Next Die Hard Will Be Set In Japan

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Next Die Hard Will Be Set In Japan

John McClane is set to have his sixth "unluckiest day ever," this time in the Yakuza-laden land of the rising sun, tentatively titled "Die Hardest".

Die Hard is a movie franchise that is ironically having quite a hard time dying. Despite mediocre reviews, Die Hard 5 or A Good Day to Die Hard pulled in an impressive $300 million worldwide, showing that old man Willis (now 58 years old) still has what it takes (or more accurately, people like watching gunfights and explosions). Cinema Today [] has revealed that a sixth movie, tentatively titled "Die Hardest" will see Willis, as leading man John McClane, travel across the pacific to Tokyo.

Die Hard 6 will start off in New York City, but will then see the McClane family travel to Tokyo, where they will quickly get caught up in the Yakuza or Samurai or Ninjas or something like that. It's good to see that McClane's "attract terrorists" superpowers work outside of the US. Earlier this year, it was revealed that Hugh Jackman's The Wolverine [] would also be set in Japan.

Japanese movie fans took to the forums to discuss the possibilities of the upcoming movie.

Wow! I'd definitely like to go and check out the locations they use to shoot this one!
I'm begging you, please don't do an action scene in Akihabara...
You think he'll get mixed up with yakuza or something in this one?
Looking forward to this! That said, Die Hard 5 was pretty awful...
Hmm... that title kind of suggests this'll be the absolute last in the series.

The last comment in particular, that the Die Hardest subtitle suggests that this will be the last in the series, would be a welcome relief to fans of the original movies that have already had to experience two cringe-worthy sequels.

Source: Rocket News 24 []



New member
Mar 18, 2009
I have doubts for it being the last Die Hard even if it's called Die Hardest. As long as these films keep making money, which they will, they'll be made. I don't mind, they're enjoyable but they could be so much better. At this point all I want is a decent shootout which Die Hard 5 didn't have, instead we got a really tedious car-chase.

Coach Morrison

New member
Jun 8, 2009
I can see it now, John has just killed the entire Yakuza, defeated an army of demon samurais and destroyed a clan of Al-Qaeda ninjas. As he is walking toward the airport with the family he has finally made up with, Wolverine jumps out of the bushes and kills him ending the series and spawning a spin off called "Die Together" that follows his family hunting down Wolverine to get their revenge.

Arslan Aladeen

New member
Oct 9, 2012
Obviously the original is the best, but I generally liked the 2 sequels that followed. Would have been nice to stop there, have a generally well received trilogy, even when it wasn't needed. In the first, he seemed like an ordinary person who happened to be a cop. 2 and 3, he was more like some action hero super cop. With the last 2, he's some kind of super hero that apparently can't be killed or hurt (assuming on 5, it just looked painful from everything I saw). I know the answer, but I can't help but ask, why can't they just leave well enough alone?


New member
Jul 24, 2012
They are full out milking it now. They are not even pretending.

Bruce Willis has decided to go the path of Nicolas Cage and Liam Neeson and do any and every movie he possibly can.

Bug MuIdoon

New member
Mar 28, 2013
1-3 are classics. 4 was terrible. I haven't seen 5, mainly because it looks pretty bad from the trailers and I don't like the whole 'bring his son in to it' plot. I highly doubt I'll make any effort to watch 6.

It has to be said too, that he looks way too old for this type of role now. I know he's only 58, but he often looks like he's pushing 70

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Bruce Willis cashing another pay check for looking bored on screen. Seriously, does the guy even care about his performance anymore? I recently saw Pulp Fiction again, and I was reminded that Bruce Willis used to have emotional range.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
I would really like if they turned Die Hard into an anthology series already. I know audiences are attached to John McClane and all, but a "wrong place at the wrong time" movie doesn't exactly go well after five movies with the SAME man. After the first film it's well-established that he stops bad guys, after the second it's nigh-on cemented in stone. Die Hard should be surviving on its broad strokes concepts - not Bruce Willis alone.

I really hope the future of Die Hard doesn't just become "where else can we set an action film starring Bruce Willis?" That's not the legacy John McTiernan's original deserves.




New member
Sep 6, 2009
I guarantee you the day that Bruce says "No More Die Hard." is the day they hire Shia LeBeouf to do prequel movies.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I could probably forgive all past sins, if the plot involved the Nakatomi Corporation HQ in Tokyo and the chairman was played by Sonny Chiba.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010

Oh, this is going to suck. Not just in an awful movie way, but in a "Japanese people will think this is how I see their country" kinda way.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
F$&k! I recently wrote an action movie screenplay set in Japan. I should've tried selling it to Fox.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
...They're going to keep milking this until it finally ends on an absolutely shit sequel which makes disappointing returns, at which point the franchise will also end on a shit note. It seems that's exactly what they're pushing for here, push push push until people lose all interest and the character becomes a bland sell-out puddle who will not be remembered for his glory days, but how shit the last few of his movies were.

I saw the first 3 Die Hard movies as entertaining classics, the 4th one was a surprisingly good "look guys, I can still kick ass" movie but I was expecting it to end there because it was supposed to be John McClain's "final" note to saying that age is never a barrier for a seriously dedicated hero, and that's the moral of the story.

So when the 5th one was released I immediately thought "Wait, what the fuck for? What could possibly be fresh and new in this, what could we possibly learn from this?". Turns out it was completely unneeded and existed purely for raking in franchise-cash and for no other reason. No genuinely good intentions or good will existed behind it.

And the 6th one will just be more of that.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Gordon_4 said:
I could probably forgive all past sins, if the plot involved the Nakatomi Corporation HQ in Tokyo and the chairman was played by Sonny Chiba.
Involving Nakatomi in some way would be a nice touch, completing the circle if you will.

Though I can't help but feel Die Hard has had its day. First three are classics, the fourth had its moments of fun and five was.........there. As much as I love John McClain, it may be time he hung up his yippee kiy yay.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Why?! Watching Bruce Willis attempting to promote Die Hard 5 was the most depressing thing I think I've ever seen. Stop shitting all over the beloved franchise!


New member
Jan 15, 2009
still havent watched part 5. i dint mind part 4 though but seriously, a sixth movie??? sounds more like a rent on dvd for me. after i have rented part 5 first.