25 Top RPGs of the Last Five Years


New member
Dec 6, 2011
If they're including MORPGs, why aren't they including MMORPGs, TRPGs, or SRPGs?

If they're including H&S-RPGs and FPSRPGs, why not VNs or games like Recettear (which was 2010 for it's NA release... does that count?)?

I feel like this list was either not limited enough in scope, allowing games that aren't RPGs in spirit (going by how Garriott and Gygax pushed that definition), or that ignored better entries due to lack of popularity. Lots of things overlooked, and some games glorified that are, at least, very deeply flawed.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
You know its bad when I don't even see the top 'RPG' on this list coming.

Had completely forgotten about Skyrim, with good reason. Disagree with a lot of this list, with many things that should have been on it not appearing, and many that were on it deserving to go or be lower ranked.

Some righteous placing, and I guess it does largely come down to taste. I find the ARPG grindfest of today pretty boring to be quite honest. I don't loathe DA2 as much as others do, but its shit. Skyrim is... Well, forgettable is the best way I can put it. I sunk hundreds of hours in my first playthrough, and double that trying to mod it to be good - and I had completely forgotten it existed until it showed up on this list. Not a good sign. Mass Effect 2 was atmospheric, but otherwise pretty meh. Mass Effect 3 was just shit - not even just the ending, most of the game was too.

Less "Level up fighting games" and more "Story-influencing-multiple-options" games need to be on the list. Similar to what was said about Deus Ex, with there being more than one way to finish a mission, mixed with The Witcher 2, with different choices majorly affecting the game. The more linear, or totally unfocused games like the rest on the list are a huge letdown, and rather uninteresting to play most of the time.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
attackshark said:
and somehow FFXII did not make the list.
Well, it wasn't very good, but then again neither is this list so I don't know whether to get behind you or disagree with you.

I must say the presence of Pokemon X/Y rather than Sapphire/Ruby/The Green One surprises me.


Sep 8, 2009
I'm kinda glad to see Greg still defending Dragon Age II. Because:

1. Courage of his convictions. I admire that.
2. I think it's actually held up well over time, although its flaws are still in sharp relief. The excellence of Mark of the Assassin and (to a lesser extent) Legacy showed that there really was a fantastic game buried in there under the poorly designed combat encounters and reused maps. Subtler points have become more obvious; the writing really is amazing in many ways (the background chatter is the best Bioware's ever done, period) and many of the plot problems really come across these days as more issues of poor polish rather than poor concept. That said: It's still a horrible mishmash of three separate storylines that don't come together well, Anders's changed characterisation required at the very least more explanation, and the game too frequently relied on magical explanations where more mundane ones would have worked better.

I still don't think DA2 was a 5 star game, but I've probably come around to the idea of it as a 3 star one marked by its swinging successes on one hand and failures on the other.

(No, not optimistic for DA3.)


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Skyrim being number 1 (Skyrim being high on the list at all really) and Fallout: New Vegas being number 24 (lower then ME3 and Shadowrun lol). That's enough to make me really mad over a bunch of people's personal opinions on the internet.

I have no experience with Diablo clone's so I'll hold off there, but I object to Bastion being an RPG, and this might just be me but I never considered Fire Emblem or to be an RPG either.

I also maintain that Bioware really cannot write games that well anymore. They're not terrible writers like Bethesda and occasionally they still come up with an idea or two that works well but if ME3 displayed anything at all it was that they are really slipping hard.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Phrozenflame500 said:
Skyrim being number 1 (Skyrim being high on the list at all really) and Fallout: New Vegas being number 24 (lower then ME3 and Shadowrun lol). That's enough to make me really mad over a bunch of people's personal opinions on the internet.

I have no experience with Diablo clone's so I'll hold off there, but I object to Bastion being an RPG, and this might just be me but I never considered Fire Emblem or to be an RPG either.

I also maintain that Bioware really cannot write games that well anymore. They're not terrible writers like Bethesda and occasionally they still come up with an idea or two that works well but if ME3 displayed anything at all it was that they are really slipping hard.
Or that all talent allready left the boat due to corporations shenangigans.

