Now You Can Preorder a SNES Game

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Now You Can Preorder a SNES Game

One company is now accepting preorders for Nightmare Busters, the first new Super Nintendo title in fifteen years.

Nightmare Busters was a 2D beat-em-up/shooter developed back in 1994 by French studio, Arcade Zone. The game was originally meant to be published by Sony, but that little falling out between Sony and Nintendo - you know, the one that lead to the PlayStation - left the game without a publisher. The project was later released on mobile phones as Flynn's Adventures, where it garnered respectable reviews. []

Those looking to experience the game on the console it was originally intended for are in luck. Super Fighter Team [], a small California-based company that specializes in producing games for dead systems, such as the Genesis and the Lynx, are beginning production on an actual, cartridge-based version of the game. The downside? It costs $68 with shipping. $75 for those of you with the temerity to live outside the US.

Pricey or not, Super Fighter Team is doubling its usual production run of 300 units to 600, in light of heavy demand.

There's no specified shipping date for the game just yet, save a vague 2013 date, and Super Fighter Team stresses that only the most enthusiastic fans should consider preordering. The game comes with a full color instruction manual (I haven't seen one of those in a while), a period-accurate SNES box and, of course, a copy of the game that supports both PAL and NTSC systems.

Now I was going to make a make a comment about a developer releasing a mindless, shoot-em-up with a ridiculously short campaign for $60 in this day an age. Then I realized that's what most developers are still doing. Hoho. Aren't I droll?



New member
Aug 1, 2009
hmmm... I remember there was a NES game that was released last year. Is there anything in the pipeline for the Genesis?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Hey! I still have one of those!

unfortunately, if I had that much cash to spare, I'd probably be pre-ordering Menace of the Underdark so I could have my own Guenwhyvar panther hireling


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Grey Carter said:
It costs $68 with shipping. $75 for those of you with the temerity to live outside the US.
GAWD! Why did I choose to live in a country with free health care?! I could have saved 7 dollars on shipping!

OT: I'm kinda interested to see how this does. Even though they're incredibly late, better than never I suppose right?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
There's something wrong with that game...sure, if has brown but it doesn't seem to have grey and all of the colors look vibrant instead of being washed out. Also, where is the gun? /bad joke

Yeah, I'm going to be pre-ordering about 3 weeks once I know I can pay for it. I dream of a world in which the cartridge comes back and the SNES and those games are back in production (however limited). Then Shaq comes into the dream and ruins everything.

Dammit, I need a paypal! Well, guess I should fix the fact that I don't have one yet...


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009

Added to the vocabulary.

Also I never thought I'd hear about SNES cartridges being produced again. I might just consider ordering one if I get the money and if I can get my SNES working again...


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
JaceArveduin said:
Hey! I still have one of those!

unfortunately, if I had that much cash to spare, I'd probably be pre-ordering Menace of the Underdark so I could have my own Guenwhyvar panther hireling
I'm not a big fan of DDO, but I am a fan of The Forgotten Realms, due to all the games I've been tinkering with (and finishing very few of them) I've been trying to find a way to justify saving money for that same pre-order.

I probably won't do it due to needing to slog through like 18-20 levels of Eberron content in light of things I'd want to do more, just to get to the point where I could play the bits in the setting that actually interests me.

Perhaps at some point someone will actually do a full featured MMO setting set in The Forgotten Realms. To me it would be interesting if someone actually ever gathered up the maps and source material for say 2E D&D and produced a persistant MMO world with all inclusive enviroments to scale of the original products. Between like "Volo's Guides" and boxed sets like "City Of Splendors" you've pretty much got a blueprint for creating Waterdeep in it's enirety for example. Do something like that and gradually expand it out to other regions and I'd be interested.

