Deus Ex: Human Revolution Live-Action Film Teaser Hits YouTube - Update

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Live-Action Film Teaser Hits YouTube - Update

I never asked for a Deus Ex: Human Revolution live-action film, but after watching this teaser I'm pretty happy that someone is making it.

Update: Creator Moe Charif says Eidos Montreal has done more than just tweet a link to the teaser. "Eidos is supporting the project and has been very helpful. Initially I started this project with Machinima, and then they came on board once we launched the initial teaser," he said. The film, which will run about 13 minutes in total, has taken about a year and a half from pre-production to post, "but we love what we do so it was lots of fun," he added.

Charif also said that he's a big fan of Square Enix games like Tomb Raider and Hitman, and gravitated toward Human Revolution because he loves the character of Adam Jensen and finds the game world "very plausible."

"Technology is moving so fast that you're starting to see incredible breakthroughs in the areas of human augmentation. Artificial limbs, for example, are a great proof of that. If you lose your leg, arm, whatever, there are now replacements that were not available 10-20 years ago," he said. "I honestly think 15 years from now the world is going to have some major breakthroughs in robotics that will make it possible for people to replace lost limbs or even enhance themselves."

Original Story:

It's not easy making a live-action film based on a video game and it's quite possible that Moe Charif's short film based on Deus Ex: Human Revolution will ultimately just add to the pile of "seemed like a good idea at the time." Until its full release later this month, however, we can enjoy this teaser and all the hope it offers, because oh my, it is good.

"Although the film doesn't follow the narrative of the game exactly, it remains true to the theme while focusing on the relationship between Adam Jensen, and his ex-girlfriend Megan Reed, a scientist hand picked by Serif Industries to head Cybernetic Augmentations," the YouTube page states. "The film also taps, even if briefly, into Adam's mind and the struggle he faces in accepting his new reality."

Yes, I like it, and I'm not the only one: Deus Ex: Human Revolution developer Eidos Montreal tweeted [] a link to the trailer on YouTube, calling it "a film made by our fans, for our fans." The full-length Human Revolution short film comes out on March 25.


Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Why is it that fan made films are always better than a huge, sprawling Hollywood adaptation?, this looks spot on (except for the fact that it doesn't have Elias Toufexis' sweet voice).

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
I like it too. Hopefully this will help the devs for the game realize they need to make another one!!! More Jensen, please!


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Okay, that was pretty damn awesome.

Not a bad Fedorova either since her actual design would be impossible for an actress to do without relying on CGI. Still, it's pretty close, and I'm really curious to see what else they can do with the rest of the story.


New member
Jul 19, 2013
SupahGamuh said:
Why is it that fan made films are always better than a huge, sprawling Hollywood adaptation?, this looks spot on (except for the fact that it doesn't have Elias Toufexis' sweet voice).
Simple, movies have always been a medium that's made for a wide audience. Sure, there will be the movie for a smaller, niche audience or they get lucky and make a hit out of a small budget movie, but movies need to appeal to widest amount of people to get all ze moniez!


New member
Feb 19, 2013
This looks interesting, but I do have a problem with how the film is showing Megan Reed. This relates to the final stages of the game though, so spoilers.

When you reach Megan Reed towards the final act of the game, you find that she's not being held entirely against her will. She doesn't appear to have been mistreated and is reluctant to leave when you reach her, explaining that she has access to a lot of resources and thinks she can make a difference with her research. I think showing her restrained and distressed - and naked, which just seems like pandering - undercuts a twist/plot point from the game. A change that would potentially make Reed an even more two-dimensional character than she already was for her little characterisation in Human Revolution by also casting her as a more typical 'damsel in distress'.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I hate these fan projects. They are either simply bad or incredibly pretentious. And they are always, always unnecessary because they just copy everything that was in the game exactly how it was. It's like watching let's play with prettier graphics. No substance whatsoever. Just special effects and action scenes. They're like shittier versions of Hollywood attempts.

Let's not pretend that this is good, OK?

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Mcoffey said:
I think I would have preferred it if they had gone with their own story, instead of streamlining the one from the game.
They should have taken some cues from the novel "Icarus Effect" if they didn't want to use the story from the game, Ben Saxon (An augmented ex SAS soldier and Belltower merc) was an interesting character and the novel set up some concepts and plot lines that would work well in a short film.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Some visuals look cool but Deus Ex is something that really would work well habing every piece being its own story inside the universe (even during diferent time periods) that touch the the same key themes and subjects. Like what HR was to the original Deus Ex, a new story set before the events of the first one without being something that could be called a prequel as it was in the end a self contained story.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Mcoffey said:
J Tyran said:
Mcoffey said:
I think I would have preferred it if they had gone with their own story, instead of streamlining the one from the game.
They should have taken some cues from the novel "Icarus Effect" if they didn't want to use the story from the game, Ben Saxon (An augmented ex SAS soldier and Belltower merc) was an interesting character and the novel set up some concepts and plot lines that would work well in a short film.
That was a good book! It did such a good job giving the Tyrants their own personalities, I was actually a little disappointed that so little of it was present in Human Revolution.
For a video game book it was pretty good, the characterisation of the Tyrants was interesting too. Like the way Namir really believed in the ideology behind his actions, was definitely a shame none of it carried across to the game.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
The "I'm such a badass" hero pose over the bloody bodies of guards with blades out made me roll my eyes.

Makes using a tazer pointless if you're just going to go full kill mode.


New member
Aug 1, 2012
SirBryghtside said:
It looks alright, but I can't ignore that Toufexis isn't in it :( plus if that girl strapped to the bed is supposed to be Megan, that's pretty damn different from the plot of the game. Ah well, it's fan made, it'll at least be fun to watch.
You can (briefly) see Megan standing behind Fedorova. The one strapped to the table is actually:

A girl from the Hyron proyect

OT: I'm interested. just recently I completed the Director's Cut, so I'm itching for more Deus Ex.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
I hate these fan projects. They are either simply bad or incredibly pretentious. And they are always, always unnecessary because they just copy everything that was in the game exactly how it was. It's like watching let's play with prettier graphics. No substance whatsoever. Just special effects and action scenes. They're like shittier versions of Hollywood attempts.

Let's not pretend that this is good, OK?
Could hardly have put it better myself.

It felt like their was nothing of any worth in this, no original ideas. Why not set it in the Deus Ex Universe, but throw a different spin on it. Something like a cop in Hengsha working an independent case against Belltower that runs parallel with the plot of the game and shows an outsider perspective on it? I mean, it's just something off the top of my head, but just taking some of the main cast, smashing them together, and then filming it does not make something worthy of praise.

I think the last and only one of these I actually appreciated was Part One of the Escape from City 17 videos. It might not have been the best acted, but at the very least it captured the feel of the game almost perfectly.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
"Robocop's not coming"

Really? They couldn't think of a better line? I admire the work they've doing but come on that was pretty lame.

Chaos Marine

New member
Feb 6, 2008
It was pretty well done. The thing which sucked me out of it however was the damsel in distress. Damn but the bad guy's make up team did some great work on her. Making sure your captive is as sexy as possible always the number one priority after making sure she's secured.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Yostbeef said:
"Robocop's not coming"

Really? They couldn't think of a better line? I admire the work they've doing but come on that was pretty lame.
Sounds like a line out of Deus Ex 1.

"Robocop's not coming"

Is a line that would not be 'as' terribly outdated at that time. And it wouldn't be more cheesy than some of the other stuff in the game.

'vending machine'