From ME3s ending debacle i took that the higher ups in bioware can pretty much do whatever the hell they want and EA will let them cause they are "bioware" (wich would be a good thing if said higher ups werent EA mentally schooled goons)

That the higher ups at bioware have nothing to do with the guys who brought us Baldurs gate and KOTOR can also not be highlighted up enough.

Some clueless berks who have no idea what good writing is it it jumped them in the face, the script to the original ending aparantly was fabricated in one sitting that none of the story writers was part of kept for the head honchos if the web is to believed (and seeing how shoddy it was its a believable story)


New member
Oct 25, 2012
A distinct lack of Tales of Xillia has been noticed.

I thought JRPGs would be hugely unrepresented in this and while there were a few there my thoughts were right.

You have Diablo 3 and 2 Diablo clones in the same list while at the same time completely disregarding some really good JRPGs (at the same time as adding monster hunter tri...).

Bad list is bad but at least you didn't completely neglect JRPGs but this list would be a laughing stock without Bravely Default and Xenoblade Chronicles so I feel they were more obligatory than sincere.

No Tales of Xillia, no Ni No Kuni (I mean really), no Atelier, no Disgaea, no Lost odyssey, no SMT IV, no Valkyria Chronicles, no Tales of Vesperia/graces (though I can understand graces).

I'm sure there is more but goddamn, Diablo and 2 Diablo clones but no room for the highly acclaimed Ni No Kuni?


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Whatislove said:
A distinct lack of Tales of Xillia has been noticed.

I thought JRPGs would be hugely unrepresented in this and while there were a few there my thoughts were right.

You have Diablo 3 and 2 Diablo clones in the same list while at the same time completely disregarding some really good JRPGs (at the same time as adding monster hunter tri...).

Bad list is bad but at least you didn't completely neglect JRPGs but this list would be a laughing stock without Bravely Default and Xenoblade Chronicles so I feel they were more obligatory than sincere.

No Tales of Xillia, no Ni No Kuni (I mean really), no Atelier, no Disgaea, no Lost odyssey, no SMT IV, no Valkyria Chronicles, no Tales of Vesperia/graces (though I can understand graces).

I'm sure there is more but goddamn, Diablo and 2 Diablo clones but no room for the highly acclaimed Ni No Kuni?
I would have liked to see Ni No Kuni on this as well and maybe I was hopeful in think Dragon Quest IX would have been on it.

Tony Gigliotti

New member
Jul 10, 2013
Whatislove said:
A distinct lack of Tales of Xillia has been noticed.

I thought JRPGs would be hugely unrepresented in this and while there were a few there my thoughts were right.

You have Diablo 3 and 2 Diablo clones in the same list while at the same time completely disregarding some really good JRPGs (at the same time as adding monster hunter tri...).

Bad list is bad but at least you didn't completely neglect JRPGs but this list would be a laughing stock without Bravely Default and Xenoblade Chronicles so I feel they were more obligatory than sincere.

No Tales of Xillia, no Ni No Kuni (I mean really), no Atelier, no Disgaea, no Lost odyssey, no SMT IV, no Valkyria Chronicles, no Tales of Vesperia/graces (though I can understand graces).

I'm sure there is more but goddamn, Diablo and 2 Diablo clones but no room for the highly acclaimed Ni No Kuni?

Funny I just made a post on the main comments section regarding Lost oddysey. Here. I'll sum it up as such.
Lost oddysey is 1 year too old. Btw, It won't make this list anyways, for it not being as our Jim Sterling makes fun of, "Innovative enough". I refer back to his older Episode as to why games like lost Oddysey fail more often than not. Reviewers killed that game from reaching massive success due to "Lack of innovation."



New member
Jan 2, 2013
Most lists posted on game journalism websites (or just journalism websites in general) tend to be pretty arbitrary. This list is exceptionally gross, though. I was doing my best, going through the list, trying to find rhyme and reason for the placement of the games. I do understand that lists like this tend to fall into the purview of subjectivity, but that doesn't need to come at the cost of some degree of objective consideration.

