New League of Legends Cinematic Twists Fate

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
New League of Legends Cinematic Twists Fate

Watch out Blizzard, Riot Games is vying for your "best videogame cinematics" title.

Riot Game's League of Legends is a pretty big deal, having trying to reform trolls, [] they take the time to put together cinematics. The latest, titled "A Twist of Fate", is named after the Gambit-inspired Twisted Fate champion from the game, and is pretty freaking awesome. So awesome that Riot may just snatch away Blizzard's "best videogame cinematics" title.

"At Riot, we love cinematics and we know many of you do too," said Riot on its official League of Legends website. "For the last year or so we've been hard at work bringing a new cinematic to life. We know it's been awhile since we unveiled anything like this!" Indeed it has, for the last time we saw a cinematic of this caliber was back when Season 1 [] started several years ago.

The new cinematic features the titular Twisted Fate squaring off against the scarecrow Fiddlesticks, as well as skirmishes between the rune mage Ryze and the shadowy Nocture, Demacia's Garren and Noxus' Katarina, and Demonblade Tryndamere and "Riot's favorite champion" Annie. Barron Nashor even shows up to join in on the fun.

Its full of high-octane awesome fight scenes and general kick-assery. "Realizing the champions in such high fidelity challenges us in different ways, and when it all comes together the result is really powerful," said Riot. If it tickles your fancy, you can also check out the behind the scenes [] video, which shows how some of the game's most iconic champions were brought to life as CGI.

Little things like this are what makes Riot such a great company. League Of Legends is a free-to-play PC MOBA that was also recently made available on Mac [].



New member
Jan 28, 2012
I wish there was a bit more substance than just "grunt grunt smash smash" like the "meet the ___" videos of tf2 have.
Some sort of narrative that touches on who those dudes are and why we should care that they smash their faces in.

Also where is teemo I was waiting to see his face get smashed in all along what is this


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Sometimes I wonder why some LoL news get published and not others. I don't remember hearing anything about IEM tournaments, the world championship, the evolution of itemization/metagame through the seasons or the top players/teams, but we get this.

For me it would be akin to not ever reporting the UEFA while posting every time that David Beckham does a cologne advertisement, not that is wrong, it just surprises me.

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Tanakh said:
Sometimes I wonder why some LoL news get published and not others. I don't remember hearing anything about IEM tournaments, the world championship, the evolution of itemization/metagame through the seasons or the top players/teams, but we get this.

For me it would be akin to not ever reporting the UEFA while posting every time that David Beckham does a cologne advertisement, not that is wrong, it just surprises me.
Hi Tanakh! As much as I love League of Legends, news pieces on tournaments and top players/teams is very specialized news. I love hearing about it, and you love hearing about it, but the vast majority of LoL players who just play for fun don't really care about it. Instead, something like this is something that all league of legends players should love! I feel we have a pretty suitable League of Legends coverage [], in the past we have covered:

-League Of Legends' "All Random All Mid" Mode Gets Official

-Riot Games Seeks Reform for League of Legends Trolls

-Riot Opens Paid Transfers Between League of Legends Servers

And even a post on "2.6 Million Tune in to MLG's Latest Esports Event"

Thanks for your suggestion


New member
Mar 26, 2008
So much random fighting,
So little anything else.

I wish there was more to this game, but as is, I can't find it within myself to care about LoL - no matter how unique its characters.

It's the same problem I have with fighting games - there's nothing there but the fighting! And fighting isn't my thing.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Pretty cool, if you're into that style.

If only playing MOBAs was anywhere near that awesome.


New member
May 21, 2009
loa said:
I wish there was a bit more substance than just "grunt grunt smash smash" like the "meet the ___" videos of tf2 have.
Some sort of narrative that touches on who those dudes are and why we should care that they smash their faces in.
Nocturne hates magicians and is trying to kill Ryze for... being a magician. Garen and Katarina are resolving their belligirent sexual tension.

