Titanfall Review - Mechs and the City

Jimothy Sterling

New member
Apr 18, 2011
Titanfall Review - Mechs and the City

It's not the "revolution" some say it is, but boy is it a thrill ride.

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~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
inb4 accusations of Xbox fanboyism for giving a good score to an Xbox game and how giving 4/5 stars = "a bad score".

Anyway, excellent review, Jimmy boy.

I would be playing it, but sadly, my sister owns the 360 now and I do not own an Xbone. I'm planning on picking it up for PC during the summer after I build my first PC. It should be quite enthralling. And when I'm playing on PC, I will get the benefit of higher framerate and higher fidelity. So that's always neat. Until then, I will be waiting for InFamous: Second Son to come out later this month. The PS4's been collection some good amount of dust lately.


New member
Feb 12, 2014
neonsword13-ops said:
I'm planning on picking it up for PC during the summer after I build my first PC. It should be quite enthralling. And when I'm playing on PC, I will get the benefit of higher framerate and higher fidelity. So that's always neat.
It is, enjoy:)

I'm not much for online shooters but I may give this one a try.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Pretty much in line with my own thoughts. Very fun and engaging, but more notable for everything it puts together in one extremely solid polished package than for anything it necessarily does that's totally unique. Maybe not revolutionary, but definitely evolutionary and I think other multiplayer competitive shooters are going to have a very hard time competing.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
From what I've seen, it looks like fun.

Sadly, the system requirements make my poor, outdated, long suffering stalwart of a PC curl up in a corner and cry.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
played it right after the countdown. had so far a blast after playing it for an hour. even when i kept loosing every round but i dint care. i just fun and thats what matters to me.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
I will say that this game does have my interests. I might actually consider making an Origin account to play this game because everything I've seen is interesting. This is coming from someone who doesn't generally like online multiplayer, or really multiplayer games at all really.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Good review, it does look like it won't disappoint.

Charcharo said:
Zhukov said:
From what I've seen, it looks like fun.

Sadly, the system requirements make my poor, outdated, long suffering stalwart of a PC curl up in a corner and cry.
It ran on my 5 year old system :p ... at medium-high settings

Maybe you can try it anyway, might actually work?
I was surprised how well my machine ran it in the beta, when I wasn't having connection and ping issues.

Just hope they get some servers up for us in NZ/AUS, lumping us in with southeast Asia connection wise is rough...


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I am legitimately interested now. The biggest problem I've had with CoD is the ever increasingly complicated maps. It almost seems like the maps are getting more and more "camper" friendly with every iteration. Gosh, I miss the days of CoD 4...


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Charcharo said:
Zhukov said:
From what I've seen, it looks like fun.

Sadly, the system requirements make my poor, outdated, long suffering stalwart of a PC curl up in a corner and cry.
It ran on my 5 year old system :p ... at medium-high settings

Maybe you can try it anyway, might actually work?

It says it requires the 64 bit version of windows.

I have 32 bit installed and I'm unable to upgrade because my DVD drive is broken.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Reminds me of Shadowrun. Me and a buddy were so pissed. $60 and no single player. There's just too many online shooters already for this to make me interested.

Let me know when PS4 gets its first Uncharted game.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Recommendation: Does punching a robot with your robot sound like a good time?
Yes, but the Pacific Rim fighting game sucked regardless.

Even if you list all the game's other qualities, it doesn't help the fact that it's online-only. In other words, something that amounts to a brick once the servers die off... or just flat-out die. Also, I have what's called a "life" wherein I need to pause regularly, so an online title that requires constant, undivided attention for extended periods is impractical and intrusive.

I'll admit that certain aspects do look somewhat enjoyable, but nothing that's worth $60 in my book.

The Great Fungus

New member
Dec 9, 2013
Zhukov said:
Charcharo said:
Zhukov said:
From what I've seen, it looks like fun.

Sadly, the system requirements make my poor, outdated, long suffering stalwart of a PC curl up in a corner and cry.
It ran on my 5 year old system :p ... at medium-high settings

Maybe you can try it anyway, might actually work?

It says it requires the 64 bit version of windows.

I have 32 bit installed and I'm unable to upgrade because my DVD drive is broken.
You don't need a DVD drive. You could make a bootable USB stick with the Windows ISO on it. Microsoft has released all the ISOs online. Just make sure you have a 64 bit compatible CPU and a valid 64 bit license.

Edit: I'd also like to add that I'm not aware of any reason why this method shouldn't work. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't one. While I know my way around a computer, I'm by no means an expert. I therefore suggest further research into the matter.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
The Great Fungus said:
Zhukov said:
Charcharo said:
Zhukov said:
From what I've seen, it looks like fun.

