Godzilla Trailer Stomps the Tubes

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Well, at least he looks more like Godzilla than that other movie did. So I guess that's a step in the right direction.

However, I was under the impression that this movie was going to be Godzilla FIGHTING ANOTHER MONSTER! Not the military again. Of course, this could be a clever re-direct and the unnamed monster is the one that's causing all the damage we saw. That would be rather smart, but I doubt that's the plan. Sigh...

That intro looks like it'd make a fun game though, or maybe a different movie all together.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
J Tyran said:
Never understood these movies at all, unless the skin of that thing is tougher than 60ft of toughest reinforced concrete man can make (which I doubt) why drop paratroopers on it instead of flying a B2 over and dropping a pair of GBU-57s on it? Even the kinetic energy should be enough to smash the thing to pieces, let along its 2.5 ton warhead. Even if it could survive one or two because of super healing powers or something it could never survive ten B2s dropping all twenty of those bombs the the US own being dropped on it.
something tells me that the paratroopers are not meant to land on Godzilla and punch him to death, my man... im sure we will learn what the purpose of the HALO jump was, once the movie comes out. there are plenty of possibilities, and the one you came up with is very unlikely to be accurate.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Elfgore said:
Looks alright. But I have one problem.

But as always they have to make humans important. I don't care about people! I want to see giant monsters killing each other and the military. I don't give a rat's ass about Joe Everyman and his wife Mary Sue and their misadventures.
You do realize the most liked (and original) of the Godzilla movies, was basically 80% Humans 20% Godzilla? CGI monster destroying stuff would get very boring very quickly if it was the majority of the time...
Mar 26, 2008
I'm pleasantly surprised. As someone who loved the original Godzilla 'King of the Monsters' rubber suited smackdowns I've been longing for a modern adaptation which treats him with respect. I can't get over the size of him in this movie! He's like a moving city block.

And did someone mention Frank fucking Darabont? That fills me with enormous confidence about this movie. Not only is it the guy who directed The Shawshank Redemption (and wants to direct The Dark Tower), but he also directed The Mist which featured a humongous walking quadripedal Cthlulu-looking thing at the end. Not to mention but that gut-renching ending to The Mist was pure Darabont. Even Stephen King admitted that if he rewrote the book he'd use the movie ending instead of his own.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Meanwhile, Stanley Kubrick is turning in his grave... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhwWAciO6F4]


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
Saw a lot of military human-focus which is something I generally hate in Godzilla movies. I just want the rubber-suit smackdowns! But the stuff done in Pacific Rim made me feel otherwise about the human-story-element in these types of films.
'Zilla of '98~99 was pretty hard letdown in terms of what Godzilla should have been like. The dude died to the one thing that the monsters all shared a seemingly immunity towards. I forget who said it (on this site, probably) is that it was more like a giant T-rex from Jurassic Park than Godzilla. I didn't hate the redesign he had mostly but all he did was play hide and seek.

The trailer makes me half worried about how much stupid people we'll see instead of monsters but Legendary studios does some pretty amazing movies and I was happy and excited to hear they picked up this movie. So far, everything seems to be hitting green lights with me. I intend to see the movie in theaters and hope for the best.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
90% of the comments completely miss the point of the original (and best) Godzilla movie which was an anecdote about the horrors of nuclear war from a country that experienced it firsthand, that's why Godzilla was such a cultural icon. Until movie execs ruined him by making him some weird Monster hero. Don't forget that the original movie's solution to Godzilla involved using another super weapon that could potentially destroy the world if released.

I'm looking forward to this movie so damn much. There's a lot of good people behind it; good actors like Bryan Cranston, a script by Frank Fucking Darabont the writer of some of my favorite movies, and it's being herald by someone who actually got the point of the original movie. That teaser released a couple of months ago showed the aftermath of his destruction, a bunch of dead bodies and a ruined, desolated wasteland of a city. Now that's a Godzilla movie.

My favorite scene in the original was Godzilla's romp through Tokyo not because Godzilla was wrecking shit but because it was such a creepy scene. The camera focused on people being crushed and burned alive, one shot in particular showed a mom comforting her kids, saying that they'll be seeing their dad soon as Godzilla crushes them. Even after Godzilla is done there are scenes in the hospital showing survivors being scanned with Geiger Counters after being exposed to the radiation equivalent of an Atom Bomb.

The original is a damn good film. Shame it wasn't watched by many.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
Godzilla hits the screens on May 16, 2014. DUH DUH-NUH-NUH!
Great. Now I have that stuck in my head. Thanks, Obama!