A little elaboration: Many of us will remember the disappointment of Dragon Age II. Dragon Age: Origins was broadly successful at what it was trying to accomplish, so I think it's fair to say that it was a good game, with some niggles here and there. Dragon Age II was rightly and almost universally criticised for its poor structure, constant reuse of the same maps (for different dungeons!) and lazy encounter design. It also, mostly, escaped criticism for character progression that punished diversified builds, by way of making equipment requirements high enough that an easy-going playthrough needs to invest almost all of its stat points in the "standard" stats for the class for it to use up-to-date equipment. Dragon Age II was weak as a game, weak as a story, and had significant aesthetic weaknesses that arose from its excessive reuse of visual assets. Yet, it's above games like Dragon's Dogma, Bravely Default, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Dark Souls II.

To qualify the above, I have to talk a little about objectivity. The disclaimer here is that objectivity is not a replacement for subjectivity; they're parallel measures of value, with each having a role in different circumstances, or taking different roles under the same circumstances. One can subjectively enjoy an objectively flawed experience, or the opposite. I mention this, though, because objectivity is important in review journalism, where the role of a journalist is to advise a more general public on what is and isn't worth their money. That doesn't mean that a journalist has to remove subjectivity from their writing, but mention should also be made of objective merit where applicable. That's just credit where credit is due.

An example of objectivity in games criticism and review might be measuring the quality of a combat system. In Skyrim, combat is shallow and repetitive; the strategy that works against a bandit works against a dragon, given the right player avatar strength. Conversely, Dark Souls has a combat system with more diverse movesets, plus hitboxes that match the weapons very clearly. This results in a system where it's relatively easy to measure range and timing, but also to measure the geometric qualities of each different attack type. Where a move sweeps, stabs, descends vertically or anything else is immediately relevant. You can see that the combat in Dark Souls is designed around this diversity in player system application, with environments designed to help or hinder certain weapon types, and with enemies that imitate (often less efficient versions of) attack types available to the player. Merging combat and map design like this turns combat itself into a mode of traversal, where the way you remove threats in the environment influences the way you experience and move around said environment. In the Undead Parish, did you head immediately up the rightwards stairway from the Armour Boar courtyard in order to remain safe and observe your surroundings? The fact that most people take that course of action speaks a great deal about how tightly designed Dark Souls is.

I think it's fair to say that Dark Souls has objectively better combat than Skyrim. Does this make it an objectively better game overall? Of course not. But I'm trying to illustrate that we can make objective observations and use them with subjectivity, or on their own, to contribute to our conclusions. The list posted by the Escapist staff has the appearance of an arbitrary mishmash of opinions and brand loyalties without much consideration towards what the staff would like to support, or see game design blossom into. As much as the complete freedom of Skyrim might be an exceptional trait, for instance, it's not mutually exclusive with the development of better gameplay systems in order to contribute depth to the general play experience. That's a reason I'd place Dragon's Dogma above Skyrim, for instance -- it took a similar approach in many structural respects, but expanded upon that template with interesting systems that delivered on depth in a reasonable way. I'd argue that, despite having less content, Dragon's Dogma has more game in it, so to speak, than Skyrim -- and why, on such a list, I would consider it to be worthy of a higher spot.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Have played 4 from the list which was surprising to me. Two of them I didn't like (Skyrim is boring and Dragon Age Origins was forgettable. Seriously, I beat it maybe three years ago but I can't tell you a damn thing about it. I don't even remember if I enjoyed it or not.) I did like Torchlight II (got it free thanks to a 12-hour grab from GOG.com) and Stick of Truth was damn entertaining. I haven't watched South Park in ten years, but that game was still awesome. And it wasn't just because of the humor, they actually managed to create a pretty decent gameplay experience.