Sadly, the system requirements make my poor, outdated, long suffering stalwart of a PC curl up in a corner and cry.
It ran on my 5 year old system :p ... at medium-high settings

Maybe you can try it anyway, might actually work?

It says it requires the 64 bit version of windows.

I have 32 bit installed and I'm unable to upgrade because my DVD drive is broken.
You don't need a DVD drive. You could make a bootable USB stick with the Windows ISO on it. Microsoft has released all the ISOs online. Just make sure you have a 64 bit compatible CPU and a valid 64 bit license.

Edit: I'd also like to add that I'm not aware of any reason why this method shouldn't work. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't one. While I know my way around a computer, I'm by no means an expert. I therefore suggest further research into the matter.
Yeah, I've been looking into that. WIll probably give it a try.

Although knowing my luck with computers it will probably all end in tears and shards of molten motherboard.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Kimarous said:
Recommendation: Does punching a robot with your robot sound like a good time?
Yes, but the Pacific Rim fighting game sucked regardless.

Even if you list all the game's other qualities, it doesn't help the fact that it's online-only. In other words, something that amounts to a brick once the servers die off... or just flat-out die. Also, I have what's called a "life" wherein I need to pause regularly, so an online title that requires constant, undivided attention for extended periods is impractical and intrusive.

I'll admit that certain aspects do look somewhat enjoyable, but nothing that's worth $60 in my book.
Nice jab at people that play online games there. Real classy.

On topic!

I'm really sad about this honestly. I want to play the game because it looks like a ton of fun, but I refuse to support those douchebags Zampella and West. Though I guess at this point I'd only be supportin Zampella, but its hard to figure out which of the two was the bigger douchebag between them.

Maybe when its on some super reduced cost I'll snag it up, but even that feels a bit iffy considerin I'd still be giving money to Zampella in the end, even if its a fraction of what it would be at full price.


New member
Mar 1, 2013

Would be interested to find out if there's any tearing on the pc version - though I won't be getting it until the price goes way down.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Kimarous said:
Even if you list all the game's other qualities, it doesn't help the fact that it's online-only. In other words, something that amounts to a brick once the servers die off... or just flat-out die. Also, I have what's called a "life" wherein I need to pause regularly, so an online title that requires constant, undivided attention for extended periods is impractical and intrusive.

I'll admit that certain aspects do look somewhat enjoyable, but nothing that's worth $60 in my book.
Gorfias said:
Reminds me of Shadowrun. Me and a buddy were so pissed. $60 and no single player. There's just too many online shooters already for this to make me interested.

Let me know when PS4 gets its first Uncharted game.
I was just wondering. Do you two jump in to threads about inherently single player games and bemoan that there's no multiplayer?
Do you maybe subscribe to the idea that not every game (Second son for eg.) needs multiplayer? (and maybe frown when a publisher shoe-horns multiplayer in to a title that blatantly never needed it)

Do you go in to other multiplayer only games threads such as... dunno, Loadout, Planetside 2, Hearthstone, Guild Wars 2 etc. and bring up the same points?


I'm really glad I got to play the beta because that's actually when I was more-or-less sure I was going to buy this game and the reviews aren't pointing out any downsides yet.
Sure when the masses arrive (me amidst them) server might be shaky, but it all seems pretty smooth at the moment.

The Great Fungus

New member
Dec 9, 2013
Zhukov said:
The Great Fungus said:
Zhukov said:
Charcharo said:
Zhukov said:
From what I've seen, it looks like fun.

Sadly, the system requirements make my poor, outdated, long suffering stalwart of a PC curl up in a corner and cry.
It ran on my 5 year old system :p ... at medium-high settings

Maybe you can try it anyway, might actually work?

It says it requires the 64 bit version of windows.

I have 32 bit installed and I'm unable to upgrade because my DVD drive is broken.
You don't need a DVD drive. You could make a bootable USB stick with the Windows ISO on it. Microsoft has released all the ISOs online. Just make sure you have a 64 bit compatible CPU and a valid 64 bit license.

Edit: I'd also like to add that I'm not aware of any reason why this method shouldn't work. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't one. While I know my way around a computer, I'm by no means an expert. I therefore suggest further research into the matter.
Yeah, I've been looking into that. WIll probably give it a try.

Although knowing my luck with computers it will probably all end in tears and shards of molten motherboard.
Don't forget to check if your hardware is even able to handle newer Windows versions. Microsoft offers apps that let you see if your system can run Windows 7 or 8. I tried installing 8 on an ancient PC I still had lying around and wasn't able to get past the formatting. Should have checked it before I wrecked it.