jollybarracuda said:
Honestly it isn't even the gameplay that bothers me nearly as much as graphical differences between the two games. Even on my new whiz-bang machine LotRO is choppy. Not like slide-show choppy, the game runs fine, but riding around the countryside consistently skips about every other second. It's obnoxiously jarring and seems to happen at pretty much any graphical level (though it's exaggerated at the upper end). That bothers me the most.
But yeah on top of that the combat is much more stiff with the queued actions and animations and all that, and the quests, good lord, the quests. And SO many buttons. Whenever I try to go back to my burglar it's like trying to learn another language remembering what my three bars of hotkeys all do (some of the classes are much less complex, but a burglar can easily use upwards of 12 abilities in a regular fight). Hunters at least are fairly simple to remember how to just pick up and play, but...
Oh! And crafting. LotRO crafting can eat something unpleasant. Not that I'm having a great time trying to skill up weaponsmithing (still stuck around 40 compared to my ~300 leatherworking), but at least crafting a mess of components doesn't take five minutes of sitting idle in GW2.
It's far from a perfect game - FAR from it - but the things I like most about it are some of the things I like least about LotRO. Makes it hard to transition backward. :|