15 year old game spoiler alert!
Final Fantasy 7 is definitely the more overrated game. I got it off psn a few years ago because I figured I'd see what the fuss is all about, since I've never played it before. Honestly, most of the time I just wished it would end.
Battle system was boring and annoying, the active time battle system is the dynasty warriors of rpg battlesystems: you just mash the attack button on anything that isn't a boss, and doesn't allow for strategy when it's rushing you to pick a command as fast as you can. And as it was said in the video, the only difference in characters is really their limit breaks and stat increases, and those with bad stat increases (Yuffie) and/or bad Limit breaks (Cait Sith) aren't really worth using.
All the villains (except for maybe Rufus, who I felt should have played a larger role in the story) were flat, generic villain characters. The main, villian, Sephiroth, doesn't even have enough backstory to tell the audience whether he was less of a psychotic, cold-blooded killer before he found out about his origins. He was a working for Shinra, so who knows if he's the reason why there's only like 10 human towns/cities in the entire world.
There were 2 decent characters in FF7: Barret and Red XIII. Both actually had development, in that Barret learned important lessons about leadership and responsibility, and Red XIII learned about responsibility and growing up. Tifa and Aerith had no personality to speak of. That's it. There's nothing more to say about them, other than the fact that unconditional kindness toward your friends is not a realistic way in which anyone acts. Yuffie and Cait Sith were so obnoxious, and just didn't have any redeemable character traits. You'd at least think the psychic guy controlling Cait Sith would've talked more seriously and maybe control a battle mech instead of a puppet at the end of the game, but no,he sticks with the puppet and the obnoxious way of speaking through to the very end. Why Yuffie? She steals your stuff. Twice. Vincent first appears randomly, never has anything important to say, and his basckstory is revealed when you don't really care about him anymore and have kinda forgot about him. Cid's personality is cursing an generally being an terrible old man.
And finally, Cloud,has 3 personalities throughout the game, and the shifts between them make little sense. First, he's Han Solo, basically. After part of Midgar is destroyed and Barret's team is wiped out, he becomes a sad panda. He gets to be an even sadder panda as he finds the truth about himself and Aerith dies. It takes a coma to finally turn him into William Wallace, charismatically giving final speeches before the team marches toward their final battle.
The overall story is ok, but it doesn't have a conclusion. Sure, the world is saved from immediate danger, but what about all the "We can't use the planet's energy to play videogames anymore" argument at the beginning of the game? The planet's still (though perhaps not very explosionally) doomed. Did Barret continue his eco-terrorist ways? Did anyone else join him? The final cg movie is only more confusing, showing midgar conquered by nature 50 years later. Did mankind abandon technology? Or did they all die out? Did they just pack up and move their planet-sucking city somewhere else? We'll never know, whether due to lack of time, spinelessness to take a position, or just bad writing.
Point is, the game is imperfect. Even if it holds up to modern jrpg standards, (I'd argue it doesn't, after playing the SMT persona games) most other genres have improved a lot and are a lot more fun than this game.