26 year later: The new season of Twin Peaks.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Can you tell me the time it airs today? I've heard 9pm but don't know if that's Eastern or Pacific.
I can tell you it's at 3 in the morning where I live but chances are that's not gonna help you much. Showtimes' site says "PREMIERE MAY 21 AT 9PM ET/PT" so that's that.
Would that mean 9 pm Eastern, and then 3 hs later in Pacific Time?


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Johnny Novgorod said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Can you tell me the time it airs today? I've heard 9pm but don't know if that's Eastern or Pacific.
I can tell you it's at 3 in the morning where I live but chances are that's not gonna help you much. Showtimes' site says "PREMIERE MAY 21 AT 9PM ET/PT" so that's that.
Would that mean 9 pm Eastern, and then 3 hs later in Pacific Time?
Don't ask me, man, I live basically on the other side of the globe. If I'm reading it correctly it probably means it's gonna air at 9 on bit timezones and the actual premiere is gonna be whichever's the earlier one. I think.


I'm just a Smeg Head
Jun 30, 2010
All I have to say about the first 2 episodes (thank you hulu) is Holy Shit.

A bit unfocused at times but still Twin Peeks. Welcome back.... the coffee and pie are on the table over there.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
Fking weird. just... wtf did I just watch? A tumor in a tree that talks like meatball from Aqua Teen Hunger Force and what was that naked thing and did it eat that girl's face?


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
I've watched the first half of the two parter (taking it slowly. I'm gonna savour this) so here goes nothing:

What I liked:

- The beginning was wonderful and I had to hold back a tear when the original Twin Peaks theme started playing
- It sure looks gorgeous. Lynch made the right decision going digital. That establishing shot of New York was wonderful.
- Talking about New York, that whole sequence of the couple watching the goass box was classic Lynch. It's a bit like that sequence in the diner from Mulholland Drive. You know something's coming but you don't know what.
-Posessed Cooper actually started looking a bit like BOB, long hair and all. I can dig it.
-The Log Lady scenes are breaking my heart.

What I'm indifferent about:

-That whole murder subplot in South Dakota might be going somewhere interesting but as of now it just seems like a riff on police procedurals. Which is alright but a bit... mundane?

What I disliked:

- I miss the music. I like the ambience just fine, Lynch was always great with sound but the original score was iconic. Which might be the reason this season hardly uses any music. It does go out of its way not to wallow in nostalgia, for better and for worse.
- Apart from the stuff in the sherifs department some of the callbacks to the original show don't seem to add much. The stuff about the Horne Bros seemed a bit tacked on. I'm vaguely interested what Doc Jacoby's up to, though.
- so far characterization isn't nearly as strong as it was in the original. I mean, the shows obviously not in a particular hurry to get somewhere so it might just take that slowly as well but... you know, the original had that small town microcosm that's sure to be familiar to anyone who grew up on the country and it presented these quirky but still somehow familiar characters that drew you in. The new series seems a lot less focused on that.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I noticed the first episode is dedicated to Catherine Coulson (Log Lady) and the second to Frank Silva (BOB), both deceased. I wonder if there are enough dead cast members that we're gonna get in memoriams for 18 episodes. Don S. Davis, Warrent Frost, Frances Bay, Miguel Ferrer...

I'm intrigued. First two episodes flashed past, will definitely rewatch tomorrow. The first episode seems to cast way too big a net with what's going on with that weird glass case in New York, the Buckhorn murder mystery, the Las Vegas scene, those trippy Black Lodge sequences, the adventures of doppelganger Coop and those slice-of-life inserts from Twin Peaks. None of the original Twin Peaks characters seem all that much invested in what's going on (except for Cooper and Hawk) and appear as conciliatory cameos - here's Jacoby getting some mail, here're the Hornes chatting, here's Sarah Palmer watching TV, Shelly having a night out with the girls, James walking in and doing fuck all...

Also this seems way more gruesome than the original show ever got. In two episodes we already got more blood and dead bodies than the show ever pulled out during its original 30-episode run. And a more sinister too. That dude disappearing in the jail cell? Jesus.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Johnny Novgorod said:
I noticed the first episode is dedicated to Catherine Coulson (Log Lady) and the second to Frank Silva (BOB), both deceased. I wonder if there are enough dead cast members that we're gonna get in memoriams for 18 episodes. Don S. Davis, Warrent Frost, Frances Bay, Miguel Ferrer...

I'm intrigued. First two episodes flashed past, will definitely rewatch tomorrow. The first episode seems to cast way too big a net with what's going on with that weird glass case in New York, the Buckhorn murder mystery, the Las Vegas scene, those trippy Black Lodge sequences, the adventures of doppelganger Coop and those slice-of-life inserts from Twin Peaks. None of the original Twin Peaks characters seem all that much invested in what's going on (except for Cooper and Hawk) and appear as conciliatory cameos - here's Jacoby getting some mail, here're the Hornes chatting, here's Sarah Palmer watching TV, Shelly having a night out with the girls, James walking in and doing fuck all...

