Eve Online Panel Encourages Harassing Suicidal Player

Mike Kayatta

Minister of Secrets
Aug 2, 2011
Eve Online Panel Encourages Harassing Suicidal Player

CCP is investigating an Eve Online FanFest panel for sharing a severely depressed player's contact info, then encouraging others to harass him until he killed himself.

During this year's Eve FanFest (think BlizzCon for World of Warcraft) one of the convention's panels stands accused of publicly mocking a player who'd privately expressed suicidal thoughts to another player in game. According to Eve Online player Kestrel, who attended the event, the communication was shown for laughs during a public presentation, and featured numerous comments made by a player who showed what he called "obvious" signs of severe depression.

Making matters worse, the presentation was actually delivered by one of the CSM council members (a publicly-elected group that acts as an official go-between for the players and the game's developer, CCP) and reportedly attended by representatives of CCP itself.

"When this communication was shown to the audience, the presenter, along with part of the audience of players and CCP representatives present all had a good laugh," Kestrel said. "The presenter went on to encourage other players of Eve Online to harass this player in the hope that he would eventually be compelled to act on his suicidal thoughts. This player's in-game contact information was provided. I found this section of the presentation to be in extremely poor taste."

CCP, it seems, is taking the matter much more seriously than its representatives in attendance, quickly issuing a statement that condemns the panel's bullying, while promising to protect the player named during the presentation.

"I want to reassure you that CCP in no way condones the harassment of players, especially those who suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts," said CCP PR rep Ned Coker, "as we understand the possible consequences of such abhorrent behaviour.

"Furthermore," he continued, "we have a suicide hotline protocol which has, in specific cases, made a difference for several unfortunately troubled players. We appreciate you voicing your concerns on this level, and CCP will be very vigilant in monitoring any behaviour directed towards the individual named in the presentation.

"We are undertaking a full internal review of this panel as well as the process used for vetting the panel's materials. Even though this panel was billed as unfiltered by CCP, we expect public presentations to be courteous and professional towards others."

Source: Eurogamer [http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-26-ccp-launches-investigation-after-eve-online-fanfest-panel-accused-of-mocking-suicidal-player]

Image: Fanfest.EveOnline.com [http://fanfest.eveonline.com/]



New member
Mar 26, 2009
How the -hell- could anyone think that would be even remotely okay?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Sounds like something the Eve player-base would do. The game is built for people who have only the minimal human functions and social-skills. They likely see the death of another player simply as one less person they have to compete with in the game.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Well, I see one CSM member who isn't getting re-elected any time soon.

Sylveria said:
Sounds like something the Eve player-base would do. The game is built for people who have only the minimal human functions and social-skills. They likely see the death of another player simply as one less person they have to compete with in the game.
There's plenty of friendly, social people on EVE. The fact that only the big heists, frauds, schemes and wars reach any sort of news doesn't mean that everyone's like that.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Well seeing as it's Eve Online and all I can't help but wonder how many of the people contacting him were hoping to drive him to off himself so they could get his stuff . . .

On a more serious note the presenter of the panel needs to be publicly removed from the CSM council immediately and the CCP representatives in attendance that allowed it to not only happen but escalate to the point of contact information being made available as it did need to be fired.


New member
Jun 12, 2009

Seriously, I don't. With the death threats and demanding refunds on charaties over ME3. Harrasment over not being computer savvy or new at a game genre and now this?

This industry is getting sickening...

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
jurnag12 said:
Well, I see one CSM member who isn't getting re-elected any time soon.

Sylveria said:
Sounds like something the Eve player-base would do. The game is built for people who have only the minimal human functions and social-skills. They likely see the death of another player simply as one less person they have to compete with in the game.
There's plenty of friendly, social people on EVE. The fact that only the big heists, frauds, schemes and wars reach any sort of news doesn't mean that everyone's like that.
The obvious difference is that "heists, frauds, schemes and wars" are awesome to read about. This just proves that some humans... are not actually humans.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I don't understand how you can say 'hey everyone, let's try and indirectly kill a guy' and not see potential fallout coming. Ok, it was done in jest, but it's still damned horrendous, and some eve player from that conference is bound to be a dick and follow their instructions (although, with any luck, some good samaritan may end up helping the guy). But seriously, how you can not expect some disciplinary action for saying that at a conference is beyond me.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Wow, This is sickening. How could they think that this would be OK on any level?

Wtf is wrong with people sometimes.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
I can't say I'm incredibly surprised at the "LOLEVE" comments already posted. However, I spent a lot of time in EVE with a small corporation - most EVE players do indeed take their game very seriously and tend to be a bit trollish, but this is beyond the pale even for them. Overall they're mostly good folks, just kind of clannish due to the nature of the game. One of my corpmates paid my subscription for a few months and I turned around and returned the favor when I had money and someone else didn't. It's rare that I feel a sense of community like I did in EVE.

Of course that didn't extend to people NOT in our corp... frozen corpses up for auction, anybody?


New member
Sep 18, 2009
*sigh* Pity is, this behavior becomes less and less 'shocking' everyday. Is it really 'subhuman' when so many biological humans condone and participate in it? I mean, I can see the logic behind an unfiltered panel. "We expect our players and associates to have modicum of maturity, civility and moral fiber, etc. etc." And then this shit happens... and everything hurtles backwards into committees. *sigh* This is why we can't have nice things....


New member
Jun 24, 2010
This has got to be the most vile thing I've read in quite a while. How the actual fuck did anyone think that this was okay in any way, shape or form? Even go as far as to reveal the guy's contact info? I'm really at a loss for words on this one.

And to the presenter: Go fall down a sodding well.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Remember this is a news article though. We're coming at it from a different perspective, I'm assuming they were taking it as forum troll from a drama queen. Which you know, you do meet that sort of person on forums.

It's probably a good reason never to forum harass or troll to the best of your ability though, because you never know where the other person is actually at


Jan 4, 2010
United States
This is pretty depressing. I wonder if the CCP representative is in the Stone Mountain office... I'd be an asshole too if I lived over there.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Kick the presenter off of the panel and ban him from the game. It only seems fair that he should receive some sort of disciplinary measure, and that's about all the CCP can do.

As for the player, I hope that he (or she) seeks professional help and is able to move on from depression and thoughts of suicide.

Captcha: Face the Music... Oddly fitting. It's growing more sentient.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
MrBrightside919 said:
That is incredibly fucked up...

Pardon my language, but I see no other way to express my outrage...

Those panel members aren't getting re-elected, and I hope those CCP employee's who laughed along have been saving their money.