That said I kind of agree, I loved the elaborate lore of the game while they kept updating it, even if it was intentionally silly quite often.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Needs more Teemo.
Everytime they showed a new fight scene, it should have started with Teemo poisoning the bad guy then running off laughing whilst dropping invisible mushrooms in his wake.
Just as the good champions get ready to deliver their finishing blows, the bad guys just drop dead foaming at the mouth and the announcer's voice shouts out "An ally has killed and enemy"

I fucking love Teemo.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
FUAAARK! I quit LoL years ago but God damn, that was an excellent cinematic. LoL is now on my list of games that need a CG movie alongside StarCraft and WarCraft.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
loa said:
I wish there was a bit more substance than just "grunt grunt smash smash" like the "meet the ___" videos of tf2 have.
Some sort of narrative that touches on who those dudes are and why we should care that they smash their faces in.

Also where is teemo I was waiting to see his face get smashed in all along what is this
I think it's in Riot's best interest not to draw too much attention to the story, lest people find out why the league actually excists in lore.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
ciasteczkowyp said:
That was a very nice cinematic. Sadly league of legends community is toxic to the core.
It's actually got the least toxic community of any MOBA out there. I've actually played most of them too, I have over 200 hours on DotA 2 and LoL, then there's games like HoN, SMITE, and Bloodline Champions which are even worse. Honestly speaking, at least Riot is TRYING to do something with stuff like this:

It seems like they're the only ones who care while games like DotA 2 do the least they can get away with. I know you probably disagree since that was basically the essence of your comment, and maybe it's because when you're playing other games you don't encounter much toxicity but... and I'm not accusing or anything, this is just food for thought, there's an old say: "Everyone can tell who the drunkest person at the party is, if you can't then it's you."

That holds true for games as well. Everyone can tell who the most toxic player in the game is, if you can't then it's you. Maybe that's it, or maybe you've just been very fortunate with other games, that's also entirely possible.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Combustion Kevin said:
loa said:
I think it's in Riot's best interest not to draw too much attention to the story, lest people find out why the league actually excists in lore.
Why? In lore it exists as an alternative to war since previous wars nearly blew up the continent, which is the premise of like, a dozen different sci-fi movies/stories out there. It's an idea that lots of people have had before and has proven to be a pretty good trope.

I actually kind of like the lore of the game. It's not exactly Don Quixote but it's fun and well thought out spiced with some pretty decent humor. Like Gragas and Dr. Mundo going into business together, Janna dodging the paparazzi. I don't think anyone's ever done something like that before.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Anyone besides me all like "Spellshield Nocturne."

Seriously, Nocturne doesn't lose to Ryze....I mean...come on.


New member
May 17, 2010
I disliked it. I get that its all shiney and looks nice, even awesome, and I was thinking all the way through "wow this is so cool!" But at the same time I was wondering where it was going, and it was going nowhere. It was just some fighting, at best an example of how we should imagine the characters and their spells interacting in "reality".

Except, the season 1 cinematic, although not as shiney, got me wanting to play the game. It was cool, it had a story (sort of) and it told me basically everything that you need to know about LoL lore to understand the game (We're controlling them, so that's why they come back to life etc). Not only that, but everytime I watch it back, and this is very 'sad' to admit, I always imagine that the cool arrow combo thing is how the game works; how when the jungler and I coordinate a successful gank which relied on both of us and precise teamwork, that's what it looked like. And that's why I love the original cinematic, because for me it captured the essence of the game, whereas this new one, despite being better graphcs and "cooler"... well it just lacked that.

I'm not saying its not good, but I am saying I didn't like it.

(Also, am I missing why it is called A twist of Fate? Other than Twisted fate being in it for a bit)

((Plus Nocturne didn't spell shield any of Ryze's spells. What?))


New member
Mar 19, 2013
I think at this point there's just so many goddamn heroes that characterizing them as anything OTHER than mere fighting-machines that go "raar" would be fruitless.

6urk17s said:
I think I prefer Dunkeys redub:
"why the fuck are you mid garen"
"stfu scrub"

Brilliant :D