Also this seems way more gruesome than the original show ever got. In two episodes we already got more blood and dead bodies than the show ever pulled out during its original 30-episode run. And a more sinister too. That dude disappearing in the jail cell? Jesus.
It certainly seems to have more in common with Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire than it does with the original Twin Peaks. At the same time I do wonder if it would always have been like this if Lynch had more of a hand in the original show. On the other hand I think it's a good direction for the show to take. Television has changed a lot since the 90s, you can get away with more and in a post True Detective time, this seems like a logical place for it to go.


Renowned Latin Lover
Jan 30, 2009
First four episodes were pretty damn good.

I'll have to echo the sentiment that returning characters bar Coop, Albert, Gordon, and Hawk all seem pretty shoehorned in, they're not really doing anything at the moment, which is a shame.

Loved the Marlon Brando scene.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I noticed the first episode is dedicated to Catherine Coulson (Log Lady) and the second to Frank Silva (BOB), both deceased. I wonder if there are enough dead cast members that we're gonna get in memoriams for 18 episodes. Don S. Davis, Warrent Frost, Frances Bay, Miguel Ferrer...

I'm intrigued. First two episodes flashed past, will definitely rewatch tomorrow. The first episode seems to cast way too big a net with what's going on with that weird glass case in New York, the Buckhorn murder mystery, the Las Vegas scene, those trippy Black Lodge sequences, the adventures of doppelganger Coop and those slice-of-life inserts from Twin Peaks. None of the original Twin Peaks characters seem all that much invested in what's going on (except for Cooper and Hawk) and appear as conciliatory cameos - here's Jacoby getting some mail, here're the Hornes chatting, here's Sarah Palmer watching TV, Shelly having a night out with the girls, James walking in and doing fuck all...

Also this seems way more gruesome than the original show ever got. In two episodes we already got more blood and dead bodies than the show ever pulled out during its original 30-episode run. And a more sinister too. That dude disappearing in the jail cell? Jesus.
It certainly seems to have more in common with Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire than it does with the original Twin Peaks. At the same time I do wonder if it would always have been like this if Lynch had more of a hand in the original show. On the other hand I think it's a good direction for the show to take. Television has changed a lot since the 90s, you can get away with more and in a post True Detective time, this seems like a logical place for it to go.
The popular theory used to be that Mark Frost was the ballast grounding Lynch in place for Twin Peaks (he didn't work on the movie, for example, which turned out the way it did). But then consider Blue Velvet, which was the movie Lynch did after he swore to himself he'd never do anything again where he didn't get final say. Blue Velvet is 100% Lynch and feels a lot like a proto-Twin Peaks - a small 1950s vibe town where everything on the surface is peachy keen but there're brutes and weirdos operating their evil underneath. The 1990 show feels like a natural step in that same direction. The only instances were Lynch's hand was "forced" was revealing the murder mystery and replacing Coop's love interest.


New member
Mar 16, 2012
Watched the first 2 episodes and it just seems like a collection of weird images and stories connected to nothing in particular. So I decided to google David Lynch for 5 minutes and apparently you either like him or you don't. I guess I'm too stupid to get it, which is fine.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Wintermute said:
Watched the first 2 episodes and it just seems like a collection of weird images and stories connected to nothing in particular. So I decided to google David Lynch for 5 minutes and apparently you either like him or you don't. I guess I'm too stupid to get it, which is fine.
You're absolutely meant to watch the new season after you've seen the original show and preferably also the movie. It's not exactly friendly to Newcomers. Mind you, it's still confusing if you're familiar with them but the connections between these images and stories become somewhat more clear because at least you're gonna know who some of those characters are and what their backstory is. For what it's worth, the old show's also a lot easier to understand and only occasionally got really weird.

What I'm saying is, the new season isn't a good point to start.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
SmallHatLogan said:
My main hope for the new series is that Lynch takes some cues from modern serialised shows in terms of structure. I'd prefer a more focused story where everything ties into the main plot as opposed to the soap opera-ish nature of the original series with a bunch of unrelated stories running in parallel. In fact, it's probably an unpopular opinion but I kind of hold Fire Walk With Me as the gold standard of Twin Peaks storytelling. It's not my favourite part of the overall plot and it was a bit disappointing that it was a prequel but it's basically all of the stuff I like about Twin Peaks condensed into a couple of hours with all of the unnecessary fluff removed.
Just quoting myself since I'm revisiting my remarks.

After watching the first four episodes they've definitely dropped the soap opera format, but instead of taking it in a more modern TV direction it's more like a David Lynch movie stretched out into a TV series. It definitely has Fire Walk With Me and Mullholland Drive vibes. People have been making Eraserhead comparisons as well (particularly in regards to "the arm") but I haven't seen it so I can't comment.

