Iwata: Nintendo's E3 Showing Wasn't That Great

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Iwata: Nintendo's E3 Showing Wasn't That Great

Did you think that Nintendo's E3 press conference was kind of lame in comparison to Sony and Microsoft's? If the answer is yes, then Nintendo president Satoru Iwata agrees with you.

Nintendo had some cool things to show off at their press conference [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/92129-Liveblog-Nintendos-E3-Press-Conference] at this year's E3 - Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, to name the big names - but the conference seemed to be lacking some, I don't know... pizazz. I'm not the only one to feel that way, of course - and in fact, one rather big name in the industry would seem to agree with me: Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, to be precise.

Iwata admitted the sentiment at a first quarter financial results conference, reports GI.biz [http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/nintendos-e3-press-conference-could-have-been-better-iwata]:

[blockquote]"Honestly speaking, none of us at Nintendo thought that our presentation at E3 was as good as it could have been," said [Iwata]. "It is apparent that we could not fully convey the charm of our products.

"In the past, Wii Sports and Wii Fit were naturally able to convey their appeal on stage since it was something no one had ever seen or imagined before. People seemed to capture the appeal of Wii Sports instantly and although there was some initial confusion with Wii Fit, its appeal did get through to the audience afterwards.

"This year, however, with the New Super Mario Bros Wii, four people lined up with Wii remotes was not a scene that no one had ever seen." [/blockquote]

I have to admit, in an industry where executives seem to exist just to say how awesome their company is, it's refreshing to see a bit of humility, especially from the man at the helm of an industry giant with a money-printing machine called the Wii. Still, Iwata gave his cloud its silver lining, saying that Nintendo had learned many lessons from their lackluster showing: "We strongly feel that we need to look into finding a better way to demonstrate the products' appeal better at E3."


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
As if Nintendo cares about E3 or any other convention.
They've got the casual masses in there corner and that's all they need.


New member
May 21, 2008
Darkrai said:
Far better than last years. I enjoyed it a lot. Golden Sun and Metroid:eek:ther M
It's just a shame they barely showed anything of those games, rather than small teaser trailers.

I have to agree that it was a better show than last year, though that hardly makes it a decent one.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Rather then trying to vow people with innovative controls or sights never seen before, why don't they just make a few good games and focus on those? Show me the next Legend of Zelda already!


New member
Jun 28, 2009
oliveira8 said:
...the man at the helm of an industry giant with a money-printing machine called the Wii.
Wrong Funk wrong!

thats worth a good chuckle. i think nintendo should just put a big middle finger on their logo for good measure, juuuuust in case anyone still thinks they care. god, they care about making money more than microsoft. which i thought was impossible.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
It was better than last year, but anything is better than that Wii Music thing. At least this year had Super Mario Galaxy 2 (a rehash, sure, but better than last year), Metroid Other M, Golden Sun DS, and the promise of a new Zelda.

However, Nintendo, if you really want to make me happy, just announce an Elite Beat Agents sequel already.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Eh, at least it was vastly better than last year's E3.

God, I can still hear the jingle of Wii Music in the wind.....*shudders*


New member
Mar 10, 2008
A random person said:
However, Nintendo, if you really want to make me happy, just announce an Elite Beat Agents sequel already.
You have no idea how much I support this notion.

Nintendo, HIRE THIS MAN RIGHT NOW!@!!!@!#$@!#$


New member
Jun 29, 2008
A random person said:
However, Nintendo, if you really want to make me happy, just announce an Elite Beat Agents sequel already.
And let's see some Mother action over here in the states, and around the rest of the world.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Like everyone says, it was better than last years showing. I feel that they put too much pressure on themselves to innovate, when sometimes we just want to see the games. Microsoft didn't dick about, they just jumped into it and said 'this is what you are getting in the near future', and it was great stuff, ignoring Natal for now.

However the difference is everything they showed was third party, something that Nintendo doesn't particularly do, they more or less show their own products, hell they had specialised events to do so back in the day. They are making the same amount of games that they were in the past, people should realise that.

And it didn't help that they showed the vitality sensor without any software to back it up.

Jumplion said:
Eh, at least it was vastly better than last year's E3.

God, I can still hear the jingle of Wii Music in the wind.....*shudders*
*Vomits violently* What are you talking about? That game is aweso-*continues vomiting*

Casual Shinji said:
As if Nintendo cares about E3 or any other convention.
They've got the casual masses in there corner and that's all they need.
Everyone cares about E3. Messing up conferences can have serious repurcussions. And the Wii Sports crowd is volatile, they won't be around forever, which is why Nintendo is attempting to give them way to transition to regular gamers.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
didn't they say exactly the same thing about their E3 08 presentation? If they say the asme thing about 09, then I'll start blaming them for being like artists who can never be satisfied with their own work, whatever anyone says :p


New member
Sep 27, 2008
Emphraim said:
Rather then trying to vow people with innovative controls or sights never seen before, why don't they just make a few good games and focus on those? Show me the next Legend of Zelda already!
As in reveal about it or announce one? If the latter, they have a teaser pic of Link and the Queen of the Great Fairies. (People act like its a mysterious figure, but its the queen fairy from Windwaker)

Leroy Frederick

New member
Jan 27, 2009
Nah, it was still a poor showing overall in comparison, just very underwhelming to Sony's game's list and motion thingy and Microsoft's natal which owned the whole show this year and will own the consoles if it works how it's intended and has actual games using it rather then the BMI monitor pissware heavy featured on the Wee!

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Kiutu said:
Emphraim said:
Rather then trying to vow people with innovative controls or sights never seen before, why don't they just make a few good games and focus on those? Show me the next Legend of Zelda already!
As in reveal about it or announce one? If the latter, they have a teaser pic of Link and the Queen of the Great Fairies. (People act like its a mysterious figure, but its the queen fairy from Windwaker)
I remember when people were saying that was the Master Sword. Still odd that he doesn't have one in the picture, but I doubt the Queen of Fairies is it.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Jumplion said:
A random person said:
However, Nintendo, if you really want to make me happy, just announce an Elite Beat Agents sequel already.
You have no idea how much I support this notion.

Nintendo, HIRE THIS MAN RIGHT NOW!@!!!@!#$@!#$
I was boooooorn in a crossfire hurricane~