*Goes on Xbox...Play's Red Faction*...im sorry install what game exactly?Monkeyman8 said:a hahaha, a 360 that hasn't RROD'd at least once? Yeah PC gaming has its problems, and consoles have the same damn problems (crashes, buggy games, patches, DLC) plus the problem of a walled as garden. they're like the macs of gaming, and glossing over their flaws while bringing up the same flaws in PC games (hell you've even gotta install console games these days) is disingenuous at best.
Try that...but with coke..i assure you, it hurts even more =PTheSkaAssassin said:I made the mistake of taking a large gulp of water whilst reading this. What little water not on my laptop screen is still lodged in my nose. and it huuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrtttttsssssssss.Chuck Wendig said:Thirty seconds into the brew-time on your coffee-maker the device instead sprays hot java on your balls, searing them to the corduroy. You don't like that? Not a fan?
You would be surprised how windose can cock up on itself and you have to reinstall bits of it to get full functionality back. Sound drivers if they go bad can cause crashes just as bad video drivers can and sometimes the game is just not meant to be run on max settings,Dark messiah tends to crash on max settings it can't cache the video ram buffer or something right and locks up this leads to a ahrd crash that can and will most of the time damage your game and drivers.marblemadness said:To all of the people telling him how to fix it: Did you not get the point of the article? If he has a working PC, with decent specs, a game should run. He shouldn't HAVE to do all this troubleshooting and I agree fully.
With the exception of Fallout 3, I've never had an Xbox 360 game crash on me.
I bought Team Fortress 2 on Steam.J03bot said:See, this is your problem. You're only sacrificing one goat. The machine god demands more! That baby seal you're thinking about punching? Sacrifice it instead! I think there's something about keeping your computer inside a pentagram at all times, with a water cooling system filled entirely with a virgin's blood, too.Chuck Wendig said:No draconian DRM that demands I be online at all times and sacrifice a bleating goat
I also have issues with PC gaming. I can't afford to upgrade a desktop on a regular basis (or even to buy one), so I'm stuck with a basic laptop that can't run COD 4, even at the lowest settings, without it jumping about more than the camera in a Bourne film.
The Steam sale, on the face of things, looked like it would fix this.
"Loads of slightly older games, at lower prices? Some of these should run on my wheezing construct of the ancients", I thought to myself. £20 of games, 4 days of download time, and a number of computer crashes that could best be represented in standard form later, and I have not one single game that will run on my PC without the aforementioned Cloverfield-level jerkiness. This is even after the specs supposedly match up, too.
I think I may be out of the PC gaming field until I find a couple of grand lying in the street for a decent gaming rig... Back to the xbox, I guess - there's definitely something to be said for the simplicity of gaming on consoles.
This This This This This This This times a fucking thousand. The first words out of my mouth whenever somebody comes to me with a computer problem are always "what did you break?" Why? Because 99/100 times it's a PEBCAC error and while they vehemently deny at first, once I start digging I always find out it's something the person did to their own pc that caused the problem.Scrumpmonkey said:Not to be offensive but 90% of the time people's bad experiences of PC gaming are their own fault
Maybe if it were easier for the "regular" consumer to plug and play, maybe the PC market wouldn't be struggling.uppitycracker said:Wow, I had a really hard time reading that. Anti-PC gaming statements like this sure are infuriating. People talk about how the PC market is dying (which couldn't be farther from the truth), and here we have so-called writers basically talking down on the whole experience, when it's most likely due to user error? I mean, a number of factors can cause the problems you've explained. And most of them usually have to do with ignorance on the users part.
It's funny, because all of those games listed, I have had zero issues with. Crysis especially. What am I doing differently? Honestly, probably not much. Just simple things, such as keeping my PC free of dust, making sure I don't bottleneck my system with one amazing part and one ancient one (which I'd almost be willing to bet one of these two things is yer problem), ect.
Honestly, it's ignorant posting like this that I thought I was avoiding by reading the escapist. It amazes me that this was even published. Shit like this is only going to give the wrong perception of PC gamers to people who don't know better, and a market that is already struggling in the console age doesn't need crap like this tainting it's image. In short, and I'm sure I speak for all PC gamers when I say this: Fuck PC gaming? No, sir, fuck you.