So it's not what I expected and not exactly what I was hoping for, nonetheless I'm enjoying it a lot so far. I do find myself missing the light heartedness of the original as well as the accompanying quirky soundtrack (even Fire Walk With Me had some cool jazz tracks) but it's not a deal breaker. I don't really have any issues with the series as a whole so far, but episode 4 got pretty tedious. I hope they drop this unresponsive Coop shit sooner rather than later.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
I'm a long time Twin Peaks fan, but a short time Lynch fan ( watched Lost Highway twice to confirm incomprehensibility; left me confused and sassy)

I just watched the first two episodes of Twin Peaks season 3( so, 3 shows in total)

...there is not enough alcohol, and I went into it drunk. I love it, but I feel... unworthy.


Was that Joan Chen in the Vault By the Sunless Sea where Cooper was Shunted to, the one with no eyes?


I need more drink to continue.

9/10 (my only 10/10 of any motion picture media is The Thing).


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
SmallHatLogan said:
SmallHatLogan said:
My main hope for the new series is that Lynch takes some cues from modern serialised shows in terms of structure. I'd prefer a more focused story where everything ties into the main plot as opposed to the soap opera-ish nature of the original series with a bunch of unrelated stories running in parallel. In fact, it's probably an unpopular opinion but I kind of hold Fire Walk With Me as the gold standard of Twin Peaks storytelling. It's not my favourite part of the overall plot and it was a bit disappointing that it was a prequel but it's basically all of the stuff I like about Twin Peaks condensed into a couple of hours with all of the unnecessary fluff removed.
Just quoting myself since I'm revisiting my remarks.

After watching the first four episodes they've definitely dropped the soap opera format, but instead of taking it in a more modern TV direction it's more like a David Lynch movie stretched out into a TV series. It definitely has Fire Walk With Me and Mullholland Drive vibes. People have been making Eraserhead comparisons as well (particularly in regards to "the arm") but I haven't seen it so I can't comment.

So it's not what I expected and not exactly what I was hoping for, nonetheless I'm enjoying it a lot so far. I do find myself missing the light heartedness of the original as well as the accompanying quirky soundtrack (even Fire Walk With Me had some cool jazz tracks) but it's not a deal breaker. I don't really have any issues with the series as a whole so far, but episode 4 got pretty tedious. I hope they drop this unresponsive Coop shit sooner rather than later.
So far the series pretty slow in general but episode 4 and four had a lot of comic relief that didn't seem to move the plot forward. Of course some great stuff in there as well, the first 15 minutes of episode 3 (which, so far, was the most reminiscent of Eraserhead), Bobby Briggs getting emotional over a picture of Laura, the buddy cop exploits of Albert and Gordon (Also... man, that scene between Gordon and Denise. Whenever I think I couldn't respect Lynch more he surprises me) but I agree, as funny as his Mister Jackpot routine was, Amnesiac Cooper is gonna get pretty old if they're gonna keep him like that for much longer. Just as Andy and Lucy's whole lovable idiots shtick seems a bit forced. I mean, I get the joke about the cellphone, she's stuck in the nineties, haha, but they're going to over the top with them to an extent the original show didn't.

I did like Wally Brando though. It's a pretty simple joke, he's a dorky kid who acts like Marlon Brando, but Cera's performance and that silly ass pretentious monologue just kinda sell it. May the road rise to meet his wheels.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
the December King said:
Was that Joan Chen in the Vault By the Sunless Sea where Cooper was Shunted to, the one with no eyes?
That's Nae Yuuki playing "Naido". Whether she's meant to represent or relate to Josie in any way, I don't know. For that matter that second woman billed as "American Girl" (the one that warns Coop about her mother) is played by Phoebe Augustine, who played Ronette Pulaski in the show.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
the December King said:
Was that Joan Chen in the Vault By the Sunless Sea where Cooper was Shunted to, the one with no eyes?
That's Nae Yuuki playing "Naido". Whether she's meant to represent or relate to Josie in any way, I don't know. For that matter that second woman billed as "American Girl" (the one that warns Coop about her mother) is played by Phoebe Augustine, who played Ronette Pulaski in the show.
My better half picked Phoebe out instantly. Just further fucked with my head, really. I'm the poor sap that just can't accept the fact that it's most likely that Frost and Lynch have no rules, and beyond a really loose narrative are both mad. Not that they aren't brilliant, but... well, you know.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
the December King said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
the December King said:
Was that Joan Chen in the Vault By the Sunless Sea where Cooper was Shunted to, the one with no eyes?
That's Nae Yuuki playing "Naido". Whether she's meant to represent or relate to Josie in any way, I don't know. For that matter that second woman billed as "American Girl" (the one that warns Coop about her mother) is played by Phoebe Augustine, who played Ronette Pulaski in the show.
My better half picked Phoebe out instantly. Just further fucked with my head, really. I'm the poor sap that just can't accept the fact that it's most likely that Frost and Lynch have no rules, and beyond a really loose narrative are both mad. Not that they aren't brilliant, but... well, you know.
Shit, I just realized Nae Yuuki is in Inland Empire - with Terry Crews???

Anyway, I do think they play by the rules - it's just that they make up the rules along the way.


Renowned Latin Lover
Jan 30, 2009
Is there any signification to Jacques Renault manning the Bang Bang Bar?