Back when DDO first launched, not only was I somewhat underwhelmed by the entire Eberron setting, but I also didn't like the whole "go to a quest hub, step through doors for adventuers"... a sort of "choose an instance, grind it again and again" enviroment as opposed to a fully fleshed out WoW-type experience.... and I doubt that changed. I didn't stick around long for that reason. See, part of what helped sell me on other MMOs has actually been the backround details, even if I don't do them again and again, things like the Tram ride between Waterdeep and Ironforge in World Of Warcraft were awesome, especially the first couple of times. Even if I don't line up to do it again, simply knowing it's there is awesome. Being able to wander around and take one of Eberron's famed "Elemental Powered Trains" to begin with might have helped, but they really cut the corners there.

In the end part of my thought process is also that looking at their design mentality going to The Forgotten Realms is likely to involve little in the way of deep Realmslore, and mostly just a few of the most well known bits being dropped, along with the annoucement "your now in Faerun" and leaving it at that as you do the same old stuff that might as well have been in Eberron with the same amount of soulless non-depth.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I may have to buy this for novelty's sake. It's going to stand out in my SNES collection. Lol.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I do kinda want to buy this, but 75 bucks is a bit steep. Especially when I need to pay a total of 116 dollars in total. I hate our toll system...


New member
May 22, 2010
orangeapples said:
hmmm... I remember there was a NES game that was released last year. Is there anything in the pipeline for the Genesis?
I don't know about in the pipe, but there was one released somewhere around 2010. Some RPG made by a Chinese developer at the end of the system's life. It looked pretty cool, too.
Feb 13, 2008
Grey Carter said:
Now I was going to make a make a comment about a developer releasing a mindless, shoot-em-up with a ridiculously short campaign for $60 in this day an age. Then I realized that's what most developers are still doing. Hoho. Aren't I droll?
Needs more brown. And Achievements. And a shorter single player campaign.


New member
Aug 2, 2008

That's a fully functional Genesis game that was released recently. I would definitely get games for my older consoles if they were much cheaper. I can't justify paying $60 on new current gen games, there's no way I'm going to spend more than that on a third gen game, no matter how much I love my SNES and Genesis.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
If only I still had my SNES... and some spare money... lots of it... this kinda reminds me of a recent Genesis game that was released, I think it was an RPG, I'm not sure.

EDIT: Ninja'd and with proper information.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Therumancer said:
JaceArveduin said:
Hey! I still have one of those!

unfortunately, if I had that much cash to spare, I'd probably be pre-ordering Menace of the Underdark so I could have my own Guenwhyvar panther hireling
I'm not a big fan of DDO, but I am a fan of The Forgotten Realms, due to all the games I've been tinkering with (and finishing very few of them) I've been trying to find a way to justify saving money for that same pre-order.

I probably won't do it due to needing to slog through like 18-20 levels of Eberron content in light of things I'd want to do more, just to get to the point where I could play the bits in the setting that actually interests me.

Perhaps at some point someone will actually do a full featured MMO setting set in The Forgotten Realms. To me it would be interesting if someone actually ever gathered up the maps and source material for say 2E D&D and produced a persistant MMO world with all inclusive enviroments to scale of the original products. Between like "Volo's Guides" and boxed sets like "City Of Splendors" you've pretty much got a blueprint for creating Waterdeep in it's enirety for example. Do something like that and gradually expand it out to other regions and I'd be interested.

Back when DDO first launched, not only was I somewhat underwhelmed by the entire Eberron setting, but I also didn't like the whole "go to a quest hub, step through doors for adventuers"... a sort of "choose an instance, grind it again and again" enviroment as opposed to a fully fleshed out WoW-type experience.... and I doubt that changed. I didn't stick around long for that reason. See, part of what helped sell me on other MMOs has actually been the backround details, even if I don't do them again and again, things like the Tram ride between Waterdeep and Ironforge in World Of Warcraft were awesome, especially the first couple of times. Even if I don't line up to do it again, simply knowing it's there is awesome. Being able to wander around and take one of Eberron's famed "Elemental Powered Trains" to begin with might have helped, but they really cut the corners there.