Two, maybe three more from the list I would actually think about playing. RPGs these days are just plain awful. I am getting Shadowrun ASAP. Always loved Shadowrun and I watched an hour of a Let's Play of it and was instantly hooked. I'd also consider Diablo III although I admittedly didn't really get into D2 all that much. I always found the original to be superior. The maybe on the list was Dark Souls. Keep hearing great things about it and I'm especially in love with the hardcore aspect of it. (You should be severely punished for screwing up.) Though that's where it ends for me. Nothing else about the game really grabs me, but I have enough respect for that concept alone to give the game a shot.


New member
May 5, 2010
Holy shit, someone voiced an opinion. This is the part where I steep myself in narcissism and act indignant and/or insulted that their opinion doesn't match up with mine, right?

On the other hand, it's a "Best XYZ" list. Those always beg for shit with a couple pellets of reasonable discussion to be thrown their way.


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Vivi22 said:
FFXII is eight years old now. Unless you really mean FFXIII, which is one of the worst RPG's I've ever played.
see, i read the title wrong because i'm bad at reading. i thought it said something to the tune of "the top RPGS in the last twenty five years."


New member
Jul 12, 2010
An Elder Scrolls game on a top RPG list, of course. Again.
An Elder Scrolls game on top of a top RPG list, just shoot me, please.
Brb, going to go generate a couple thousand square miles of mostly empty terrain in a really nice graphics engine with barebones AI and make billions.

Dark Souls 1 wins for being non-linear, having an actual interesting and diverse setting, AND good gameplay. The rest can fight over 2-25. I'll be out back by the shed with Bethesda.

Machine Man 1992

New member
Jul 4, 2011
The fact the last two Mass Effects are on this list is baffling.

Look, I get you guys were limiting yourselves to the last five years but come on; they were dumbed down, "casualized" games that had all the depth stripped out and replaced linear hallways and boring cover shooting sequences. Bioware's attempt at integrating Gears O' War style gunplay felt more like a bizarre cargo cult of a shooter. This isn't even getting into the vastly under cooked relationships between you and your squadmates and how the story was a complete joke. Mass Effect 2 was completely pointless in the grand scheme of things, and Mass Effect 3 rendered everything you did moot. And one more thing: Mass Effect3 was butt-UGLY!

Im sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to disagree hard on this one.

EDIT: Also, while I'm not surprised Dark Souls is on this list, I just want to say that I feel like I'm one of maybe three people total who just absolutely goddamned HATED that game. Holy shit, I never in all my years of playing video games been more pissed off at a game since Dark Fucking Souls. It wasn't just that it was hard- hard I can deal with, one of my favorite games is MGR: Revengence- but it was also ugly, confusing and just plain unpleasant to play. I could never get a good handle on controlling my character, plus it felt like the game was deliberately keeping things from me, like a control menu or an objectives screen or even a damned map. Finally, any game that does not allow you to pause in offline mode deserves to have one billion points taken off and it's designer publicly tattooed and whipped naked through the streets. You just don't do that!

Gabriel Arantes

New member
Aug 5, 2014
This list just don't make any sense. It' top RPGs or "Big-time-publishers-pretend-to-be-RPGs" list?
Have you ever played games like Drakensang: The River of Time? Why games like this aren't on this list?
Instead there's "Dragon Age II" - a *great* game...yeah...


New member
May 13, 2009
I can forgive not putting Vampire: the Mascarade Bloodlines on the list, but.....

No Valkyria Chronicles, Ni No Kuni or any Final Fantasy game?

This list is nill and void.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
D3, ME2 and DA2 > ME3? Skyrim #1? Deus Ex above Bastion? You guys are obviously failed abortions with a penchant for meth.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Karadalis said:
...And Pokemon? I wouldnt call it an RPG to begin with since really there is no role playing here at all... you are allways the same characters and the only thing that changes are your lineup of tools (pokemon) the game is allways the exact same no matter how often who plays it.
Most JRPG's are like that (well, most of the big ones). And no. Trying to recreate the very exact tools with the very exact combat stats is almost impossible.