Dinosaurs on a Spaceship


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I liked Rory's dad.

Especially when he whacked a pterodactyl in the nose with a trowel.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I was surprised when the Dcotor let Solomon die because of how merciful he has been in the past describing himself as the man who "never would" (Thoth b fair that was the tenth doctor). I remember a trailer from the third episode where the doctor shows how his mercy has waned and why so I like that this is a development that will be explored rather than be confined to this episode.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
"For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm the winner. That's who I am. A Time Lord victorious."

"And there's no one to stop you?"


Edit: Wha? Susan changed her avatar.

My world is shattered.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
A good recap, and a good episode. While it wasn't as intense as last weeks it was a good sci-fi romp, and we get to see some dinosaurs which the Doctor doesn't meet often enough. The last ones I remember, off hand, were...

Susan Arendt said:
"In The Hungry Earth (2012)..."
Actually that was 2010. I know you know, but just wanted to point it out for people who want to look for that episode.

Group Grope

New member
Aug 5, 2011
The ninth doctor went ape ---t over one dalek in the episode of that title so he's been kind of schizophrenic all along. not to mention what he does to the aliens who force him to become human. that was just brutal.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Catface Meowmers said:
Hey, you sass that hoopy Brian Williams? There's a frood who really knows where his trowel is.
How unlikely was getting ninja'd in this situation? Because it just happened to me, and I just thought of that joke while reading the column... Oh well, great minds must think alike.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Zagzag said:
Catface Meowmers said:
Hey, you sass that hoopy Brian Williams? There's a frood who really knows where his trowel is.
How unlikely was getting ninja'd in this situation? Because it just happened to me, and I just thought of that joke while reading the column... Oh well, great minds must think alike.
Well, we were instructed to share and enjoy after all.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
The moment I saw Mark Williams as Rory's dad I just said: YES! It's just one of those pairings that makes so much sense.

In New Who, however, the Doctor's murderous inclinations - or at least his reaction to them - fluctuate. Sometimes he regrets being the deathly decision maker, other times he's practically gleeful to wield the axe.
This is very much a bone of contention for me. David Tennant's 10th Doctor started to wear on me by series 4 with his self righteous, no-gun policy. He'd wave his pacifistic nature around like some sort of banner which said "I'm better than you" and not in a good way. Add to the mixture his "daughter" who gleefully shouts something along the lines of: "Look dad! I could have killed them all, but I didn't!" Seriously?

Say what you like about Christopher Ecclestone's "northern" Doctor but I thought he had potential. He played a man whose wounds were still fresh, who suffered survivor guilt and harboured a deep-seated hatred that could match even the Daleks themselves. It was a far stretch from those times during "Genesis of the Daleks" where the 4th Doctor wrestled with the notion of wiping out the Daleks forever, only to falter and allow time to run its course.

I think this is why Sylvester McCoy's 7th Doctor is my favourite, certainly in the later episodes of his run anyway. I loved the darkness that seemed to linger beneath his philosophic brooding, the way he always seemed to know more than everyone else but was never so arrogant that he needed to show it. Plus he wasn't above playing with Ace's mind and putting her in horrifying situations simply to see her reaction, see "Ghost Light."


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
If anyone recalls the Classic Who, lets not forget THE VALEYARD.

Between the 11th and 12th Incarnations he shall be 'born'.

Maybe Motiff is able to pull his head of of his poorly thought up arse and make the 11th's fall lead into this creatures' creation.
Apr 17, 2009
Vault Citizen said:
I was surprised when the Dcotor let Solomon die because of how merciful he has been in the past describing himself as the man who "never would" (Thoth b fair that was the tenth doctor). I remember a trailer from the third episode where the doctor shows how his mercy has waned and why so I like that this is a development that will be explored rather than be confined to this episode.
Yeah, Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor is a hell of a lot more ruthless than Tennant's Tenth. Way I see it, Ten tried to be a pacifist by confining his negative emotions a lot, which meant when he did lose it he'd wreak utter havoc (see Family of Blood, Waters of Mars, Runaway Bride...). Eleven is a lot more comfortable using that anger, which can lead to some unsettling shifts as he switches between the two subtly (see A Christmas Carol where you're not quite sure if he's threatening Kazran Sardick, and Eleventh Hour where he browbeats the Atraxi), and also means he's a bit more lenient about dishing out some payback but also slightly less destructive when he does

Also, why no mention of the robots in the article They were voiced by Robert Webb and David Mitchell, it was like Peep Show...IN SPAAAAAAAACE!


Non-gamer in a gaming world
Nov 20, 2009
One of the big points about the Silurians you don't cover is WHY they are under ground all over the place. As revealed in Doctor Who and the Silurians:

The Silurians were running the planet millions of years ago, with dinosaurs at their command, and being bothered by mammal ape pests. But then an object headed for the planet, the Silurians panicked, and went underground.
And now, it seems, sent a ship off, even through we haven't seen any other space ship faring technology...
Anyway the object didn't hit the planet, but instead took up orbit... and became the moon. Yep, that's where that moon thing came from. (And yes, people have been trying to fit that fact into our science since... but, hey, the DW universe isn't our one!)
Their hibernation chambers were to reactivate after the moon vanished, but they didn't, so Silurians are still around in the chambers until such time as humans keep awakening them.

Oh, and Harry was brought in because they weren't expecting Tom Baker to be cast and be so active. Harry was supposed to take the action role, but clearly the Doctor was up for it, so he was written out.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Tanis said:
If anyone recalls the Classic Who, lets not forget THE VALEYARD.

Between the 11th and 12th Incarnations he shall be 'born'.

Maybe Motiff is able to pull his head of of his poorly thought up arse and make the 11th's fall lead into this creatures' creation.
No chance, he has disregarded the classic series and swept aside most of the continuity. I'd like to return to the old continuity, but it won't happen.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
When my fiancee learned the title to this episode she told me that she has less interest in this show the more she learns about it.



New member
Aug 13, 2009
I was actually kinda happy that The Doctor let Soloman die. For The Doctor to show him mercy after everything he'd done would've been stupid and naive as hell. Actually that's what I like most about this Doctor. Throughout the episodes we see him act all whimsical and fascinated and whatnot, yet we almost always see the issues underneath all that. You can tell he's lonely, you can tell that he doesn't really tolerate despicable people and so on and I think that that's fantastic about this particular Doctor.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Rory is such a good character. Not as in well written, well developed, or anything like that (he is). I'm saying his alignment is so Neutral Good.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
... Is NOBODY going to mention the Mitchell and Webb cameo?!

Somebody other than me must have been repulsed by that. It's just so unnecessary.


New member
May 13, 2010
Tanis said:
If anyone recalls the Classic Who, lets not forget THE VALEYARD.

Between the 11th and 12th Incarnations he shall be 'born'.

Maybe Motiff is able to pull his head of of his poorly thought up arse and make the 11th's fall lead into this creatures' creation.
12th and final incarnations, so it's a ways off yet...if it's going to be addressed.

I like this Doctor's morality, it's clear that while he is actually fascinated by the universe and curious as a newborn babe he knows what is going on and doesn't really hesitate to stop, kill or imprison things which could be of serious harm to him or others where he can. I like that there's been this sort of continuity with the Doctor's morality and feeling of godhood/power as well, a progression as the Doctors roll on and they face new experiences...