Guy Jackson said:
I'm surprised that you guys were surprised at Half-Life 2 being considered overrated.
But HL2 isn't overrated either. It made game developers realize that you can be in your character all the time while still telling the story. It did that very well too. They introduced one the most fun weapon in a game, The Gravity gun. This baby could make you save ammo like mad and it's kinda game breaking in way. BUT when you can throw Saw blades at zombies such points get nullified.
As for the two other game. Neither Golden Eye or Final Fantasy 7 are overrated.
They deserve the praise they get.
FF7 pretty much kicked off the whole jRPG thing and super sized swords. It was also quite fun to play when you first played it back when it was released.
Having bosses with 1 million HP was also a new thing. Made the last bosses look like kittens.
Random encounter isn't a thing I'm bothered by but this was generally because of hardware limitation. Still some people enjoy this random encounter system.
The story at the time was rather new what I can remember. You also had the last boss character in your party just being awesome and killing enemies in one hit which is rare for newer games to do. Actually I don't think any of them do it.
It had at least 40 to 60 hours of gameplay. It just isn't a bad game and neither is it overrated. The music was also very well done and at the time had the best boss battle music to exist. Very few games comes close to making such a good boss battle music. THIS is how you do a boss battle music. For the last boss you got Sephiroth theme which just really show that it's the last fight.
Not to mention the game spawned some of the most impressive fight scenes for gamers to view in their newer titles.
Also the Advent Children movie. Unreal? Damn right. Fun? Damn right.
For Golden Eye we got the first good Console FPS game that was actually a lot of fun to play. It's also arguably one the best Movie game out there. Had TONS of weapons too. This was a nice thing because you had the chance to play around.
Aiming was also pretty neat. I often felt more at home with a N64 gamepad than a 360 or PS3 gamepad when aiming in a console game.
The game itself as a console shooter is still good. While the AI can't shoot unless you're in sight without cover it's because to make the game somewhat easier. Without it they would shoot you all the time.
So it's there due to balance. It's also really really hard on those later stages.
They wouldn't be so highly talked about if they wasn't that good. They both set the bar for their genre something which should be respected.