In the end part of my thought process is also that looking at their design mentality going to The Forgotten Realms is likely to involve little in the way of deep Realmslore, and mostly just a few of the most well known bits being dropped, along with the annoucement "your now in Faerun" and leaving it at that as you do the same old stuff that might as well have been in Eberron with the same amount of soulless non-depth.
Wrong thread? I think you might want to check out the this thread []


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I bought an unopened copy of Super Mario All-Stars from a local game shop three weeks ago.

And I paid less than 65.

Do I finally get a win sticker? Seriously... Don't see what's so special about this. Just a cash-grab imo.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Akisa said:
Therumancer said:
JaceArveduin said:
Hey! I still have one of those!

unfortunately, if I had that much cash to spare, I'd probably be pre-ordering Menace of the Underdark so I could have my own Guenwhyvar panther hireling
I'm not a big fan of DDO, but I am a fan of The Forgotten Realms, due to all the games I've been tinkering with (and finishing very few of them) I've been trying to find a way to justify saving money for that same pre-order.

I probably won't do it due to needing to slog through like 18-20 levels of Eberron content in light of things I'd want to do more, just to get to the point where I could play the bits in the setting that actually interests me.

Perhaps at some point someone will actually do a full featured MMO setting set in The Forgotten Realms. To me it would be interesting if someone actually ever gathered up the maps and source material for say 2E D&D and produced a persistant MMO world with all inclusive enviroments to scale of the original products. Between like "Volo's Guides" and boxed sets like "City Of Splendors" you've pretty much got a blueprint for creating Waterdeep in it's enirety for example. Do something like that and gradually expand it out to other regions and I'd be interested.

Back when DDO first launched, not only was I somewhat underwhelmed by the entire Eberron setting, but I also didn't like the whole "go to a quest hub, step through doors for adventuers"... a sort of "choose an instance, grind it again and again" enviroment as opposed to a fully fleshed out WoW-type experience.... and I doubt that changed. I didn't stick around long for that reason. See, part of what helped sell me on other MMOs has actually been the backround details, even if I don't do them again and again, things like the Tram ride between Waterdeep and Ironforge in World Of Warcraft were awesome, especially the first couple of times. Even if I don't line up to do it again, simply knowing it's there is awesome. Being able to wander around and take one of Eberron's famed "Elemental Powered Trains" to begin with might have helped, but they really cut the corners there.

In the end part of my thought process is also that looking at their design mentality going to The Forgotten Realms is likely to involve little in the way of deep Realmslore, and mostly just a few of the most well known bits being dropped, along with the annoucement "your now in Faerun" and leaving it at that as you do the same old stuff that might as well have been in Eberron with the same amount of soulless non-depth.
Wrong thread? I think you might want to check out the this thread []
Yes and no, since the guy I was responding to was in this thread. Still, apologies since that was a bit long given that it's a response to a side comment.


New member
May 18, 2010
orangeapples said:
hmmm... I remember there was a NES game that was released last year. Is there anything in the pipeline for the Genesis?
don't know about the future, but I think in the last 5 years or so there was Beggar Prince and Pier Solar

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Grey Carter said:
Now I was going to make a make a comment about a developer releasing a mindless, shoot-em-up with a ridiculously short campaign for $60 in this day an age. Then I realized that's what most developers are still doing. Hoho. Aren't I droll?
Needs more brown. And Achievements. And a shorter single player campaign.
And DLC. Can't forget DLC.
May 29, 2011
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Grey Carter said:
Now I was going to make a make a comment about a developer releasing a mindless, shoot-em-up with a ridiculously short campaign for $60 in this day an age. Then I realized that's what most developers are still doing. Hoho. Aren't I droll?
Needs more brown. And Achievements. And a shorter single player campaign.
Christ. That video gave me motion sickness.
And $85 for a game for a 22 year old system? What the fuck?