Next Die Hard Will Be Set In Japan

Apr 28, 2008
The name is actually "Die Hardest"?

Wow. That's one of the names my friends and I throw around when discussing hilariously ridiculous sequel names.


New member
Oct 12, 2012
Until they are going to do a Die Hard movie set on mars, I'm going to stay as far as possible from that travesty this franchise has become.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
More like "There will be yet another Die Hard - Who still gives a shite?"

They might as well name the movie "Milk Hard: Give us your money"
kman123 said:
Avoid like the plague I suppose.

I liked the first 3, but 4 was absolute shite and 5 was...haven't seen it as well.

At this point it's a parody of itself.
And a bad parody at that. The interesting thing is, the first Die Hard already was in some ways a parody of the action films of that era: the villains being nothing but common robbers, the main hero being stopped by mere glass shards on the floor and that scene where Alan Rickman makes the phone call and talks about releasing terrorist prisoners and stuff.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Hmm... that title kind of suggests this'll be the absolute last in the series.
Pfft they could totally make another film. It would be Die Hardester With A Revengeance.

After watching the fourth film I don't even want to watch the latest one. The series took a nose dive when they brought it back, the original three are fine (although Die Harder was a bit crap) and the first film is still the best Christmas movie ever made. Now it's generic shooty-scowly action andI wouldn't be suprised if it turned in to John McClane Vs. Godzilla.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
CriticalMiss said:
Pfft they could totally make another film. It would be Die Hardester With A Revengeance.
No, they would reboot it as Die Hard: Resurrection with Shia LaBeouf, and then make sequels with titles like Revengeance, Die Again, Die Harder Than This, Dead Hard, Just Die Already, Why Won't You Die? and such.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
bartholen said:
CriticalMiss said:
Pfft they could totally make another film. It would be Die Hardester With A Revengeance.
No, they would reboot it as Die Hard: Resurrection with Shia LaBeouf, and then make sequels with titles like Revengeance, Die Again, Die Harder Than This, Dead Hard, Just Die Already, Why Won't You Die? and such.
What about Die-monds Are Forever (Hard)?


New member
Sep 21, 2009
CriticalMiss said:
bartholen said:
CriticalMiss said:
Pfft they could totally make another film. It would be Die Hardester With A Revengeance.
No, they would reboot it as Die Hard: Resurrection with Shia LaBeouf, and then make sequels with titles like Revengeance, Die Again, Die Harder Than This, Dead Hard, Just Die Already, Why Won't You Die? and such.
What about Die-monds Are Forever (Hard)?
Die of the Tiger! And it will be set in 18th century China where a gang of master swordsmen have just taken over the Imperial Palace in an attempt to steal the Empire's jade stocks while disguising as Japanese insurgents. Jon Mag Len is a regular palace guard but also the only hope of freeing the Emperor.

I'd watch the hell out of that movie.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Coach Morrison said:
I can see it now, John has just killed the entire Yakuza, defeated an army of demon samurais and destroyed a clan of Al-Qaeda ninjas. As he is walking toward the airport with the family he has finally made up with, Wolverine jumps out of the bushes and kills him ending the series and spawning a spin off called "Die Together" that follows his family hunting down Wolverine to get their revenge.
.....I'd watch it.

I've enjoyed every movie in the series. A Good Day to Die Hard was a fast, fun movie. I mean, the man hip fires a light machinegun. Awesome.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
His sixth unluckiest day ever? So they're already admitting this one won't be as good as the originals? :p


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Die Hard 7 = McClanes son has been kidnapped by the taliban and is threatened with beheading unless all dirty westerners leave there country. McClane goes there, defeats all Taliban on his own in his quest to save his son.

Die Hard 8 = Blah blah blah. Terrorists. Blah blah blah. Wait, the terrorist killing cops turns out to be Predator! Yes, we truly jumped the shark as McClane fights the Predator in a New York tower block. (See, we are back to one building again.)

Die Hard 9 = Jumped the shark? Jumped the whole damn ocean. McClane is a dairy farmer. Aliens keep abducting his cows and leaving blood drained carcases. His favorite cow Blue bell is taken. Grrrrrrr. McClane speaks to his friend in NASA to take the shuttle to Mars to save Blue Bell and get revenge for every cow abducted.

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
I'm not sure what this one will be called. Given that it's gone on for so long, Hardly Dying seems appropriate.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
For the love of everything holy... why??? I know it's all about the money, but WHYYYY?????

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
They could've let it end on a high note with Die Hard With A Vengeance. Willis was still at his prime, his interplay with Samuel L. Jackson was top-notch and they were still employing semi-believable plots. It would've been that most rare of Hollywood productions: A good trilogy.

But nooooooo.....

Product Placement

New member
Jul 16, 2009
You know what? I'm starting to understand the actual underlying plot of the movie series.

After the events of Die Hard 1, McClane developed a crippling case of what could only be described as a variant of the Münchausen syndrome.[footnote]Traditionally, Münchausen syndrome is when a person start repeatedly faking certain illnesses in hopes to draw a sympathetic attention and support to himself. This often happens after a person was authentically sick once, got used to the attention that he received at the time and starts wanting the same amount of attention once he's cured.[/footnote] This version, however, has him secretly manipulating crime bosses into planing daring heists in areas, where he can play the role of an innocent passerby who can take matters into his own hands and save the day.

Of course, having secret ties with the underground world is not cheap and McClane doesn't look like a rich man. That's simple to explain. In the chaos of the Nakatomi Plaza raid (DH1), McClane managed to stash away some of the stolen bonds for himself. He's been keeping his hidden wealth a secret, since he wouldn't be able to explain to the authorities why he suddenly became so rich and with it, he's been living a double life as some sort of information broker for crime syndicates, which is how he's able to set up these events.

Naturally, this all has to play out as realistically as possible, so McClane only manipulates the criminals to a point where he knows when and where they're gonna strike and he always communicates with the criminals through proxies, so that they're unaware of his involvement.

Once McClane has gotten a chance to save they day again, he gets to relish in the instant gratification of being the hero. But once the attention dies down, depression sets in. Of course people were grateful of his heroic deeds, but they're not gonna throw him a parade, every time he brings it up, and that's what he's after; he needs his next fix. He starts drinking and complaining about how he should be treated with respect, since he's the hero. This psychological breakdown is what causes him his poor standing at his job and thus why he never moves up in ranks and is sometimes without a job, at the beginning of each movie. His syndrome is also what's causing his own family to distance themselves from him and he doesn't understand how best to reach out to them in a normal healthy manner. Since he was having marriage problems with his wife, at the start of the first film, he's learned to associate "Save the life of loved one = they will love me again." This is why he often manipulates these giant heists, so that they end up putting his family members in harms way, so that he can play hero again and reconcile with them.

It truly is a sad story about a very pathetic man.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
When Bruce Willis had an appearance on the sitcom Mad About You playing himself, he was making his next movie entitled Die, Already. That's a good name for his next movie.