Godzilla Trailer Stomps the Tubes

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Godzilla Trailer Stomps the Tubes

The debut Godzilla movie trailer is here!

Up from the depths! 30 stories high! Breathing fire! His head in the sky! GODZILLA! Duh duh-nuh-nuh!

I'll be honest, I had no idea someone was even making another Godzilla movie, and to take the honesty a step further I would not have known that this trailer was for a new Godzilla movie if it didn't say "Godzilla" in the title. Elite military dudes rushing to save a crapped-up city is kind of generic these days, isn't it?

Then again, I was recently told that I can sometimes be a little bit cynical about things, so maybe my perception is off. At least they're not getting any Godzookie up in this flick. Right?

Godzilla hits the screens on May 16, 2014. DUH DUH-NUH-NUH!


Hutzpah Chicken

New member
Mar 13, 2012
I just have to wonder, has Toho given up? I can see crossing this movie with Pacific Rim being really cool, but why can't we have a real Godzilla movie and not Warner Bros. second attempt?


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I was interested in another attempt at a modern Godzilla flick but after seeing the trailer I'll probably just relegate it to 'watch on DVD when there is nothing else to do'.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I could make a cloverfield jibe, but that would be lazy, obvious and unoriginal..... Oh the irony.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I don't think there's really enough to make any kind of judgement. That said, the design looks waaaaaay better than last time around, and did I see Bryan Cranston? There's hope yet.

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
Hell yeah, Bryan Cranston! The hell is up with the extra negativity lately? I want to see Godzilla blowing stuff up and it looks like I'll get it.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
TheRightToArmBears said:
I don't think there's really enough to make any kind of judgement. That said, the design looks waaaaaay better than last time around, and did I see Bryan Cranston? There's hope yet.
Not just him, but there's also Ken Watanabe.

All in all, I'm reaaaaaly hopeful for this movie. I love just how much they try to hide Godzilla and how they are showing it not just like some monster, but rather as a natural disaster or god's wrath.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
You didn't know? Dude what cave have you been living in for the past two years? I learned about this a long time ago and there was even another trailer (which was pulled) that came out last month. It's got a very solid cast so far and they're working with the Toho company (since you most likely don't know that's the Japanese company that owns and makes the Godzilla films) which the crappy last American version didn't do, so that gave me a little hope when I first heard about this film.

Although the new trailer starts out pretty intense I do wonder the logical reason of sending in paratroopers in a area with a giant monster.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Someone help? That opening speech by the general about the HALO jump is reminding me of a similar speech, similar voice, possibly the same actor, from another movie. Does anyone have any idea what I'm thinking of? And who is the actor?

The line in my brain goes something like:

"Gentlemen, this is a high priority situation, you will give me your full attention please. At 0200 hours yesterday..."

And yes, I realise that's about as generic as movie speeches go. Which is probably why google isn't helping.

EDIT: Got it. Noah Vosen/David Strathairn in The Bourne Ultimatum, where the "high priority situation" is, well, Bourne. And since David Strathairn is credited to Godzilla 2014, it could well be him in that opening speech.


On topic... I'm cautiously optimistic. Very cautiously.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
AgentG said:
Although the new trailer starts out pretty intense I do wonder the logical reason of sending in paratroopers in a area with a giant monster.
Never understood these movies at all, unless the skin of that thing is tougher than 60ft of toughest reinforced concrete man can make (which I doubt) why drop paratroopers on it instead of flying a B2 over and dropping a pair of GBU-57s on it? Even the kinetic energy should be enough to smash the thing to pieces, let along its 2.5 ton warhead. Even if it could survive one or two because of super healing powers or something it could never survive ten B2s dropping all twenty of those bombs the the US own being dropped on it.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
Compatriot Block said:
Hell yeah, Bryan Cranston! The hell is up with the extra negativity lately? I want to see Godzilla blowing stuff up and it looks like I'll get it.
I dunno, is it set in Tokyo, or what city is Barney's big brother trashing this time around?

I was impressed that there wasn't a single dubstep DUUUUURRRRR in sight (or hearing), and it focused on slow build up with long cuts, instead of Bay style quick cut explosions. At the very least that's a good sign that it won't be another mindless explosion shakey cam fest.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
I'm pretty hopeful for it. I am glad they seem to be starting out more in the style of the original film. I liked Pacific Rim well enough, but I do want a little something more.

The Godzilla franchise is no stranger to camp, but at the same time the series has also been pretty flexible in tone. Some are just pure campy fun while some focus more on the messaging. I just hope this is both good and has reasonable enough success that we can see more.

While I am happy that they seem to be starting out with the 'original' style, I do hope they are successful enought to warrant sequels. I want to see Mothra and King Ghidorah too.


New member
Jul 11, 2013
MinionJoe said:
When this trailer portrayed HALO jumpers being dropped via helicopter, of course I'm going to verify that that's even a valid military tactic. From my findings, it is, at least, feasible.
Uh, they didn't jump from a heli in the trailer...


New member
Aug 28, 2011
MinionJoe said:
trty00 said:
Are you actually going to hold it against the film if it's not scientifically accurate? That's hardly fair, don't you think?
America's first attempt at a Godzilla film was a travesty. Having a semi-competent technical or military adviser would have prevented the writer/director from firing Sidewinder air-to-air missiles at a ground target (nevermind that it was "cold-blooded") and mislabeling damn-near every single piece of real-world military hardware portrayed in the movie.

"Scientific accuracy" doesn't even figure into my gripe with the first film.

When this trailer portrayed HALO jumpers being dropped via helicopter, of course I'm going to verify that that's even a valid military tactic. From my findings, it is, at least, feasible.
i admire your willingness to do the additional research required to voice your complaint in a level-headed manner, but may i suggest you watch the first ~50 seconds of the trailer again? i am not trying to insult you, perhaps i get a different trailer than you, but from what i have seen, they jump from a military transport plane with 4 jet engines as one would expect, not from a helicopter.