Unfortunately, very little of this trailer does anything for me. The lack of monster makes it look like boilerplate Hollywood, so really they could have cut out all but the five seconds of monster to give me the same effect.

luvd1 said:
I could make a cloverfield jibe, but that would be lazy, obvious and unoriginal..... Oh the irony.
I was gonna say...Not like it stopped THEM.

MinionJoe said:
America's first attempt at a Godzilla film was a travesty. Having a semi-competent technical or military adviser would have prevented the writer/director from firing Sidewinder air-to-air missiles at a ground target (nevermind that it was "cold-blooded") and mislabeling damn-near every single piece of real-world military hardware portrayed in the movie.
Having police advising didn't help CSI be any more accurate.

I mean, for the life of me I'm not sure why anyone would care in a giant monster movie, but I do think it's a touch niave to assume a military adviser would have any inherent effect on the movie. Hollywood is Hollywood. Sillier things happen in less silly movies.

Ix Rebound

New member
Jan 10, 2012
please,Please,PLEASE Warner Bros! Do not screw this up.
I want to relive my childhood of watching Godzilla movies over and over as he smashes up cities and fucks up the military!
I do not want to have my beloved Godzilla pushed to the side by Mr Generic White Soldier so he can have quite drama time with Mrs Generic White Wife.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
They can't use that score from Space Odyssey, it just reminds me of some of the greatest scenes ever, and makes this look inferior by comparison.

Have to say this trailer is better than most I see these days. Not revealing too much and introducing it from a different perspective is what I'd like to see more of.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Looks promising. It seems like they're giving it a much more serious vibe than than the previous American Godzilla movie. Hopefully they focus more on Godzilla being awesome in this one than retarded drama.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
J Tyran said:
Even Wolverine wouldn't be able to heal back up from being spread all over as chunky kibbles
Actually, wolverine has healed back to perfect health from being near-completely obliterated (read: all that was left was his completely unbreakable skeleton and one living cell). And he did it in seconds.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
SirBryghtside said:
The_Darkness said:
Someone help? That opening speech by the general about the HALO jump is reminding me of a similar speech, similar voice, possibly the same actor, from another movie. Does anyone have any idea what I'm thinking of? And who is the actor?

The line in my brain goes something like:

"Gentlemen, this is a high priority situation, you will give me your full attention please. At 0200 hours yesterday..."

And yes, I realise that's about as generic as movie speeches go. Which is probably why google isn't helping.

EDIT: Got it. Noah Vosen/David Strathairn in The Bourne Ultimatum, where the "high priority situation" is, well, Bourne. And since David Strathairn is credited to Godzilla 2014, it could well be him in that opening speech.


On topic... I'm cautiously optimistic. Very cautiously.
Yeah, that's definitely Straithairn. I'm saying this as one of the only Alphas fanboys in existence :p as soon as I heard his voice, I decided I kind of really wanted to see it just for him... I'm terrible.
That actually makes two of us (three Alphas fans if you count my mother :p). Although I've only seen the first series.

Yeah, I'll probably be giving Godzilla 2014 a watch - either on DVD, or in cinemas if the reviews are positive. At the very least, there are some decent actors in there, and the special effects look... I'm at a loss looking for a word other than 'epic'.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
OHHH come on. Godzilla is ment to be watched in Japanese and if there aren´t two guys in rubbersuits rolling around on the ground its not fun to watch in the first place. Godzilla stopped destroying Tokyo already in 1965 so why should he attack America now?
Besides the Trailer alone already looks rediculous, why are they jumping outside the plain with flares on their feed except to poisen the next one above them?


New member
Dec 7, 2009
CriticalMiss said:
I was interested in another attempt at a modern Godzilla flick but after seeing the trailer I'll probably just relegate it to 'watch on Netflix when there is nothing else to do'.
I think you ment this ;) I do not think I would pay to watch this.

OT: oh look a H.A.L.O. jump!....... With flares... damn it so close movie so close.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
What's with modern godzilla movies trying to hide godzilla in the shadows A) he is bigger then most buildings so not getting a good look at him is silly and B) WE ALL KNOW WHAT GODZILLA LOOKS LIKE!


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm remaining cautiously optimistic.

A lot of the things I've heard and the visuals shown in the teaser make me excited because it looks like a good adaptation of the source material.

And then I remember that the director was the one behind "Monsters" which was a 90 minute train wreck of ham handed social proselytizing and poor character development.

I'm not saying a modern Godzilla shouldn't address current issues in some capacity, there's an established history of that with the character and indeed in sci-fi in general. I'm just not convinced that Gareth Edwards has the restraint or tact to handle it correctly.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I really liked Monsters; and the trailer is impressive, plus it uses the Ligeti music from 2001: A Space Odyssey... so I'm in.