SirBryghtside said:
The legends are a tricky issue. The ones that are really 'overpowered' right now are Cairne, Ysera, Rag and a few of the class-specific (Jaraxxus being the most prominent) - but they're all only playable in late-game decks, which means they do nothing against aggro. It's pretty much the same dynamic as Magic: The Gathering has, where control decks set you back hundreds, sometimes even thousands, while there's always a 'Red Deck Wins' available in most formats for a relatively low price.
Though I feel like a lot of these issues with specific cards will be mitigated before long as more cards are added to the pool. In a couple of years, the Hearthstone community will find it pretty funny that a vanilla 4/5 was considered one of the best cards in the game.
Are rush and aggro decks the same thing?
Assuming they are, aren't they mostly lower-ladder stuff anyway?
The reason I bring it up, is that it seems far easier to get the cards you need/want through the dust system and the relatively small cardpool, so people will move on from their murloc decks pretty early (with the exception of a few class builds I guess).
I assume you're reffering to the Yeti with the 4/5. Isn't it mostly because it's effective against priests with it's 4 attack that it's considered good?