cheaper than physical ones and used ones unusable to further the transition along.

That being said, an anti-used games system would be a major impediment to me buying the next Xbox. Region codes already infuriate me; this is one-step too far.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
Addition of Blu-Ray: To be expected, though part of me would have thought they'd come up with their own formaat so they don't have to fork cash out to Sony.

Unable to play pre-owned games: As a PC Gamer, and as such haven't had a pre-owned market for well over a decade, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. With the majority of consoles being connected to the internet nowadays, I'd guess they'll expand on the "Project $10" idea and make each game have a code you use to either download the activation data from the server or to lock the code to your XBL Account and you can't play till you enter a valid code.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
tmande2nd said:
And in other news I am glad I am on the PC so I NEVER have to suffer under a companies pathetic money grabbing tactic if this is true.
Because the PC has such an active and expansive used game market...
Oh wait.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Dexter111 said:
Tell me why either Microsoft, SONY or the Publishers would care about "stores like gamestop staying in business" when they're literally stealing their profits or about "little known games"?
Because if gamestop, which stands for about 75% of the game sales in my country, goes out of business, then they suddenly have far less places to sell their games, which in return will lead to reduced sales?

My biggest issue with this is that it means I can't borrow games from my friends, or, more importantly, play my own games splitscreen with my friends if we're not at my place. If I wanted to play my copy of hypothetical Hyper Street Fighter 4 Arcade HD Edition Turbo Remix(which it'll probably be at that point) when I'm at one of my friends' place, then, well, sucks to be me, cause I can't.